The M1 Macbook Pro (From a Linux users perspective)

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I have the new Macbook Pro with the M1 CPU in the studio, and I decided to make a video to give you guys my thoughts on it. This is not a super-detailed review, as Mac isn't my platform of choice. Since my primary OS is Linux, I thought it might make for an interesting video.

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#Linux #M1 #MacReview
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It was a RISC indeed buying one of the M1 MacBooks.


The speed to power usage ratio is the amazing part about the M1.


I think it's a bit disingenuous to say that macOS has "rough edges" compared to Linux. As a Linux user myself, the big, big advantage of Macs is that Macs have far superior stability and far less bugginess than Linux. For software development work, this means that one gets most of the advantages of having a Unix-like system, but also the stability of a mass-market commercial operating system with the development power of a billion dollar company. There's a reason why Macs are overrepresented in software engineering.

I love Linux, but I have to dig into stackoverflow threads for arcane console-based fixes to things that should be working or implemented out-of-the-box way more with Linux than I ever have to with Windows or Mac. Sometimes it's just exhausting to go down the Google rabbit hole for the 4th time this week because your last hack-y fix meant that your video card stopped working or whatever.


I'd like to see a review of Linux in VMs on the M1 when the host software is available.


Great video and good idea to see what other (proprietary) companies are doing with their OS and/or hardware.
I am a Linux user myself and never used any apple equipment or software, but still interesting.
Thank you.


This guy is totally unbiased and even admits past mistakes he made on Twitter. This guys is a gem on Youtube.


Linus Torvalds has declared his love for the Mac M1 hardware. And he's got a version of Linux running on it.


There is a Macbook in front of you..
2020 hits us all in some way, I guess ;)


Jay: I'm willing to let that go.

Me: Dude has a great willing power.


The auto swooosh thingy you spoke about, I never knew that existed until today being a mac user for 10+ years I've never seen such a thing happen.


Drag a window to the create workspace button.


I am linux user and I love all the linux distros. They all have something unique. But unfortunately, after 5 years of using linux instead of windows, I tried m1 MacBook air. And Its my no1 pc I am using.


Apple is on the cutting edge with the M1 and it will put pressure on AMD and especially Intel to up their game. With the ARM chip now fully in the mainstream of computing, this will certainly help to further develop the Raspberry Pi and those developing for the RISC platform. My hope is that eventually, we will see more powerful ARM and RISC chips being used in the Pinebook and System 76 computers with Linux running natively.

With respect to your experience, it was interesting to get a more sober assessment of the M1. From my reading and viewing the main commentary has been about how blazingly fast the M1 is compared to AMD or Intel machines. From all the reports I have seen everyone is gushing over the M1 Macs and almost no one has found any flaws. I appreciated your views here and I look forward to a time when we start to get the benefit of more powerful alternative chips that run Linux.


I switched from an Ubuntu client to a MacBook Pro and have never looked back


Nice with your input on the M1 powered MacBooks. However, I don’t really think your “how fast does it fell” comparison does the chip justice. If you have a decent computer with an SSD then, OS aside, they will all feel pretty snappy. But the M1 chip clearly beats a vast majority of Intel chips on different heavy workload tasks like encoding or compiling. Also: Please consider doing a follow up video with using the terminal and getting the best of both MacOS and Linux. Would love to see that.


You’re missing a lot of the power of the new M1 because you aren’t doing much with the computer. When you see that the $999 MacBook Air renders freaking 4K video faster than my i9 desktop with 64GB of RAM, It starts to hit you. Macs are much more general purpose than Linux. Yes you can use Linux for anything, but few people do. I use Linux for servers and security. I use Macs for that as well as everything else. In fact, on my MacBook Pro 16, with 64GB RAM, 4TB ssd and i9 8-core, run macOS, Windows, and Linux all simultaneously. I have the other two operating systems in virtual machines.

The new Apple chips are stupid sick fast and they are first generation. Complete industry gAme changers, AMD has already started working on a similar ARM architecture chip of their own. It will be interesting to see how Intel responds.


This is a review that has zero apple fanboyism. I freaking love it. Some "Linux channels" are drooling over this laptop and barely mention any cons.


> dynamic workspaces from gnome is just amazing
if you are so excited about gnome's window management "high quality features", then i3wm will literally knocks you.
From perspective i can't imagine how i could be efficent while working on non-tiling wm, spending 90% of time switching active windows instead of just focusing on what should be done.


My only surprise here is that the power plug is connected to the Macbook. You don’t need to clinge to the charger with the Macbook Pro like on the Intel models. Charge it up like an iPad, disconnect and enjoy a wireless experience for up to 20 hours or so. Except maybe not 20 hours with intense file syncing going on for an extensive time 🙂


Never understood the bezel thing. Who cares. Was never a factor for any of my buying decisions.
