SCP-049 - The Plague Doctor (Compilation)

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SCP-049 is a Euclid Class anomaly also known as The Plague Doctor.

SCP 049 is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height, which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. While SCP049 appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of SCP-049's body over time, and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath them.

SCP-049 will become hostile with individuals it sees as being affected by the Pestilence, often having to be restrained should it encounter such.
SCP-049-2 instances are reanimated corpses that have been operated on by SCP-049.

This compilation includes the following videos:

00:00:00 SCP-049 - the Plague Doctor Captured (SCP Animation & Story)
SCP-049 Cures SCP-096 of the Pestilence?!
SCP-049 VS SCP-173
SCP-049 - What Actually is the Pestilence? The Plague Doctor Questions and Theories (SCP Animation)
Can SCP-049 Help the Foundation Contain SCP-106?!
SCP-049 - Going Home (SCP Animation)
SCP-049 The Plague Doctor - Everything You Need to Know
SCP-001 - Can SCP-049 Finally Cure When Day Breaks?
SCP-049 - Boiled, Scrambled and Fried - Plague Doctor Tale
Kidnapped by SCP-049
I Survived 100 Days Hiding From the SCP Foundation...Here's What Happened - SCP-049 Tale
A Day in the Life of SCP-049
SCP-049 Tale - Foundation Facilities and How to Loot Them

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Watch these other SCP videos we love:

SCP-049 - the Plague Doctor Captured (SCP Animation & Story)

SCP-049 Cures SCP-096 of the Pestilence?!

SCP-3008 and the Most Popular SCPs

Please let us know in the comments which SCP's we should cover next

SCP-049 The Plague Doctor Compilation is based on

#scpexplained #scp #animation
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The reason they cant decipher his writing is because hes a doctor. Surprising that the Foundation hasnt figured that out yet.


It genuinely made me smile when 999 gave him some ice-cream. Even the birdman deserves a little happiness once and a while.


If his robes are part of his body, doesn't that mean 049 has been parading around nude this whole time?


What’s tragic about SCP-049 is that he truly believes he’s serving the greater good, that he’s a savior to the infected, a savior to world from the pestilence. He’s the hero of his own story, not a villain. And because of that he can’t be dissuaded, or reasoned with, or convinced to stop; he’ll die first. All his butchering, mutilation, and killing is mercy in his eyes, it’s the cure. He’ll save the world from the pestilence, whether they want it or not.


This man can talk about how paint dries and I’ll listen...


33:42 Cain and Abel running in the same hallway, seemingly in confusion.

Also Cain and Abel: Failed to realize his brother is also here as they passed each other.


Wow, the first video made about 049 has him with a rather startlingly different personality than he was shown with well as an, ahem, darker appearance to match his tone. His manner became far less deliberately sinister.


I'm a simple man. I see fellow plague doctor in thumbnail, I click.


SCP-049 is a reality warper. He said humans are ‘limited by your imaginations’, so maybe he can bend reality with his imagination. He started out as a child, and imagined what it was like to be a plague doctor, and thus he became one. He imagined being immortal and thus cannot die. He imagined that there was a pestilence, and started seeing it everywhere, becoming determined to “cure” an ailment that he had himself thought into his own reality.


Reason plague doctor is popular: he's not evil. Simple as, oh he'll kill you because you have the taint, but not evil.


Honestly, I’d love an actual show or a series of movies based around him. That would definitely be interesting in my opinion. He’s my favorite SCP next to the scarlet king. A show or series of movies based on them would be fun. I wish I could do actual animation or CGI to make it happen


I like how he’s Euclid but he would be safe class if the foundation was just nicer to him. Give him test subjects (that don’t really hurt anyone after réanimation) and give a few more privileges and he’d probably never try to escape again. Yeah his touch is deadly but a hazmat suit blocks it so it kinda don’t matter who comes in contact so long as they’re in hazmat.


I finally figured out the pestilence and how it works, the pestilence is basically anger evil viscous, and when the plague doctor operates on his victim, they become peaceful to him and do what he says, when the scp49 2 are attacking, they aren't actually angry, they are just obeying orderds, but his most successful operation on the pink monkey, he got rid of all the rage, all the kill, it was harmless, it was his first true success.


Heck yea, the plague doctor, one of my favorite SCPs


Yes, the plague doctor is one of my favorites, I'm happy they have made this compilation. I'll listen to this several times a month. Thank you!


I found out what the pestilence is. The pestilence is anger because in the video it said that the orangatang was perfect and was absolutely calm. This means that it is, in fact, anger


Is it just me or did the 049-J story just make anyone else ask…

“What the actual fuck did just happen?”


Yes 049's origin is very interesting as well as his understanding!


Yes! I’ve been hoping for a plague doctor one since the Shy Guy compilation :D


This stuff needs to bet on Netflix and other sites this is amazing
