6 Lessons We Learn Too Late In Life

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Over the course of our lives, we all learn some lessons that we wish we had learned sooner.

These lessons often come from a combination of experience, reflection, and the advice others give us.
They shape who we are, guide our decisions, and provide a framework for living a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
That’s why the sooner we learn or at least become aware of them, the better it is for us, as they can help us avoid common pitfalls and make more informed choices.

I’m going to share some of the lessons I’ve learned with you today, in no particular order.
But they’re not just lessons, rather they’re more like rules I live by, because as long as I stick to them, I’m able to enjoy my life to the fullest.

Now without further ado, here are the 6 lessons I wish I had learned sooner:
1. Health is everything
2. If you can control your environment, you can control your life
3. Stay true to yourself
4. Your mind needs rest as well
5. Manage your energy, not your time
6. Have a good day, have a great life
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My advice to my younger self: Just because you are good at a subject in school, doesn’t mean it has to become your career. I did well in science, got a degree in chemistry and went to work in a lab. I never really enjoyed my job, and tried a few others before deciding that I was in the wrong place. I now split my time between English teaching and fitness coaching, and I love it.


I'm currently just 18 years old, soon to be 19. But every single day I try and remind myself how immensely blessed I am for everything I have, especially my health. I've seen many around me who are so much less fortunate.. such as my father with heart failure and bad joints, and my mother who passed due to colon cancer. In my eyes, I might as well be the richest person in the planet in every way because of what I have, I have so many things to say thank you for that I can't even comprehend it. It's overwhelming really, and I always feel so guilty for complaining about anything, then realizing just how much I have. I know I don't understand very much of anything, but I'm trying my hardest to appreciate what I have right now, I know I won't always have it.


My friend has this life approach: my whole life is a long vacation occasionally disturbed by work... So he's handling all the things easily and he even looks like he's having the whole freedom in the world. I've also taken over this approach and really, I feel relaxed, not tight to schedules..


Advice number 2 reminds me of this silly tiny change that made my life so much better! All I did was spend about $3 on a charger cable that's way too short to reach my bed from the outlet and I gave my long cable away. At nights, I had no choice but to leave my phone away from me when the battery died and I could no longer watch tiktok for hours. Self control and discipline is definitely overrated in the sense of what we hear on social media... Your own brain would never stop you from your addiction on its own. You need to force it to find your addiction too inconvenient.


It took me a long time to learn that I get a big boost out of making a stranger's day better. Now I make an effort to find at least four people to compliment when I go shopping. I point out beautiful hair and clothes, well-behaved children, nice-looking families, even interesting tattoos. I'm a 62-year-old woman so I can get away with complimenting young men as well as women of all ages without them thinking I'm a creep or troll. It's a great feeling to watch someone's face go from frustrated - or just kind of numb - to bright and smiling after I've told them they have a great hairstyle, a cool backpack or shoes, or look awesome in the outfit they chose that day.

I know I distinctly remember several times in the past when strangers have taken the time to compliment me for some small thing, so I hope I'm giving these random strangers a good memory to fall back on when they're feeling low, questioning their looks, or their kids are acting crazy. Maybe someone thinks "It's not all bad, some old woman told me my hair was beautiful last week" or "my children were being so good someone noticed it in the grocery store yesterday, so they're not always this difficult." We all tend to remember and internalize snide remarks, put-downs, and nasty comments; hopefully my quest to find something good about a stranger and make the effort to tell them will help them recognize their own unique awesomeness and help replace self-doubt with self-esteem.


Be kind to people, as many people are a mirror. If you treat people kindly, you'll get the same treatment most of the time. Say hi to people you cross, even if you don't know them. Getting a greeting back from an unknown person really gives you positive energy.


Advice I got from 2 old women. First, your smart if you can learn from your mistakes but a genius if you can learn from others. Second, enjoy your life. That advice was given to me in my late 20s and very grateful for it. Now I am older and added this to list of advice I give, acceptance is the key to happiness


One thing I've learned is there's always another side to the story whenever you see something and whenever you have the opinion there's always another side to the story.
Especially when there's a lot of passion in the opinions.


A valuable lesson i learnt as i grew up was- to live an examined life. Any aspect of life that goes unexamined or neglected, starts to deteriorate. So we have to pay due attention and monitoring to multiple aspects of life, so as to keep them up. Be it, healthy eating, finances, body weight, stress etc


One thing I have learned: often in life there is one person, maybe a boss, maybe a co-worker or maybe just a member of a group I’m in - and we don’t get along ! Don’t focus on this person - soon they will be gone and nothing but a vague memory.


1. Health is everything
2. Control your environment, control your life
3. Stary true to yourself
4. Your mind need rest
5. Manage your energy not your time
6. Have a good day, have a great life


Learning to enjoy learning and applying what I learn has been life-changing and it has increased the quality of my life


That being organized increases productivity more than the “method to my madness” of disorganization. I found that out very late, when going for my masters degree and trying to write papers. I then did some of my work from home and stayed organized. I don’t do that anymore and really have to act as though I do so I can enjoy my personal time more.


I love getting a video only a few months but then with straight facts! Keep it up man, we support you❤


before I was an introvert I was scared that people would cringe or laugh at me in a bad way, but when i grew up I realized that as long as you're trying your best, everyone will respect you


My heart felt with gratitude ❤….cant explain how much value your this video has added, it’s high time I need to prioritise the self. Thank you so much for your incredible content❤❤


Thank you. Just stumbled on this video at a time when I needed to hear it. 🙏 Thank you so much. I have also subscribed as you deserve support for posting this and I look forward to more videos. Occasionally on YouTube there is something worthwhile- this is one of those very rare worthwhile channels.


I know it's a good day when I watch your video. The most important lesson I wish I had known before. Don't miss this opportunity, it may be your last chance


When world needed him the most he returned


Something I learned from therapy that still helps me: thoughts determine feelings. If you constantly have negative thoughts and are always judging yourself, you will be unhappy because those thoughts will make you unhappy. But if you reframe your thoughts to be more positive and let negativite thoughts pass you by, and practice gratitude, your mood and general day to day life will be happier.
