Vintage Cookbook Haul #1 - Half Price Books in Dallas, Texas

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Vintage Cookbook Haul in Dallas, Texas. Come join me as I head up to Dallas, Texas, for the weekend to visit some used bookstores - including Half Price Books - in search of vintage cookbooks.⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎ Click “Show More” To See Links⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎

▬ F A V O R I T E V I N T A G E C O O K B O O K S (Affiliate Links*) ▬

▶The New York Times Heritage Cook Book, by Jean Hewitt

▶Northern Italian Cooking, by Francesco Ghedini

▶The Best of Italian Cooking, by Waverly Root

▶The Baking Book, by Lloyd Moxon

▬ W A T C H R E L A T E D V I D E O S ▬

▶Meet the Family Dog and A Vintage Cookbook Chat

▶Homemade Apple and Pear Fruit Scrap Vinegar and an Australian Shout-Out

▶Natural Remedies, Shout-Outs and a Cookbook Review video

▶Canning Lids vs Paper Tops & More

▶Aprons, Vinegar, and Diets

▬ C O M M E N T S ▬
If you have any questions or comments, please post them below. I’m happy to answer questions and I look forward to hearing from you!

▬ F I L M E Q U I P M E N T (Affiliate Links*) ▬

▶Canon EOS Rebel SL2

▶Sennheiser EW 112P G3-A omni-directional EW system

▶Westcott Erin Manning Home Studio Lighting Kit

▶AmazonBasics 60-Inch Lightweight Tripod with Bag

▬ S O C I A L I Z E W I T H M E ▬

▬ E M A I L ▬

▬ M A I L I N G A D D R E S S ▬
Mary’s Nest
P.O. Box 342001
Austin, Texas 78734

▬ A B O U T T H I S V I D E O ▬

▬ A B O U T M A R Y ‘ S N E S T ▬

▬ T H A N K S F O R W A T C H I N G ! ▬

#MarysNest #VintageCookbooks #VintageCookbookHaul #HalfPriceBooks #HalfPriceBooksHaul #HPB #HPBHaul #ThriftStoreThursday

▶*A Note About Affiliates: This video and description may contain affiliate links to various products. If you click through and make a purchase, I’ll receive a small commission. It does not affect the price you pay.

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I am a cookbook junkie. So happy to see other people love them as much as I do. It really is part of our history.


Mary, what a delightful time I just had. Going thru your “older” Mary’s Nest videos, and came across the first of your old book store find series. It was wonderful! I felt like you were talking right to though it was two years ago. I loved it. You didn’t talk too much for me. I could have listened to talk all day about more and more old books. I love recipe and cook books. I read them just like a romance novel! I was born in I just love the pictures and recipes in the time I was being raised. I probably won’t make that many of them I love to read them. I’m Sitting here cross stitching while I listen to you and your jolly laugh. You are a real GEM!! Thank you. I’m headed on to the next video now.


ohh ohh ohhh this video is exciting !!! I love books !!!! my favorite video ever !!


I could listen to you all day Mary. When you talk about cookbooks and cooking you share so much joy it is a delight! Have a great week!


It’s so refreshing to see someone with a cookbook!! Love the ease of the internet but nothing beats a cookbook!


What a wonderful trip. Love book stores and the treasures to find. Great finds. Nice to “meet” your husband. 😊 Hope you have a wonderful week. ❤️❤️


Great collection of books, and the fun of finding them! Love you, Vickie


As a homeschooling mom I appreciated your trips down the rabbit hole!


You guys are too cute!!
Thank you for letting us tag along!


Mary, you are very dear person and it would certainly be a gift to have you as a personal friend. I am grateful for your very informative videos! May God continue to bless you and your family.


Wow 35 in November in Texas. I remember it being that cold in January. O exciting book haul! Wonderful. Will be looking forward to what you choose to cook. Have a great week.


Mary I could see us sitting down and having tea and chatting!


Thrift shopping is my favorite kind!! Great video❤️


Great collection Mary! Thanks for sharing!


Great finds at those used book stores!


Great find my friend I love collecting cookbooks as well XOXO Have agreat weekemd my friend


Hey Mary, I love cook books. I have way too many. You’re gonna make me pick up a few more. Isn’t it nice when they go with us on these trips...I’m sure not their favorite thing to do but come along just for us.ive got a really old one that sill have to show you. I do love your fireside chats.


Y'all are so precious Mary!! I Love Dallas! I went to Dallas Market 2x a year for my candle shop for 18years. Fun fun! You have me so excited and on a mission to find used book stores near me! Can't wait to add to my cookbook collection and at a discount! Great finds!


I'm a 53 year old retired mechanic but I'm good in the kitchen, I own the 1961 NYT cook book, It will be passed down, The best cook book I've ever owned, I actually stopped cook book shopping for years after finding the hidden gem!


I’m from PA and have Pennsylvania Dutch roots and my mom made cornmeal mush is what it was called and also sliced and fried in butter then put syrup on it! I remember many breakfast s as a child!
