Learn These 10 DIY Military Survival Hunting Weapons and Tools!

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10 Hunting Weapons & Tools To Secure Survival Food!

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Food maybe the last survival item behind water, Fire, and shelter but it is essential to know and practice these skills. Your method of instruction is easily the best on YouTube


Top Shelf teaching of techniques folks can actually use! We appreciate your efforts filming, editing and posting.


Alright finally someone who remembers how to use hunting and protection tools that have been around for 100 's of years thank you SIR


I love all Ranger Survival and Field Craft videos. Enjoying going back through your videos and seeing how to create things. Very useful knowledge. Thanks for sharing!


Excelente vídeo!
Tenho uma sugestão quanto ao emprego da boleadeira. Originalmente os indígenas utilizavam com 2 pedras pegavam uma extremidade giravam e arremecavam, quando os europeus chegaram no continente passaram a empregar essa mesma ferramenta de caça, porém acrescentaram mais uma pedra ficando assim com 3 .E permaneceram arremeçando segurando uma das pedras . Também chamadas de três Marias. Conforme chamamos as estrelas .
Uma outra ferramenta nesse caso de caça e batalha era quando faziam com apenas uma pedra e a corda feita de couro trançado. Essa era chamada estrela solitária, ou simplesmente bola. A corda era mais longa podendo ser arremessada.
Diziam os antigos gaúchos, que o homem passava a valer por três no combate corpo a corpo.
Um general de nome Osório ( se não me falha a memória, quanto ao nome) foi ferido por uma dessas, nas costas, em uma batalha da revolução Farroupilha no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O mesmo teve perda de sangue ao ser atingido nas costas e levou 30 dias para, se recuperar desse ferimento nos pulmões. Isso já nos anos de 1835 a 1845 enquanto os combates já se davam com armas de fogo espadas e lanças essa arma não era desprezada . Sendo levada sempre ao redor da cintura junto a faca e pistolas como último recurso.


I use small treble hooks, #14-#16 size with Velveeta cheese, they are tougher to extract but work so much better than single hooks & the bait is more secure as well.An added bonus of treble hooks is, You can use them to catch Quail & other birds & critters as well when they are incorporated with a snare.Staying Fed is Very Important for being in the bush, Period! Many Thanks Andrew for your Excellent Tutorials & Keeping our brains busy with 1st Class Knowledge! Cheers!!!


Just a quick word on bolas, for those whom have never thrown one. Do some research before you try to throw it on proper technique. And wear a full face motorcycle helmet until you are proficient.😂


I hadn’t thought of hardening using the plow method. Super useful if you don’t have a fire!
I usually just heat over coals.
Truly though, the only thing I’ve ever hardened in the field was a handmade pair of chopsticks because I forgot my Spork!


Fantastic Andrew! Creating, simple and effective tools for survival. Thank you!


2 improvements to the fishing kit. Bobbers. Small 2x2 or 3x3 inch plastic zip seal bags. For visibility put a piece of neon colored flagging tape. Melt a small hole above the zip. Melt not poke this line tie hole. It is stronger and less likely to tear out. As for sinkers. carry light gauge magnet wire instead of sinkers. For the same weight you can make many more with the wire. Find a stone of desired weight. None small enough bang a couple of rocks together till you do. Take a section of wire. With practice you will get a feel for length needed. Place your chosen stone in the center of the wire. Bring both end up the sides. Twist 1/2 to a turn and a half. Take the ends back to the bottom and twist again. You have now formed a 4 sided cage around the stone. Take the ends and form 2 opposite loops for line attachment. You guessed it twist one more time. Trim ends as necessary. You could do the same with light fishing line. But the knots are a royal pain to get right. With wire all you need to do is twist.


I really like your approach and your willingness to give a technique a no-go for any particular approach instead of forcing ot or trying to explain it away. If it didn't work that time, it's a no-go. FYI, I figured you for an NCO, not an officer...which is a compliment. (36 years, both ways). Keep up the good work!


God bless America…
The freedoms we hold dear…

I don’t take my freedoms for granted…

So very thankful that my son served in the army and came home safely…

We are blessed that you served in the army Andrew…
And are also continuing to serve by teaching us much needed survival techniques… we never know when we’ll need to use them…



Slingshot bands -if you blouse your trousers with your boots (military) replace those bands you buy at the PX with slingshot bands or surgical tubing.

The tubing can also be used as an engine for a trap or as a straw or a bellows tube (have to be a bit more careful, ideally attached to something heat resistant).
Got the idea from Ron Hood, had a great set of videos, "Hoods Woods" a few years ago. I think they are still available.


Thank you again Andrew. I love your work!


Fantastic video, Great techniques for survival. Stay Awesome Andrew


From any other channel some of these exotic hunting weapons would be foolish, but Andrew is the REAL deal 👍


Always outstanding tips major. I’m still hoping to get in on a course or two up at the Pathfinder school this year, if the tumor in my head goes into remission. 👍🇺🇸


No BS instructions, as always. Love that channel ! 🫡


I would notch a seat for the knife to set into the end of the spear before lashing it on. That way when it is thrust into the game it has the full lineal support of the spear shaft vs depending on the perpendicular support of just the lashing.
