Funny Literal Translations Of Icelandic Words 😂
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Icelandic is supposed to be one of the hardest languages in the world. I deconstruct Icelandic compound words and illustrate them.Many of these words are very literal, yet somehow poetic at the same time. Other times they can be rather random and a little humorous!
0:00 - Intro
0:00:12 - Zoo (Dragarur) = Animal + Garden
0:00:21 - Nice Weather To Look At Through The Window (Gluggaveur) = Window + Weather
0:00:30 - Bra (Brjstahld) = Breast + To Hold
0:00:39 - Skeleton (Beinagrind) = Bone + Frame/structure
0:00:48 - Idea (Hugmynd) = Mind + Picture
0:00:57 - In Love (stfanginn) = Love + Captured
0:01:06 - Aquarium (Fiskabr) = Fish + Cage
0:01:15 - Earring (Eyrnalokkur) = Ear + Curl
0:01:24 - Lightbulb (Ljsapera) = Light + Pear
0:01:33 - Honey Bee (Hunangsfluga) = Honey + Fly
0:01:42 - Chickpeas (Kjklingabaunir) = Chicken + Beans
0:01:51 - Echo (Bergmal) = Rock + Language
0:02:00 - Handshake (Handaband) = Hand + String/yarn
0:02:09 - Constellation (Stjrnumerki) = Star + Sign
0:02:18 - Midwife (Ljsmir) = Light + Mother
0:02:27 - Rocket (Eldflaug) = Fire + To Fly
0:02:36 - Cookie (Smkaka) = Small + Cake
0:02:45 - Cell Phone (Farsmi) = To Go + Telephone
0:02:54 - Graffiti (Veggjakrot) = Wall + Scribble
0:03:03 - Dinner (Kvldmat) = Evening + Food
0:03:12 - Breakfast Cereal (Morgunkorn) = Morning + Grain
0:03:21 - Journalist (Blaamaur) = Page/newspaper + Man
0:03:30 - Wedding (Brkaup) = Bride + To Buy
0:03:39 - Omelet (Eggjakaka) = Egg + Cake
0:03:48 - Eggplant (Eggaldin) = Egg + Fruit
0:03:57 - Cafe (Kaffihs) = Coffee + House
0:04:06 - Panorama Or Openmindedness (Vsni) = Wide + View
0:04:15 - Pancake (Pnnukaka) = Pan + Cake
0:04:24 - Toothpaste (Tannkrem) = Tooth + Cream
0:04:33 - Arm (Handleggur) = Hand + Leg
-= 🤩 MUSIC =-
-= 😗 ABOUT Your Bunny Is Funny =-
Hi, thanks for watching my video. I find the most interesting and funny pictures and stories, and present them to you in form of slideshows. Hope your mood got better after watching one of my videos, have a great day!
0:00 - Intro
0:00:12 - Zoo (Dragarur) = Animal + Garden
0:00:21 - Nice Weather To Look At Through The Window (Gluggaveur) = Window + Weather
0:00:30 - Bra (Brjstahld) = Breast + To Hold
0:00:39 - Skeleton (Beinagrind) = Bone + Frame/structure
0:00:48 - Idea (Hugmynd) = Mind + Picture
0:00:57 - In Love (stfanginn) = Love + Captured
0:01:06 - Aquarium (Fiskabr) = Fish + Cage
0:01:15 - Earring (Eyrnalokkur) = Ear + Curl
0:01:24 - Lightbulb (Ljsapera) = Light + Pear
0:01:33 - Honey Bee (Hunangsfluga) = Honey + Fly
0:01:42 - Chickpeas (Kjklingabaunir) = Chicken + Beans
0:01:51 - Echo (Bergmal) = Rock + Language
0:02:00 - Handshake (Handaband) = Hand + String/yarn
0:02:09 - Constellation (Stjrnumerki) = Star + Sign
0:02:18 - Midwife (Ljsmir) = Light + Mother
0:02:27 - Rocket (Eldflaug) = Fire + To Fly
0:02:36 - Cookie (Smkaka) = Small + Cake
0:02:45 - Cell Phone (Farsmi) = To Go + Telephone
0:02:54 - Graffiti (Veggjakrot) = Wall + Scribble
0:03:03 - Dinner (Kvldmat) = Evening + Food
0:03:12 - Breakfast Cereal (Morgunkorn) = Morning + Grain
0:03:21 - Journalist (Blaamaur) = Page/newspaper + Man
0:03:30 - Wedding (Brkaup) = Bride + To Buy
0:03:39 - Omelet (Eggjakaka) = Egg + Cake
0:03:48 - Eggplant (Eggaldin) = Egg + Fruit
0:03:57 - Cafe (Kaffihs) = Coffee + House
0:04:06 - Panorama Or Openmindedness (Vsni) = Wide + View
0:04:15 - Pancake (Pnnukaka) = Pan + Cake
0:04:24 - Toothpaste (Tannkrem) = Tooth + Cream
0:04:33 - Arm (Handleggur) = Hand + Leg
-= 🤩 MUSIC =-
-= 😗 ABOUT Your Bunny Is Funny =-
Hi, thanks for watching my video. I find the most interesting and funny pictures and stories, and present them to you in form of slideshows. Hope your mood got better after watching one of my videos, have a great day!