Timed Drawing practice with 10 minute portrait sketches - Livestream

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Join me as we sketch a bunch of 10 minute portraits.

Essential to improving your drawing skills is practice, lots of practice. Timed portrait sketching has helped me so much over the years. Getting the essentials of a portrait down without delay is a rewarding process and can lay the foundation for a longer portrait session.

We also meet the first Friday of each month at 10am German time. Everyone is welcome to join and attendance is by donation.

You can jump to each individual portrait by following the timestamps below listed together with the instagram account name of each of our muses
0:00 introductory chat
10:00 @calambert_art
23:00 @hansleutwyler
35:55 @majsundso
49:35 @felixmahimai
1:02:14 @ nicolekreye
1:18:45 @resalam_
1:44:00 @sayanidrurystudio
1:55:45 wrapping up sketch review

#portraitsketching #drawingwithdylan #dylansara #portraitdrawing #naturalink #pencil #inktense #howtodraw #liveart #pencildrawing
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Man, when that brush comes out to do the washes and the little touches, it's like the finale of a public fireworks display, or your fave band doing an encore. So cool! Bummed I couldn't join live. Will endeavor to do so at some point in the future!


Lovely video anyways dylan hope you have a great day Hope you become a extremely beautiful artist


Hey there dylan sara sorry I took a break from commenting on mostly any videos that's why I didn't comment on any video of you since last 2 months Sorry :(
