Why Is Resident Evil 4 A Masterpiece?!

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Resident Evil 4 is one of the greatest games of ALL TIME! But why? Surely there is more to it than Leon's haircut? Well, I'm about to tell you why...

#1 Bingo – 0:00
#2 Introduction - 1:31
#3 The Village – 5:27
#4 A Departure From Resident Evil – 11:42
#5 Visuals & Cutscenes – 13:28
#6 Gameplay, Horror & Difficulty – 20:24
#7 Back To The Story – 27:13
#8 Enemy Variety & Surprise Encounters – 30:24
#9 Story, Characters, Dialogue – 35:26
#10 Conclusion – 41:05


Xbox Live Gamertag ➤ The Act Man
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My mother, a deaf woman, played this game for years. Over and over and over again… she always hoarded her money, yelled when being chased, and took the same paths each playthrough and had to have beat it well over a dozen times, but always had a good time. Especially when we were watching her play.

She didn’t understand the story, or any of the background lore - she just loved this game. It’ll forever be a masterpiece to her and myself.

Tried to get her to play RE5 and RE6 with me, but the mechanics were a little different and she wasn’t having it! Lmao

RIP Mom.


As a kid Leon's jacket was the coolest thing ever, I was so stoked when my mum bought me one just like it, it was so comfy with the inner fur. Then I grew out of it :(


After the chief spares Leon, the next scene is not Leon entering the room again. In fact, that second scene is 100% optional and it serves more as another surprise in the game. Kinda like “oh you wanna go back in here do you? Well this is what happens…”


I think RE4 took a cue from Aliens and Terminator 2. When people are familiar with your monster, and thus not so easily frightened by it, make the sequel lean more towards action. That way both the characters and the audience can experience the catharsis of feeling like they're facing their old fears head-on. But don't forget to also up the stakes and make the monsters more powerful, so that the tension remains.


The act man turned out to truly be a man of a acts: gamer, reviewer, journalist, absolute chad, and now even a rapper. Truly an inspiration to act upon


This game has the most tragic thing in gaming history:

Leon loses his sick jacket by mission 2.


You know what I like about this game's story? It's like one of those funnily cheesy 80s action movies without trying too hard to be seen as such. Whereas the other games tried way too hard to be Michael Bay films. This and Persona 4 are the only two games to this day that make me feel melancholy after finishing because of how likeable the characters are.


The Japanese version of the base game had the Ashley section use fixed camera angles just like in the classic games which was pretty awesome. Explains how the lamps she throws aim at enemies automatically when throwing.


Re4 is a masterpice. A full game that unlocks two extra game modes, a seperate campaign, some unlockable costumes and it's all in the game! Wow. In todays world, that would be a game, 2 dlcs and 2 season passes.


"Why does this random guy in Spain know about an outbreak in Raccoon city."

Uh... an entire city was overrun with zombies and nuked. I'm pretty sure at the time it would be pretty much the single most well known event in living memory.


The Act Man please make a part 2 of this with the remake coming. This shit was awesome and hilarious😂 I love it!


This is by far the best Resident Evil game. Everything about it was perfect. The M/C. The setting. The storyline. The gameplay. The weapons. The array of enemies. The pacing. The eeriness of hearing the hooded drones whispering in Latin. Omg. I still play it to this day.


Therapist: “The Acting Leon isn’t real, he can’t hurt you.”

The Acting Leon: 0:18


A game made by japanese, with an American protagonist in a Spanish village were everyone talks with Mexican accent.
As a Spanish I approve this


I can’t play the resident evil 4 intro without hearing actmans rap.


Every modern AAA game owes its existence to RE4. Easily the most masterfully crafted and most complete game ever produced. It stands on a league of its own and I very much doubt the remake will do justice to this absolute masterpiece


"I've sent my right hand to dispose of you."

"Your right hand comes off?"

- Leon's dialogue in a nutshell


I honestly love Salazar.
Everytime he's on screen the game becomes "Special agent has a dickoff against Zombie Midget".
He's small and full of comic villains cliches and then there's Leon being an asshole to him 🤣.


Finally got around to this masterpiece a month ago. I got so addicted I played 71 hours in 20 days. Beat it once, went straight to Professional and beat it again, beat Separate Ways, and then did another normal run with new outfits. Ashley's knight armor was hilarious xD. I got pretty damn frustrated with Krauser on Professional. I died so many times and I had no clue the knife was the key weapon to use, I had to look it up. Was surprised that I couldn't find one video where someone defeated him without some usage of the knife, but at least now I know.


I never minded the escort mission aspect of the game. Ashley is never TOO much of a nuisance, she can handle herself and when she doesn't, it's not too difficult to rescue her. I say they did escort mission right in this game.
