History Of Indo-Pak Conflicts On Kashmir | GSTS 179 | Ms. Sunita | SPMC | University Of Delhi
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GSTS 179 will extend a crucial analysis of the tension between India and Pakistan and its inevitable impacts in Kashmir. The speaker aims to highlight a historical overview of the matter, along with political and socio-cultural aspects of the rising unease. Besides, some solutions shall be proposed for improving the situation.
Welcome to the official YouTube Channel of Graduate Scholars' Talk Series (GSTS), Department of History, Shyam Lal College (Eve.), University of Delhi. We are hosting the Graduate Scholars' Talk Series (GSTS), a weekly public talk series under the aegis of the Department. The series has been held weekly every Sunday since 07th February 2021 from 05:00PM to 06:00 PM IST on Google Meet. Interestingly, this talk has been conducted by graduates of SLCE, and the speakers are only students of various Universities/Colleges. Till date, we have conducted 175+ talks.
Guidelines for the Talk:
1. The topic should be based on sound reasoning.
2. Maximum time for the Speaker would be 25 minutes followed by an interaction session.
3. Only one speaker would be allowed to speak on a day.
4. If there is already a registration for the same day, the team shall convey the same to you and allow you the next date.
Registration form
#indopakconflicts #kashmir #meltingglaciers #himalayas #mithilaarts #evolutionofart #globaljustice #justiceforall #refugees #crisis #childrenincrisis #space #ourlegacy #spacex #bengal #bengalheritege #shantiniketan #parenting #childpsycholgy #impactsofparenting #nrc #npr #caa #indenturedlabour #narratives #unspokenemotions #digiplomacy #digitalistion #stress #copingwithanxiety #mentalhealth #forestfires #realdisaster #thirdworldwar #warvspeace #partition #trauma #1947 #myopia #epidemic whymyopiaconcern #mspforfarmers #farmlaws #farmers #DelhiRegion #NCR #Regionalplanning #Climatefinance #economies #developingcountries #cinematic #cinema #propaganda #Perspectiveofindia #colonialcanvas #northsouth #bri#displacementInAfrica #problems #stubbleburning #farmers #punjab #haryana #frantzfanon #colonisation #society #catalystforchange #collegesociety #Tunnelcollapse #Silkyara #uttarakhand #mentalhealth #yoga #meditation #india #africa #culturalties #ages #women #unheardvoices #partition #isrealwomen #rockets #space #magneticlevitation #bullying #ragging #kota #suicides #mentalhealth #youngminds #depression #mentaldisorder #kotasuicide disorders #nuclearpower #oppenheimer #atomicbombdome #hiroshimanagasaki #sdgs #localisation #wotr #sustainable #unitednations #manipur #violence #kukitribe #meitii #kukiland #peaceaccord #hamas #gazastrip #bundelkhand #intangibleculture #sustainability #childlabour #supplychain #mines #stemcell #stemcellresearch #newlife #datascience #datascientist #cyberattack #savesoil #carbonsequestration #greengrowth #carboncredit #drone #technology #chandrayaan3 #agriculturedrone #militarydrone #industrialrevolution #4thIR #Cycleofdoom #marx #marxianperspective #byjus #flood #delhiflood #landslide #flashflood #monsoon #mediterranean #rainwaterharvesting #solutiontoflood #govtfailureonflood #startup #startupindia #skillindia #uniformcivilcode #crpc #ipc #civilmatters #civilcode #tribal #womenempowerment #tripletalaq #personallaws #muslimlaws #christian #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #iitdelhi #iit #iitmadras #business #businessideas #commerce #education #ministryofeducation #skilldevelopment #courage #leadership #selfdrive #motivation #Particlephysics #Higgsparticle #LHC #Boson #Higgsparticle #Generaltheoryofrelativity #Blackhole #Eventhorizon #Gravitationallensing #Wavenature #Particlenature #Physics #Escapevelocity #Doubleslitexperiment #dualityoflight #einstein #thomasyoung #newton #gravity #reflection #refraction_of_light #refraction #rainbow #rigvedachanting #graduatescholarstalkseries #universityofdelhi #science #sciencefacts #blackhole #interstellar #space #physics #physicswallah #historytv #nature #natureoflight #scifi #scifimovies #euclidsalgorithm #einstein #theoryofrelativity #maxwellequations #quantummechanics #quantumphysics#khansirpatna #ptolemy #largehadroncollider #gravity #gravitation #gravitationalwaves #eventhorizontelescope #jameswebbspacetelescope #nasa #isro #pslvc55 #manipur #pmindia #pminloksabha #newparliament
Welcome to the official YouTube Channel of Graduate Scholars' Talk Series (GSTS), Department of History, Shyam Lal College (Eve.), University of Delhi. We are hosting the Graduate Scholars' Talk Series (GSTS), a weekly public talk series under the aegis of the Department. The series has been held weekly every Sunday since 07th February 2021 from 05:00PM to 06:00 PM IST on Google Meet. Interestingly, this talk has been conducted by graduates of SLCE, and the speakers are only students of various Universities/Colleges. Till date, we have conducted 175+ talks.
