The Rise and Fall of the Sumerian City of Ur

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The Biblical “Ur of the Chaldees” where Abraham was supposedly born. The site near which the earliest human cultures were found. The site which held the most glorious Sumerian Dynasty in ancient history. This is the story of the city that was destined to die and be reborn every millennium or so, a city full of intrigue, magnificence, tragedy, and glory.

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I will forever be grateful to have toured the ziggurat of Ur during my deployment to iraq (camp adder 2008)


I am from Iraq, 🇮🇶 I live near the historical city of Ur.. We want you to visit us.. The situation here is good


I love ancient history...

And you took the time and effort to put english CC..

For that I will subscribe and share your videos.

Cheers 🍻🍻


أور السومرية الأثرية جميلة جدا وجذابة وهادئة وبإستطاعة السياح زيارتها في أي وقت وهدوء وأمان واستقرار في جنوب العراق


I am from India 👍🏼 Tamil Nadu 👍🏼 UR or Ooru is name for village in Tamil language 👍🏼 Nammur is our village 👍🏼 sin is short form of Singham that's 🦁 Lion in Tamil 👍🏼 Sumaria is ancient Dravidian name and civilization in Tamil Nadu 👍🏼


"Okay, what are we doing to name our city"
"Mister indecisive, what do you think?"


Key word here is region: the city was abandoned, then rebuilt near by.


There's a phenomenona most people in world not aware happen when you have new cities growing in the neighborhood of old cities towns where people living in with old habits customs of the age when those old cities towns began. That's where we have the word urban came from which is not very different from " modern" lifestyle.i know urban is more like living in metropolies with all the new technologies services available to you. Modern is a approach to life a new way to look at some of old things while ready to accept new changes coming with time. We know people living or coming from different places have different views ideas about life or how people should live. This phenomenon as old as the "UR" or URUK. When we have new opportunities arrived we see all types of people present on the scene, I know in old books dealing with history this situation is often mentioned as clash or conflict, as we moving from 2024 BC to 2024 AD curtain on the human drama raised and many people have idea without having any higher academic background. What I found is something related to human person it's very much people and their personal choices and their decisions which lead to communities to growth and prosperity, its was ignored in the past smallest bit of humanity which is a human individual, not the king or king of the kings but man who is everyone and everybody today its possible with the access to modern technology no historian no herodotus ever imagined that information and communication technologies will bring a change, when we can say world is changed and it's changed for good.


In Genesis 11:26-31, Abram is introduced as son of Terah, coming from Ur Kasdim (Ur of the Chaldeans). This is not just a case of using the then-current name for a territory that has changed rulers. Genesis 15:7 “quotes” Yahweh telling Abram that Yahweh brought Abram out of Ur Kasdim.

“The Chaldeans” didn’t exist until at least the 10th C BCE... soon after the time of David, and they didn’t take Ur until the 7th C BCE. It is difficult to be born in a region that didn’t exist until centuries after you supposedly lived.

But if the authors of Nehemiah and Genesis could have known about the Chaldeans and thought that Ur had been under the Chaldeans before the Israelites existed.

Abram/Abraham was most likely an eponymous invention.


Total misinformation .
There are 6 ancient cities named UR which means city or town in Akkadian .
1 Ur the ancient city in the Video
2 UR uk a city that is nearby.
3 Ur garit an ancient City in Syria on the Mediterranean Sea.
4 Ur aritu the ancient city in Turkey. Today it is called Van.
This is where Noah lived . The Ararat mountains go right down to the shoreline of lake Van the 4th largest lake in the world which experienced tremendous Glacial flooding 7500 years ago .
5 Jerusalem
The original name was
Uru Salam 8000 years ago.
Salam today in Arabic means welcome. So the name translates to Welcome to Ur .
6 Ur fa in Turkey . This is the actual birthplace of Abraham .
There is a cave in Urfa where Abraham was born . It's called the Cave of the Patriarchs .
The artifacts here are 11, 000 years old . 5000 years older than the Ur in Iraq .
This is the Garden of Eden from the first chapter of the Bible. This is also the first city on earth.
In Genesis the first chapter of the Bible it talks about
Abraham's cave is in the valley by the Euphrates and if you walk three miles up a hill you come to Gobleki Tepe which is also the oldest monastery in the world. It is also 11, 000 years old..
So Radio carbon dating proves that this was the original Ur.


So not that long ago! What kept us from hitting the industrial revolution in the Middle Ages?!


Good video but I do not trust any historian who uses BCE or CE opposed to BC & AD


They are showing the Sumerians as white or Caucasian. However, the people in that lived in that region during that period, the Ubaid period, we black. They weren't even what think of as Arab today back then. The whites, for the most part, were still confined to the caves and hillsides of Europe or what is known as the Caucasus mountains. The founders of civilization Sumer, along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, were black. Later, the whites emerged from the Caucasus, then into Eurasian Steppes and then unto civilization of Sumer, mixing in with the indigenous inhabitants already there.
