Board of Education Meeting of September 17, 2024

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Call to Order
A. Roll Call
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Revision to Agenda Order

Public Communications: As the second meeting of the month, comments from the public are welcome
on agenda items only. (The first BOE meeting of the month welcomes public comments on both agenda
and non-agenda items.) Board members do not respond to comments. (3 minutes per individual)
Non-Staff Communications and Report
1. Reports from Student Board Representatives

IV. Unfinished Business
V. New Business
A. Motion by Lorna Thomas-Farquharson, Gayle Harris, and Jason Gagnon to Accept Revised and New Policies — First Reading Recommendation: THAT the Board of Education accept as a First Reading the following revised
Title IX policies which were reviewed by the Board Policy Subcommittee:
Personnel, Series 4000:
4011—Prohibition of Sex Discrimination
Students, Series 5000:
5691—Prohibition of Sex Discrimination

VI. Staff Communications and Reports
A. Superintendent’s Report
B. Staff Reports and Board Discussions
1. Safety and Security Update
Background: Dr. Andrew Morrow and Mr. Eric Dency will report.

2. Personnel Actions
Background: Mr. Julio Duarte will report

VII. Routine Matters
A. Approval of the Minutes
1. Approval of the Minutes from the September 3, 2024 Regular Board of Education meeting
Recommendation: THAT the Board of Education approve the minutes of the Regular Board of
Education meeting of September 3, 2024

VIII. Information and Reports
A. Board Members: Communications and Reports
1. Reports from Other Boards and Organizations
2. Other Information and Discussions
IX. Future Business
A. Announcement of Future Meeting Dates
1. Tuesday, October 1, 2024, Town Hall, 50 South Main Street, room 314, Legislative Chamber,
7:00 p.m.
2. Tuesday, October 15, 2024, Town Hall, 50 South Main Street, room 314, Legislative Chamber,
7:00 p.m.
3. Wednesday, November 6, 2024, Town Hall, 50 South Main Street, room 314, Legislative
Chamber, 7:00 p.m.
4. Tuesday, November 19, 2024, Town Hall, 50 South Main Street, room 314, Legislative
Chamber, 7:00 p.m.
B. Request for Future Agenda Items
X. Comments from Visitors – 3 minutes per individual, 21 minutes per subject matter
XI. Executive Session
XII. Adjournment
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