The Unseen Consequences of a Car Accident - Mental Trauma

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Have you been in a car accident? Sometimes our friends, relatives, loved ones just don't understand the toll that it takes on our bodies. Send this to them so they can better understand what is happening to you! Your mental trauma is real and the ones closest to you are your support system. Help them help you!
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I’m upset that this video doesn’t have more interaction. I was in a car accident three days ago exactly how you explained. I was delivering food for my job, my light turned green, I was making a left and he just ran straight into. The car was totaled and it was my boyfriends, I hit another car but she took off. I’m physically okay just minor scratches and a big ole bruise from the airbag and seat belt. But the emotional stress and ptsd is really bad. Everyone keeps telling me I’m okay because I’m alive which I clearly know but I’m still shaken and scared and anxious. I’m not sure how to describe the feeling. Thank you for this, very reassuring and helpful.


I'm glad this video talks about the mental aspects of a car accident. And what makes the situation worse is all the institutions involved re-victimize the innocent driver: the auto insurance company, the health insurance company, the court system. There is no help and no justice to be found with any of these. One gets a first-hand look at an extremely flawed justice system that allows drivers to ruin people's lives and property with impunity. One learns that all that is important for the auto insurance company is the bottom line, and how utterly false all those commercials are: You're in good hands with Allstate. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. All ridiculous. All total lies. And one learns that one's health insurance is working on behalf of the auto insurance company to deny you access to medical care even though they don't want to be bothered to go after the auto insurance company for money. I had to do so much rapid reading and learning to deal poorly with all these institutions. It consumed so much of my time, I had trouble doing my job and got behind on my work. Moreover, my accident taught me that I only have a small support system. I was thankful for the few people who initially listened to me, but it was clear they soon got tired of my constant focus on all the problems I was experiencing with insurance and courts. I was initially afraid to drive, but I had to, so I eventually got over my fear. But when I first saw the movie Rememory not long after the accident, a movie focused on a fatal car accident the main character has, I viscerally experienced the car crash scene in the movie, even though my accident was not as serious. I could not understand how all the drivers around me could drive so recklessly, so impulsively. How could they blind themselves to the serious potential consequences of their rash actions? It has been over three months, but I am still trying to get my health insurance straightened out, even though the auto insurance achieved their goal of keeping me from the doctor, and I only went to one appointment when the pain was so bad, and I got frightened. It was a waste of my time and money and has since caused me all kinds of problems. I learned nothing from the appointment and should have listened to my inner voice not to go. I refused addition treatment, and I'm glad I did, or I'd be burdened with large bills I'd have trouble paying. Currently, I may have an infected toe (not from the accident) that I'm unable to seek medical treatment for because the auto insurance company has highjacked my health insurance and my primary health insurance is calling themselves secondary on all my claims. Thanks again for this video. This is the first I've seen anyone mention this topic.


thank you. i was in a very small accident but it really shook me up. very happy to see such understanding professionals


More people need to see this! I feel like if I share it to friends, they will think I'm looking for attention


Just got hit badly the other day and I've never been this depressed in my life. All I can do is pray and to go to my appointments


2 days ago I caused a car accident. It was my fault. Wasn’t paying close enough attention and I made an impulsive decision at an intersection that wrecked the $13k car my mom bought me after only 4 months of having it. I feel extraordinarily guilty and ashamed. I’m going to start seeing a therapist, but I’m really worried that she won’t be able to help. I made a huge mistake at the expense of my mother who has already don’t countless things for me.


true. I don't sleep at night even after two years. I pray for death daily. I have relived my accident every single day. I pretend to the world I am okay but I am slipping away daily. I cry everyday before I have to go to work, because I have to drive. I am 100% sure now that I am going to die in an accident so I freeze up at the thought of driving to go ANYWHERE. The day I had my surgery I prayed not to wake up from it. I cannot tell anyone how much mistakes that I make at work and then I have to buy money orders for monies that I collected short on a file so my boss does not find out. I cannot concentrate at work. I am at the ledge and I can feel myself slipping daily. I function in Public but at night and when I am in the bathroom I sit and cry begging God to take me from the torment that I am living.


