How to make a Self Watering Planter

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This easy DIY self watering planter will save you time and help keep your plants alive. This planter is easy to build and can be done super cheap using existing materials!


0:01 - Intro
1:45 - How it works
7:30 - Materials and Tools
10:08 - Build Process
16:00 - How to plant a plant so it won't die
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Wow, This video should be the gold standard for 'how to' videos. Its the most well organized I've ever seen. The format of first giving the basics of a concept, then the way you showed the execution - video at just the right speed with concise explanation on the side - was just perfect! I'll be telling everyone about this channel. Thank you!


Ben, can I give you an Oscar for what has to be one of the best written, produced, directed and very well (explained videos) that I have ever seen You should be hired to create other people's videos ... Thank You so much for the effort and time you put into this video ....


I must admit, I have more confidence and understanding of this now that I saw it demonstrated in 3D. Great job.


Ben, I’ve been searching YouTube for self wicking buckets for a long time. Yours however is the most simplest & cost effective. Here in Hawaii buckets cost $8 ea. so having a double planter was out of the question. Mahalo Nui Loa for the illustrations - it’s obvious that you’ve put a lot of work into it…and you’re appreciated!


Love how your video is straightforward. No “filler talk”. Also love the graphic/mechanical illustration! Very helpful for understanding the construction. Finally, appreciate your thoughtfulness about cleaning up plastic shavings!


You get a 10 out of 10 for this video. I wish all instructional videos where this comprehensive.


As an engineer and fellow plant enthusiast, I ridiculously enjoyed the structured presentation of this video 😂
Perfectly explained.


American pragmatism and efficiency. Well done guy.


I have been looking for videos that teaches how the winking system works.
Finally I have settled on this video that simply explains clearly and easily.
Thanks Ben, you deserve a 10 out of 5 stars.


Very nice vdo, beginner like me can follow, I’m from India and not so good with English, even then i followed your vdo, your assistant is also as good as you


Just watched 5 videos on how to make self watering pots and yours was the best! You clearly showed each step and answered questions I had after watching video from the others. Thank you!


Such a fantastic step by step video, that was awesome showing all parts on the computer, I never completely understood the contruction of these self watering planters until now. Thank you!😊


Just watched a Buku of videos on how to make self watering pots and yours was the best!


The best instructional video I ever viewed. I want to like it a thousand times if I can. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
There is one improvement I would suggest: drill some small holes on the plate to allow excessive water to go down the reservoir in case of heavy rain.


I have watched probably 20 videos by different people on how to engineer these buckets and it was by far the best one I have seen. I especially liked your explanation about gap of air between the top of the water and the lid. I have seen others where instead of using a T-shirt, it uses one of the containers at the bottom, pack it real hard and the water wicks through the dirt... I am amazed that enough water will wick through that T-shirt to keep the plants (tomato plants in my case) alive.


Wow!!! As you have heard from pretty much everybody your video is brilliant on every level. My husband I and moved into our new home last August so this will be our first full growing season in our new home. I’m going to be using a lot of container planting this year and your self watering planter is going to be of immense help. Also wanted to mention that you can very easily turn the 5 gallons bucket into quite an attractive container with a quick layer of KILZ and then painting or spray paint. Not sure how to send you photos of them but am sure it’s possible if you would like to see them. Thank you again!


Finally…I get it! I must’ve watched 20 videos on how to do this, but there was ALWAYS a step or two that it seemed was left out. Probably, people assume a level of understanding, which I just didn’t have. Your working diagram leaves no missing link, so this is, by far, the best video explanation I’ve seen. Thank you! So, the wicking material doesn’t let the soil get into the water at all? Or, maybe it has to be redone at the end of the season? Again, thank you for a thorough explanation of the project; the sign of an excellent teacher!


You made this project seem so easy in this video I was able to show it to my husband and make 2 planters today. He wanted to make them! (NICE!!) You have a very clear and concise way to teaching! Thank you so much!


Wow! This is the best video I’ve seen on self watering planters! Your 3-D presentation was great. You’ve answered all my questions about self watering planters. Keep up the good work!


Ben, I've never commented on a video. But yours was EXCEPTIONALLY well made !!
