Pragmatism vs idealism w/ the CAMBRIDGE AUDIO Alva TT2

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🎥 Camera: John Darko
🎬 Editor: John Darko
🌈 Colour: Olaf von Voss
🕺🏻 Motion GFX: John Darko
💰 Ad segment: Jana Dagdagan

👉🏻 As seen in this video...

Cambridge Audio Alva TT2

Samsung 'The Frame' 2022 55"

Cambridge Audio EVO 150

NAD M10 V2

Zu Soul 6

Buchardt A700

David Byrne - Rei Momo

Robyn Hitchcock - Groovy Decay

Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85 - 92

Kraftwerk - The Man Machine

Trentemöller - The Last Resort
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CORRECTION: the cartridge isn't MM but a high-output MC.


My inner idealist shouts over my inner pragmatist. However my outer wife almost always sends them both scarpering. Your videos allow me to appease them vicariously!


@darkoaudio thank you for clearly verbalizing what’s been in my head so succinctly. I’m not crazy after all!


Well I don't feel as crazy as I did before I watch this video about the way I feel about different forms of listening to my Hi-Fi future digital analog or otherwise I go back and forth I feel so much better that you're just as screwed up as I am ! thanks, .Ron


Fantastic video John, keep up the good work 😊💯


I wonder if the NAD C399 with BluOS module would satisfy both internal voices. Used in analogue bypass mode for turntable, without for streaming to get the benefits of Dirac.


My inner idealist: "I need this, this and this"
My inner wallet: "nope"


Hey John,

After watching the video, I just made a survey in a local HiFi enthusiast chat. I asked “Would you use a DSP with your turntable if it inarguably produced a better sound in your room?”. And the responde was overwhelming, almost everyone votes “No” (including me).

That really made me think. We audiophiles are like an irrational cult or religion that can’t accept something indisputably better only because of dogmas.


Now this my kind of video! Deep, insightful, not afraid of the 10 min long algorithm restriction. Lisbon is doing you good! Keep them going ;)


LOVED this video! The dichotomy of these two personas and the vacilation that happens in your (our) brain(s)! 😂 I thought I was alone in my madness!! LOL


I’m going to end up getting a turntable someday, aren’t I? I was perfectly happy with solid state and speakers and CDs for decades. Then I started streaming. Then I started buying DACs. Then I started buying tube gear. Then I started rolling tubes. Then I started buying headphones and headphone amplifiers. This is starting to really cut into my whisky budget.


Fabulous video, maybe the best Hi-Fi analysis of Future-Fi I've ever heard. And it was all done within the confines of reviewing 5-6 amazing products at the same time. Wow, TY TY!


I bought one and LOVE IT. I got sick of my Planar 3. REGA is JUNK.


I'm not surprised that a vinyl system can sound that good, even with a record being made from a digital recording. One potential reason I see for the difference in audio quality between vinyl + full analog system Vs digital input + DAC is that the conversion happening when pressing the vinyl is made with very high-end / professional-grade converters that none of us can afford to have at home. From there on, as long as the analog chain at home is of good quality, it could be hard to beat that with the (usually) more modest converters we have at home.
Nice video either way, it's great to confront these two worlds and question our thinking through experiments like this one. 👍


The inner idealist is the one with the ears. 😉


Really enjoy these videos. Well made and well thought out. Plus I get to pick up some new music from you too. Things I wouldn't have otherwise. Great work. Keep it going. 💯


Different inner voices, multiple personalities, is a doctor needed?



My first comment ever. Been watching a while, and this may be your best video, IMO at least. I wouldn’t worry about the length. I watch on tv almost exclusively and it could be longer from where I’m sitting. Your content is some of the best in quality of filming, and sound for that matter, that I’ve seen.

I’ve learnt so much from the content.

Thank you


Only from a visual standpoint, independent of the sound quality, I have to admit the Cambridge gear is simply beautiful. And I also have the Cambridge EVO 150 in good memories from the time when I heard it.


your best review ever...there is no one solution...only the one(s) you like and what sounds best to your in your room(s). Well done John!
