3 questions for Atheists

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when two atoms love eachother very much


Q1 How do you know there is no invisible mermaid in my swimming pool? Knowledge of non existence of fictional beings is impossible to prove.
Q2 Current opinion is a singularity expanded, but our current knowledge of physic breaks down at the Planck boundary.
Q3 Meaning in life is up to the individual. Our purpose is to pass our genes on.


The meaning of life is the people and things around you


1) I know there is no God the same way you know there is no Zeus.
2) The universe was not created, so your question of "how" already assumes too much.
3) Life is without purpose, and that is why we are free.


1. I don’t, however I don’t claim that there is no god, nor do most atheists. Most of us say that there isn’t enough evidence to convince us of your gods existence, therefore we lack belief in him
2. Through the natural processes that we see governing the universe. There isn’t anything that is more adequately explained by a deity than by natural processes. Even things we don’t know the origins of or the process by which it was formed doesn’t point towards a deity because you’d have to prove the deity’s existence first
3. There isn’t an objective meaning to life, but you can give it meaning. And that meaning can change. I’m sure if I ever have kids, my meaning in life will change to suit the new position I find myself in but that happens with or without your god, so why should I believe in him?


1. I don't know, since you can't prove that there is or isn't one. So I'm not going to assume that there is a God.

2. If there's no creator, then nothing was "created." The universe would simply exist.

3. We weren't created for any specific purpose. Your reason for living is whatever you want it to be. You only get one life, don't waste it doing whatever other people want you to be doing.


1. We dont. We just don't believe in a god.
2. We have the Big Bang theory, but it is just a theory. We dont know wverything about the universe.
3. We don't know why life came into existence, but the point of life is whatever you want it to be. Life is meant to be enjoyed by whatever you think is enjoyable.


1) I don't even know what a God is supposed to be. Can you explain what a God is, using words that aren't just saying what it isn't?
2) Who says it was created? Creation implies something deliberate, which I see no reason to believe.
3) What is the point of God? There can't be a point to God if God wasn't created for a purpose. Hence, even if we were created by God, there is no ultimate point to our existence. We would just be meaningless playthings for a pointless being.
We have to make our own meaning.


Far better and probably smarter atheists than I can answer these. But I’ll try:

1: The “how do you know there is no god”: I know there is no god because of the world around me. That’s the simplest way I can put it

2: I think that everything was created by a series of events that led to everything being created.

3. Life isn’t meaningless without god. If anything for me at least life has more meaning without god. I don’t believe that when I die there’s going to be an eternal after life waiting for me, or some salvation for my misdeeds. What I do is entirely on me, and it is entirely up to me if I want to rectify that. I live my life to its fullest because I don’t believe in a god.


1. Atheism is simply being unconvinced there is a God/s. Why a person is unconvinced and to what degree, varies from Atheist to Atheist. So some Atheist are simply unconvinced there is a God/s, others claim certain gods do not exist but are only unconvinced when it comes to the generic concept of a Good/s, while others say no gods of any kind exist. It all depends on the atheist you're talking to.

2. I don't know what caused the universe to come into existence.

3. Unless you're being forced to believe in a God/s... You (Just like non-believers) are choosing your purpose in life.


1. You can't prove a God exists, and since there's no reason to believe nor way yo prove, I don't believe

2. Nothing was obviously created by anything but human hands. To call something a "creation" presupposes a creator, which is circular by nature. You need to prove the universe is a creation, which you can't.

3. There is no meaning to life but what you make it. I'm sorry you're too scared to get your feelings hurt, but I really don't care what you want to be real.


1. I don't, but perhaps you are using the term atheist in the sense of declaring there are no gods. For every God that I know does not exist, it is because the descriptions of those gods are contrary to reality, such as omniscience being impossible due to the uncertainty principle, or the gods that young earth creationists promote, or a god that causes time when time is a prerequisite of causation.
2. Everything that exists isn't created.
3. No, life is not pointless or purposeless without a god, since gods are not required to create purpose. We create purpose for things, our actions, and ourselves, and the actions of others all the time. No god required.


ok to your first qustn, i dont. i and like 90% of all other atheists and hell i would figure like 95% honestly dont make the claim to KNOW there is no god or gods but simply that as of yet we havent been convinced of a god or gods existance. in otherwords the base position of atheism without any additional addjectives to modify the position, is simply a position of being unconvinced.


Fallacious pseudo-questions. Look up the ‘loaded question’ fallacy to understand why you are making a mess.
