2016 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren Tay Wen Jie

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2016 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren Tay Wen Jie, District 80.
Highlights of winning speech, titled “Outsmart; Outlast”.
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With this recommendation I just found out there is a World Champion for this.


Darren ... Tay... Outsmart.. Outlast. Darren.. Outsmart... Outlast... Darren. Tay.


darren tay. outsmart, outlast. darren. outsmart, outlast. darren tay.

beautiful words by a beautiful man


For all those who's saying that he doesn't deserve the spot. You see, I also am a public speaker in school. It is quite hard to give PROPER pronounciation. He has near to perfect intonations and characteristic of each character. He also have near to perfect pauses. I actually admire how he does his speaking.


By watching this video, there's a lot of things that i think is interesting. This speaker using a lot of non-verbal cues to make his speech fun and attractive. For examples, his eye contact. Before start his speech, he makes eye contact with the audience first to grab their attention to listen what he's going to say. After a few seconds, he was sure that all the audiences focusing on him, he started his speech. Then, his hands gestures. He makes a different kind of hands gestures for each word that we should listen. Such as, when he was talking about ways to get out from inner bullies. He shows different way or different points with different gestures to show the differences. Then, his facial expression. He shows different expressions with emotions that suit with what he told us. This can be seen when he jokes about how clean Greg's underwear. People know it's a joke by looking at his expressions that seems sarcastic. His body languange also something that we should apply when we do presentation or public speaking. He was standing up straight to show how confident he is about what he want to tell us. Eventhough, he wear underwear while telling us this. Something like showing us how serious inner bullies to us eventhough people would thought it is not a serious matters. Other that that, i think his pace is depends on what he is going to say. It fast when he's telling us jokes and slow and one by one when he's telling us about the main points. We should take this as an example when we're doing our talk or presentation. This is one of ways to grab audiences attention and make sure our points is delivered successfully.



Obviously there must be a reason why this speech was chosen as the best. In our view, his start and end of the speech were quite phenomenal. Sporting an underwear on stage like a superman to start his speech and getting the audience to conclude with him was quite engaging. Speakers are trying different things


A problem I find with many (not all) toast master talks is that they often sound contrived, unnatural, not genuine or emotionally manipulative. The speakers seem to be focusing on themselves- on impressing the audience with their skills rather than on connecting. And they seem like they are trying to be someone else- their idealized version of a public speaker. But what they imitated was form, not substance. There are shy speakers who act awkwardly on stage, but still deliver heart-felt speeches because authenticity is most charming and captivating. Personally, I much prefer the styles of delivery of story tellers in the Moth (though that is a slightly different form of public speaking. )


We need the full speech, TI. Respect the integrity of his content.


You just changed my life. My greatest bully was myself. I dont want to watch myself in the video to see my mistakes. Now I have to face it.


That Malaysian/Singaporean accent gives me goosebumps lah!


Be honest, you didnt search for this.


Good evening everyone, first of all I would like to congrats Daren Tay for the spectacular speech he gave. For me who once used to get bullied totally agree with the statement he gave. The reasons we're being bullied because of our weak appearances. But never forget that even the weak can fight the strong. The only thing you have to do is having the courage to say what's right and confidence to stand up right. Even if they beat you up to your knees, you have to stand up again and again to show them that you can stand firm and believe you are not easy to get bullied.


Hi there, i found that he really did a great job to stand up about bullies. The way he delivered the message is good and I’m impressed


He should've thrown that underwear into the audience as a symbol of throwing that fear away.


WOW. From the beginning of the speech, it was captivating, and being honest, it takes guts to wear underwear on his suit along with 2K+ live audience. People reciprocating at the end made his speech a whole package. I think he deserves to be in the first spot.


Like how he flips the script on the tip to overcome stage fright: “when nervous, just imagine your audience wearing underwear...”


first time seeing this its like a competitive ted talk


Module: Describe the body language of Darren Tay as he speaks during the 2016 World Championship in Public Speaking Toastmasters International. Specifically, describe his:
1. body movements

2. use of space/stage

3. mannerisms

Hi ma'am!


This appearing in my YouTube recommendation made me feel like a succesful college graduate


Please put up the whole speech! Greatly appreciated
