When The UK Was THE BEST At Eurovision Events | JESC

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During the 21st Century, the UNITED KINGDOM's results at EUROVISION haven't been all too good... But, what about the Eurovision event where we would consistently perform at THE BEST level we have in decades? Enter the JUNIOR EUROVISION SONG CONTEST...

00:00 - Intro
00:53 - Junior Eurovision 2003
03:41 - Junior Eurovision 2004
06:13 - Junior Eurovision 2005
07:51 - The Long Absence
08:50 - Junior Eurovision 2022
12:10 - Junior Eurovision 2023
13:44 - The Future (Conclusion)
15:17 - Credits


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I know the JESC isn't as popular as the main contest, but the more we can show people the joy of the JESC the better!


Such a shame they aren't participating this year. Great video though! 🎉❤


Is Freya Skye old enough to compete in ESC now? That would be a cool story to have competing in both


I don’t have any doubts that this decision is purely based on the ‘axing’ of CBBC and the future license fee axing, making it practically impossible to justify the cost for a one-off children’s event that doesn’t reach a million viewers. Having a contested senior counterpart also doesn’t help, no matter how good the JESC results are. It’s sad, but also sadly understandable given the media landscape. Let’s hope BBC gives it another go when the tide turns.


It looks that the entire BIG 5 in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest turned to be a one-off in 2023.


It may sound controversial, but the Junior Eurovision Song Contest isn't as lucrative for the broadcasters as its far more established senior counterpart. That's why you see far fewer countries in the JESC and the countries aren't consistent - this year they may be here, but the next may not. Therefore it's surprise if a country confirms participation rather than withdrawal from the JESC. And even though I follow somewhat the ESC (though not as relligiously as before), I have rarely followed its Junior counterpart with the exception of 2014 and 2015 - in 2014 my country (Bulgaria) had the best chance to win (and IMO should've won) and while we hosted the contest the following year since then our appearances are one-and-done with the last one being in 2021.

Also, viewing figures for the JESC are far lower than the ESC for the broadcasters to justify sending an entry. I'll give Bulgaria for example once again - just less than a quarter of million people had been watching the 2021 JESC. That's far few viewers for a broadcaster like the Bulgarian National Television to keep competing in the JESC, given that interest in the adult ESC here generally isn't big either. And in other countries the same trend - in France it's around the 1.1M range for the JESC, which is far less than the viewing figures for the main ESC.


The way it's looking i can see Ch4 taking over ESC in the next 8 to 10 years


Uk not competing to jesc wad jaw dropping for me😔


It's such a shame we're pulling out again, if they're going to blame viewing figures then I don't know what they thought demoting 2023 to BBC two would do- the financial reasons do unfortunately make sense though


Another great Eurovision video from you Adam, thanks ! The 2023 JESC was shown in the UK on BBC Two, even though BBC One were showing repeats at the time, which is a real pity ! I think that JESC has an important role in finding and supporting new talent, Freya Skye has since gone on to perform on other tv shows and is successful, the same goes for Manw, who represented Wales in 2018, she now acts on a tv soap opera called "Rownd a Rownd" and still sings on the major stages in Wales. I hope that either the BBC returns to JESC soon, or S4C could take it up again and showcases our language to Europe and the world !


I want my country (Japan) to participate in ESC/JESC but we’re not anywhere near Europe and ESC has no presence here unlike Australia…and Asiavision won’t happen anytime soon (Korea and China will DOMINATE every year and it will be so difficult for other countries to win)


It's the same for Spain, Georgia and France


Been watching your videos for a while Adam and like you I absolutely love Eurovision. I found out about this news yesterday and I am still sad about it. The first time the UK entered after all the years actually fell on my Birthday so the JESC is as special as the ESC. I’ve heard rumours that this year the JESC is being switched to a Saturday block instead of a Sunday block and as it conflicts with strictly they have made the decision based on that.

I think we still could’ve competed but unless the show gets the advertising and exposure as much as the main ESC we will struggle.

IMO I think if it’s all down to conflict of shows this could’ve been done on iPlayer.

I really hope the BBC change stance on this as it’s much better than watching some of the repeated programmes regurgitated lately.

Maybe we should form a pact and get them to change their mind 😂 Eurovision is much popular now again and I’m sure if the BBC don’t want to do it I a, sure another broadcaster could.


That because of budget cuts and i bet a national finals is coming


I remember when Freya’s song dropped and I was screaming in delight because I firmly believed we could win which is something I’ve never ever said about my country and whilst it sadly didn’t happen her performance on the night was still something to be proud of, I can’t believe the BBC is pulling out especially as they’ve managed to find a recipe for success


I think they should raise the JESC max age to 15 so then at 16 you can do the real thing


I love eurovison junior and I did enjoy it 2022 and 2023 we did so well so why is it was not geting put on this year I do love eurovison junior was my favourite of the of behind so do you think it come back at 2025 next year❤❤❤❤❤❤


0:02 Your voice seems to be lower pitched. It’s not the first time I heard it too. Anyway, Who do you think will win Eurovision 2025? Great video.👍


I think the reason why The Uk do so well in Jesc is because the same reason as Ireland and Uk in the 1990's, the only two nations who sings only in english.


Junior Eurovision Song Contest United Kingdom 🇬🇧
