10 Seconds Technique to Detect a Narcissist

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Betrayal Trauma After Narcissistic Abuse:
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Betrayal Trauma After Narcissistic Abuse:


Pay attention to the way life feels so lonely with them...thats a telltale sign.


Also if you feel the need to defend yourself, or defend what you say~run!


My biggest red flag is, when you're on you're on your own you love yourself, and when you're with a narc you're insecure...you should never ever feel insecure when you're in love! That person doesn't deserve your love! Please run for the hills while you can and never look back!🙏


Sadly, there's no doubt in my mind that narcissism is now the norm in the society I live in (USA).


Tell them "No". Narcs have a viseral reaction to the word NO. Second best way is give them silence, while maintaining a lock on eye contact.


I live in a small town. There are a couple people in town, who, when they show up, everyone runs. These people are VERY nice, and seem harmless, but they are angling for something, either now or later, and those who have known them for a while, don't mess with them any more. They run. They can't put their finger on it, but I think they are covert narcissists.


Also praise someone else in front of the narcissist and see what happens 😅


The stare is a big sign! It feels creepy...like it makes your skin crawl. That's the best way I can describe it.


Huge blowout with my narc tonight. He tried every possible narc tactic including SCREAMING that my only sister who's been dead for TWENTY years hated me..and her at the time 2 & 4 year old babies hate me too. I just laughed and said "you have no idea what my relationship was with my sister. She actually tried to warn me against marrying a weak man like you".


I was married to a narc. We bought a home, and in the living room we had a stereo system, which my husband owned remarriage. The tape deck died and you couldn't buy them any more. I remembered I had one and while he was at work I bought it out and wired it in as a surprise for him. He was furious. He told me I was not 'allowed' to have that in the living room. It was not to stay there. I knew if I kept it there, he would break it as he had done so many of my things. I am so glad to be divorced. And guess what I have in my living tape deck!!


How to lose a narcissist in 10 seconds or less: Act completely indifferent and apathetic to anything they say or do. They feed off your emotions. "You're so emotional! You don't even care at all do you?! Why are you so angry?! You never loved me! I don't have time for your feelings! You think you've got problems?! You're not listening to me! Everything is always all about you, what about me?! You don't even care how I'm feeling! I need to get some sleep! I don't have time for this right now! You're so sensitive! You're not fun anymore! Please stop harassing me leave me alone, you're crazy! You tricked me! You're nothing like the person I first met! You're fake! You're a liar! You don't know what love is!"

It's all bait. All of it.


and then survivors are called indecisive when they just feel pressured into doing something that is only an advantage to the narc and not for themselves


Regardless of all the personality traits and meta communication..
The greatest indicator that you have while communicating with a narcissist is your own body..
Trust it..


The fact that narcissists overly play being "nice, kind and helpful" is to bait you. They're awkwardly invasive wanting to know everything about you to use it against you later. Everything they do has an agenda. "Think the worst and you'll be certain" always works with them. Never trust them but your own self. Thank you, Danish 🙏🏻


The narcissist definitely acts possessed, like a demon


Conclusion:there is no love at first sight...


After surviving a 43-year relationship with a narcissist before, I finally Left, after two children, and a lifetime of pain and suffering, I really wish this was stuff that was taught in high school. I wish there were classes for young people, not just relying on friends, family, whatever. If there were relationship classes, it would help to alleviate so many miserable relationships. If my kids were younger and unmarried, I would shut them down and make them watch, read, learn about red flags for narcissism, trauma, bonding, all of the things to look out for so that they could be happy in their relationships.


Turn around quickly and catch them in a jealous sneer.🤨


This explains why I avoid being the centre of attention. That predatory gaze is unsettling
