VMWare Workstation Communications | VMWare Virtual Network Editor

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An in-depth look into VMWare Workstation Network Communications with time stamps.

VMware Workstation networking communications are often a point that slows down PLC programming due to having communications connections so I made this video to clear up how VMware Workstation network adaptors work.

To give a solid understanding to empower you to make your career easier.

0:00 VMware WorkStation Intro
0:24 Virtual Machine Settings
1:00 Adding a Network Adaptor in VMware Workstation
3:00 Deleting the new Network Adaptor
3:50 RSlinx communications with VMware Workstation
4:50 Finding networks adaptors
6:00 VMware Workstation Virtual Network Editor
7:20 Change Settings in Virtual Network Editor
7:30 Editing the Virtual Network Editor on the Host Computer
10:20 Host Computer Set to DHCP
11:00 Private IP addresses on the Virtual Computer
17:20 Looking at Virtual computer not currently running
18:23 Testing the VM network adaptor for RSlinx Classic
20:04 Recommended videos for you

I hope it helped.

Thank you for watching the video.

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Vey detailed and advanced video. Thanks!


Hi! What could I use as Ethernet Adapter aside from Killer Gigabit Ethernet Controller? Every options in my network adapter when installing it using legacy hardware are "not working properly"


I had follow this tutorial to try to get a RS Linx comunication. I had no problem with Wireless-Internet access. but with the ethernet local network I can not manage to VM to detect the configured static IP address. When I try to chose my ethernet network with static IP adress it show a NIC with a random different IP address. Any chance you can tell what I am doing wrong?


SO say I was adding to virtual machines on a computer and had two different users that would be connected to there VM via a programs like TeamViewer or splash top? so how would would you setup the network in the editor so they both can connect without a delay, if I just bridge it they will be slow connections?


Hi Shane, can you pls make a video on how to make a Windows 10 vm with necessary plc softwares? I have always been given a VM (in zip format) that I run with vm player. It would be nice if I can create one for someone else who is starting to learn PLC. Nothing fancy, if you can show how to create windows 10 virtual machine that has RSLogix 500, RSLogix 500 Emulate, and RSLinx (all free versions: RsLogix Micro Starter), that will help a lot. Thank you!


Virtual Network Editing option is not there on the new VMWare for windows 10
