Практика 87 'МНОГО' и 'МАЛО' на английском языке. Лучшие уроки английского языка

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Огромное спасибо за роскошную практику! Many problems are solved precisely during smoke breaks)) I am not smoker but I often go out for talking on smoke breaks))) I addicted to coffee. I am used to taking 5 coffee breaks. And I caught myself thinking that I was happy to have my own business.


Elena Viktorovna, thanks for interesting lessons.
1. Claire says that she finds many smokers having cigarette breaks outside everywhere and it's pretty weird to her.
2. No, it isn't. The situation was same in the USA 20 years ago.
3. People started doing less cigarette breaks, because most companies today don't tolerate cigarette breaks anymore.
4. No, I'm not. I don't like smokers, especially those who walk in front of me and smoke at me.


Приветствую, Елена. Доброго здравия. 11 лет, как бросил курить, да и 4-й год, как и спиртному так же сказал нет. Чего и всем желаю. Кто бы мне тогда сказал, что эти методы уничтожения людей - цветочки, по ср.с тем, что эти нелюди по всему миру запускают сейчас. Берегите себя. Благодарю за уроки.


Elena, thanks a lot !
1. Claire said that she noticed a lot of women and young girls in Paris smoke.
2. The situation in Paris is different. It was acceptable in the USA to smoke 20 years ago, but not anymore.
3. Today people are expected not to smoke. If you want to smoke, you have to do it before/after your work or at lunch time.
4. I am not a smoker. I don't mind other people smoking, I hate the cigarette smoke though .


Elena Viktorovna, thank you very much for great lesson!
I've got a question. In this sentence "Every company was absolutely fine with you taking 5-8 breaks a day to go outside, smoke and chat it up with the other smokers". It can use EACH instead of EVERY. If yes, tell me please what difference between each and every?
I answer the questions:
1) Claire says that you can find in Paris many smokers having cigarette breaks outside everywhere.
2) No, it isn't. The situation was same in the USA 20 years ago.
3) Most companies today don't tolerate cigarette breaks anymore.
4) I am not a smoker. My attitude to smoking is negative.


1. It seems quite weird for her to see many smokers there.
2. No, it has already changed now.
3. Most companies don't allow cigarette breaks anymore.
4. My attitude to smoking is extremely negative.
Thank you for the lesson ☺️


Elena Viktorovna plaese help !
Example: This is a very boring place to live. There"s little to do.
Question: we use little + uncountable noun. where is uncountable noun in this sentences ?( there is little to do ) ???


Елена Викторовна, many grapes надо понимать как Вы считаете виноград исчисляемым существительным? C уважением, Светлана.


Здравствуйте, Елена. He already has a few buyers.Почему ALREADY стоит перед Has?


Последнее предложение. Наверное "...when I see IT here, in France".?


Елена, у вас в примере есть два предложения с "he already has". В одном случае "he already has", в другом "ha has already". Обе последовательности слов правильные? Или есть различия? Скажите пожалуйста...


I like your novel! I didn't know smoking is so common in France nowadays.
- Claire says there are surprisingly many smoking young girls and women;
- No, the situation in the USA is different; smoking in America is less acceptable than it is in Europe;
- For the past 20 years smoking at work in USA became almost intolerable;
- I don't smoke and never did. I'd say it's a kind of disease just like any of drug addiction. Life is too short.


1. She said that there are a lot of smokers in Paris.
2. No, in the US the situation is totally different now.
3. It used to be absolutely OK to have cigarette breaks, but now people are expected not to smoke.
4. I gave up smoking about 5 years ago, but in my opinion, it really helps to socialize sometimes.


She knows a lot, but she still has planty to learn. We use '"plenty of" uncountable and plural nouns ! there is "planty + to learn" verb? wich is correct?


Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста почему having cigarette breaks, та не have, чтоб показать длительный процесс


Слово pretty это в какой то степени аналог или синоним слова very ? A expected аналог supposed ?


1 it was quite strange to Clare when she saw smoking people in Paris.
2 As i understood the companies in the USA don't allow smoking their emploees.
3 Before having ciggarete breaks was the real thing as said Clair's daddy.
4 I am not smoking because pack of ciggaretes is quite expensive and my health is valuable thing for me.


если я скажу don't smoke вместо not to smoke это будет большая ошибка ?


1. Claire says that a lot of women and young girls in Paris smoke and there are a lot of smokers in Paris at all. You can fimd many smokers having cigarette breaks outside everywhere and it's pretty weird for Claire
2. No, the situation in the USA is not the same
3. 20 years ago it was acceptable in the US to take a 10-minute break at work every 60-90 minutes to smoke. It didn't take nicj time, bit you could go outside and socialize. So it was absolutely normal for companies and for most workers. But now you're expected not to smome. Most companies don't tolerate cigarette breaks anymore. If you must smoke, than you are expected to do it before/after work or at lunch. Or sneak for a vape in the bathroom. Now our society tries to promote leading a healthy lifestyle and smoking and drinking are not "popular" anymore. To live healthy lives - that's what's popular nowadays. And that's good news
4. No, I'm not. My attitude to smoking is strictly negative. I don't want to tuin my health and don't advise anyone doing it.


1 She is a little suprised. It is weird to Claire.
2 No but it was 20 years ago.
3 For the past 20 years people changed their attitude to smokers.
4 I am not a smoker. And I think that is a slow way to death. Maybe I said too cruel that but be carefull people.