I had a two wheeler accident a month ago. Just finished my studies and internship and landed my first job the 1st month itself. On the way to my first job, My two wheeler slipped and crashed although i didn't hit anyone but i sustained fractures in my shoulder and foot both of the same side. I'm a weight llifter and an athlete but knowing i might never be able to lift again or run again scares me and i hate being stagnant in this immobilization period and watching the world carry on without me being a part of it anymore. Everytime I'm in the car on the road the traumatic events of what caused all this flashes back into my memory and it hurts that i could've done things differently to avoid what happened. That's when i realize i might be having PTSD


Thank you thank you thank you thank you


Thank you so much for getting this information out there because as is said in other comments this is not something people often taken to consideration it's usually only about the loss of the car and makes things way worse when there's somebody injured other than yourself or more than injured and it's traumatic and more people need this information so thank you


I am really afraid to travel after the car accident, how can I cope with this situation?


I got into a small car accident yesterday. No one got injured thankfully, the other driver was nice too and we resolved the problems but I can't help but feel awful and scared.
I'm constantly overthinking abt how things happened, what could have I done to prevent the accident from happening and so on...
Right now I don't rlly want to drive anymore which makes me sad too cuz it was a big dream of mine
Everyone around me including the other driver from the accident told me that I shouldn't give up on driving, that this was a minor car crash and it's not a big deal but I tend to overthink and just wonder what if it happens again someday and its more severe.
Because in my situation I did what I could, I stopped, looked if there r other cars, there were none and I proceeded to enter the roundabout and suddenly I see a car next to me, the next moment it was in front of me and I crashed into the side doors.
It wasn't a strong crash, the damages aren't big either but I feel awful nd can't stop thinking what did I do wrong and why did this have to happen.
My mom was in the car w me when this happened and she too said there were no cars when i entered the roundabout although others who werent there just tell me that i shouldn't lie and admit that i didnt look before i entered and that there was in fact a car. But thats exactly what happened, it was empty and suddenly a car appeared next to me, it was surreal


Had the entire left side of my face pulverized in my jeep wreck. I developed high anxiety, agitation, and forgetfulness.. It's changed my interactions drastically and people keep telling me there's nothing wrong with me or I should get over it. Seeing this gives me some relief knowing it's not just in my head...


I can’t make this up, this video was for me . Was in a accident yesterday I’m very sore and feel as if I have a concussion. Usually don’t share with others ….


in july last year i totalled my only vehicle i had in a drug psychosis and no one will ever understand the mental battle i went thru and what i seen in the hospital


I think I’ve finally found the root cause of some of my issues
I was in a bad street racing accident when I flew off the road doing over 120mph, I survived, I’m walking and got out very quickly
But something triggered me, and it’s like it happened I guess what I’m saying can this cause PTSD ?


Getting in a car crash is no joke take care and make sure to get checked if u had any type of head trauma not just from a car accident.


I was in a car accident without a searbelt and left without a scratch, it was the day of my birthday (it was today). It was my sister that drove into it, she wanted to drive me to basketball practice and then it happened


I'm in my early teens and I was in a minor car accident as a front seat passenger two weeks ago
I trust my parents and even my grandmother who was the one driving when we got into the accident
But I no longer want to sit in the front anymore because I feel unsafe, like we're going to go BOOM! Into a car again as soon as we hit the road
It really does feel like my world got turned upside down
Like that invincibility I used to feel is just gone
(No one got hurt besides the minor bruise I got from the seatbelt and airbag)


I got looked at sideways by my in laws because I wouldnt get into a the car without a working seatbelt.

They really dont understand what its like finding your driver in the bushes 30 feet away from the car.

I dont care if im not the one sitting in the seat.. That person automatically becomes a missile hazard.