Guidelines for the Talk:
1. The topic should be based on sound reasoning.
2. Maximum time for the Speaker would be 25 minutes followed by an interaction session.
3. Only one speaker would be allowed to speak on a day.
4. If there is already a registration for the same day, the team shall convey the same to you and allow you the next date.
Registration form
#indopakconflicts #kashmir #meltingglaciers #himalayas #mithilaarts #evolutionofart #globaljustice #justiceforall #refugees #crisis #childrenincrisis #space #ourlegacy #spacex #bengal #bengalheritege #shantiniketan #parenting #childpsycholgy #impactsofparenting #nrc #npr #caa #indenturedlabour #narratives #unspokenemotions #digiplomacy #digitalistion #stress #copingwithanxiety #mentalhealth #forestfires #realdisaster #thirdworldwar #warvspeace #partition #trauma #1947 #myopia #epidemic whymyopiaconcern #mspforfarmers #farmlaws #farmers #DelhiRegion #NCR #Regionalplanning #Climatefinance #economies #developingcountries #cinematic #cinema #propaganda #Perspectiveofindia #colonialcanvas #northsouth #bri#displacementInAfrica #problems #stubbleburning #farmers #punjab #haryana #frantzfanon #colonisation #society #catalystforchange #collegesociety #Tunnelcollapse #Silkyara #uttarakhand #mentalhealth #yoga #meditation #india #africa #culturalties #ages #women #unheardvoices #partition #isrealwomen #rockets #space #magneticlevitation #bullying #ragging #kota #suicides #mentalhealth #youngminds #depression #mentaldisorder #kotasuicide disorders #nuclearpower #oppenheimer #atomicbombdome #hiroshimanagasaki #sdgs #localisation #wotr #sustainable #unitednations #manipur #violence #kukitribe #meitii #kukiland #peaceaccord #hamas #gazastrip #bundelkhand #intangibleculture #sustainability #childlabour #supplychain #mines #stemcell #stemcellresearch #newlife #datascience #datascientist #cyberattack #savesoil #carbonsequestration #greengrowth #carboncredit #drone #technology #chandrayaan3 #agriculturedrone #militarydrone #industrialrevolution #4thIR #Cycleofdoom #marx #marxianperspective #byjus #flood #delhiflood #landslide #flashflood #monsoon #mediterranean #rainwaterharvesting #solutiontoflood #govtfailureonflood #startup #startupindia #skillindia #uniformcivilcode #crpc #ipc #civilmatters #civilcode #tribal #womenempowerment #tripletalaq #personallaws #muslimlaws #christian #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #iitdelhi #iit #iitmadras #business #businessideas #commerce #education #ministryofeducation #skilldevelopment #courage #leadership #selfdrive #motivation #Particlephysics #Higgsparticle #LHC #Boson #Higgsparticle #Generaltheoryofrelativity #Blackhole #Eventhorizon #Gravitationallensing #Wavenature #Particlenature #Physics #Escapevelocity #Doubleslitexperiment #dualityoflight #einstein #thomasyoung #newton #gravity #reflection #refraction_of_light #refraction #rainbow #rigvedachanting #graduatescholarstalkseries #universityofdelhi #science #sciencefacts #blackhole #interstellar #space #physics #physicswallah #historytv #nature #natureoflight #scifi #scifimovies #euclidsalgorithm #einstein #theoryofrelativity #maxwellequations #quantummechanics #quantumphysics#khansirpatna #ptolemy #largehadroncollider #gravity #gravitation #gravitationalwaves #eventhorizontelescope #jameswebbspacetelescope #nasa #isro #pslvc55 #manipur #pmindia #pminloksabha #newparliament