SHOPPING ADDICTION | how to stop for good

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Influencers are just glorified advertisers!! You are a valuable content creator xx


seriously, there's always so much to WANT. mastering the resistance of this impulse is a major factor in finding inner peace.


"It costs $0 to be grateful for what you already have" - unknown 🤔🌻☀️❤️


What a breath of fresh air... someone not trying to convince us to buy something. Thank you 🙏 ❤️❤️❤️


You are the good kind of influencer! Influencing/Reminding people to save money and not be wasteful. A very important message as our earth get overflowed with trash and junks!


Hi Kyra! I use to be addicted to spending money at the dollar store cuz everything was so cheap! But in the back of my mind, I knew my parents were very frugal with money and I didn’t make any money myself yet because I was too young so it felt wrong to spend my tiny allowance on useless items. I stopped shopping quickly and focused on school. Now, I’m 21 attending college and working part time to make income to support myself, but still living with my parents. I’m just glad I never spent huge $$$ on actual things outside of the dollar store 😂.


Another tip that works for me is only to take a certain amount of cash with me on a day I’m just out and about browsing or out with friends. Like I will just take 25 dollars and leave all my cards at home. I can still look around and enjoy just browsing. Sometimes I will forget; grab a bunch of stuff; head to the register and then I’m like “ oh I have no money!” It has saved me from buying so much unnecessary stuff.


Thankyou, Kyra. I've had a shopping addiction since age 15, I'm now 41. I am insecure about the way I look, and I shop for every mood I'm in. I'm really low funded, and this is a major problem. I get help with food and stuff from my parents. My parents are 70. I am trying so desperately to stop trying to be anyone other than me, and I need to stop this crap. I've wanted to for years. I've cried myself to sleep. This nation is having inflation, food medication and water are more important than clothes. Thanks for the advice.
Shirley and Skittles the cat 🐈


You have no idea how much your advice has helped me with not over spending. I still have a lot to work on but I am so much better than I was even a year ago! I hope milo is doing well too


Yes! I have kicked my shopping addiction for good. It feels great! Thank you Kyra for another amazing video.
Much love to Milo 🐱💕🐱💕🐱💕🐱


You ARE an influencer because you INFLUENCE me to do better ❤😊


Kyra I also kicked my shopping addiction. When I was in my early 20’s I used to buy things because I was bored or lonely. Now I don’t have apps on my phone, don’t hang out at the mall, don’t even browse online and it has helped save so much money.


I love how you tie discipline into your spending habits and how it all goes around to all your habits


Yes, be aware of the automatic payments! Auto shipments, monthly/yearly subscription to a service that you don’t need.


I remember back in like 2015-2016, I had a bad shopping addiction where I would shop when I’m feeling down (all the time lol). I even maxed out one of my credit cards!! 😣 Thanks to you Kyra, I’ve managed to learned how to control it!


I love your videos about minimalism! You’re such an inspiration to anyone on a minimalism journey


These are great tips! It’s not easy to go through all the changes but it’s well worth it.


When we think influencer, we think negative. But if you are influencing others to do a positive thing in their lives, you are a good influencer. We choose who to follow and therefore who will influence us. Thank you for your content and helping others to be influenced in a positive way.


All great tips! I will just add one more thing, shopping is definitely a habit, and the easiest way is to replace that habit with another. I have found that going to the grocery store multiple times a week (buying less each time) does the trick for me - I still got to look for bargains and feel like I shopped without having to waste money on non-essentials. Usually I would feel "shopped out" and no longer want to keep browsing on Amazon.


After decluttering I was more mindfull about what I brought into my house. Because my husband (then still boyfriend) wanted to move in. I decluttered a room full of stuff (the smallest room in the house), and I don't want to do such a big decluttering again for years to come. Now I declutter more often and it's not that big project anymore. My husband doesn't mind to much clutter, but we talked about it and made some rules.

I hope my baby twins are nice and tidy when they get older😜
