The fight for America's 51st state, explained

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Washington, DC is closer than ever to becoming a state. Could it actually happen?

On June 26, 2020, the US House of Representatives voted to make America’s capital city, Washington, DC, the country’s 51st state. It was a historic vote, and the closest the country has come to adding a new state in over 60 years. But it was also, for the time being, completely symbolic. Because at least in 2020, DC has no chance of actually becoming a state.

That June 26 vote was almost entirely along party lines; Democrats mostly voted in favor of DC statehood, and Republicans against it. That’s because making DC a state would give the Democrats additional seats in Congress, potentially affecting the balance of power between the parties. It’s why President Trump and the Republican-controlled Senate have both promised to strike down any bid for DC statehood. And in fact, statehood in the US has always been a political issue. In the past, the US has often added states in pairs to preserve the political balance. Admitting a new state on its own has happened, but it’s unusual.

But the case for DC statehood is strong: The city has a similar population to several states, its hundreds of thousands of residents lack any say in national lawmaking, and its local government is uniquely vulnerable to being strong-armed by Congress and the federal government. Simply put, the laws that created the district did not anticipate that it would one day be a major city. And while in 1993, the last time Congress voted on DC statehood, the Democratic-controlled House failed to pass it, today’s Democratic Party is increasingly on board with it. If 2020’s election puts the Democrats in full control of the federal government, America might actually get its 51st state.

Further reading:

More on how the US has added new states in the past:

What it would take for DC to become a state:

How Congress has interfered with DC:

And a history of why the idea of a federal district is written in the constitution:

Note: The headline on this piece has been updated.
Previous headline: Why Washington, DC isn't a state

Рекомендации по теме

"Washington DC is a city not a state"
Then the concept of city-states will blow his mind.


"A city cannot be a State".
- Vatican city has left the chat.


"Taxation without representation"

Isn't this the reason americans rebelled against british rule in the first place


Something really perverse about a rep from Arizona stating that "the founding fathers didn't want DC to be a state." The founding fathers never imagined Arizona as a state either.


"The founding fathers didn't want DC to be a state."

The founding fathers also didnt want there to be party lines (Democrat and Republican) because they saw our current situation hundreds of years ago. We are divided and they never wanted this for us.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." - Abraham Lincoln on slavery.

And yet here we are. Our country is just about as divided as it can get.


Washington DC is the most state-like non-state.


If DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam become a

Republicans hyperventilating


“Dc shouldn’t get a vote because it’s not a state”
“Then make us a state”


I like the idea that "the founding fathers didn't intend for x" hey they didn't intend for a lot of things in 1776. But times change and humans adapt.


Puerto Rico has 3 million americans, with only a non voting member in The House of Representatives representing us. Puerto Ricans have serve in multiple wars including WW1, WW2, Vietnam War, Korean War, our current conflicts in the middle east. Were treated as second class citizens we can't vote for president only in the primaries. i ask Statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington DC.


I’m simply touched by what the lady said. Here’s to equality.


DC and Puerto Rico: want to become states

Georgia: we will decide your fate.


"there is not manufacturing, mining or logging industry in DC", because we all know those are the only 3 industries in America lol


"Washington DC is a city, not a state"

*laughs in Singapore* (an island, a country, and a city)


It would be called “Area 51”

I’ll find the door


“The founding fathers did not intend for Washington DC to be a state”

The founding fathers did not intend for minority’s to have rights either


I always laugh when someone uses the intent of the founding fathers to justify a policy in 2020.


*1700s* :- No Taxation without Representation
*2020* :- Taxation without Representation


Republican politicians: “DC cannot be a state, because it is a singular city.”
Germany: [laughs in Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen]


"The Founding Fathers did not intend for Washington DC to be a state."
The Founding Fathers are dead, Paul. They have been for more than 200 years.
