Midjourney V5.2 Guide (Zoom Out and Dozens of Backgrounds with a Consistent Character in Minutes).

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Welcome to my video where I will tell you an interesting prompts you can use with Midjourney V5.2. Here we will explore such parameters as Zoom Out and Custom Zoom Out. At the same way I will show you how you can change a background for your consistent charachter with a Cutom Zoom Out feature.

So stay tuned and you will figure out everything in detail!

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Hello, my name is Kostiantyn Luchshev and I'm an entrepreneur, low-content books creator, and the author of the channel "Kostiantyn Luchshev". I have made more than 400 books on Amazon KDP and have already made more than 10000 dollars as a side hustle. I created this channel to share with everyone my own experience and help people, who trying to find their own way in online business.

#MidjourneyV5.2 #Midjourney #Version5.2 #ZoomOut #CustomZoom #MidjourneyUpdate #Tutorial #InfiniteZoomEffect #FrameInterpolation #ConsistentCharacters #ZoomOut #Discord #VariationsMode #StylizeCommand #TurboMode #Promptengineering
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Where I will show you more about NIJI 5 feature.

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Nice! Is this everything Midjourney V5.2 has or there are something more?


Sure it is useful, kindly do it again without consistency ( I mean to be for general images) so we could see how to transfer our designs to the next level ❤.
