How to Edge beds like a PRO with this lawn Edger - Stihl Bed Redefiner

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Could this be the BEST Lawn Edger? Save time and get crisp clean edges FASTER than ever. You be the judge and see the demo of this incredible tool from Stihl, the Stihl bed redefiner and see it in action as I clean up my garden beds

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I used this to redefine my bed. Now I need a new mattress.


I bought it for the same reason two years ago and couldn’t be happier !! Great results and a huge time saver !!


I have the stihl km130 kombisystem unit with the tiller/cultivator
attachment, the rubber paddle broom, the bristle broom, the string
trimmer, edger, 145 degree articulating hedge trimmer, the pole saw and I
have two 3 foot carbon fiber extensions. No matter what tool I use or
how hard I push this thing it never bogs down or loses power. I like
this kombi unit better than the dedicated units because the engine on
this km130 is 36.3 cc 1.9 HP and you can use the same powerful engine to
run all of the tools and save storage space and money by not having to
maintain multiple engines. I used to have 5 or 6 dedicated units and
they took up alot of storage space, now I can literally fit this whole
kombi system in a golf club bag. This kombi system is well worth the
money and it's worth paying the few extra dollars for the bigger engine,
(110, 111, 130, 131).


Thanks for showing on edges without concrete!!


Easy on soft soil. Like to see it on a Claybed type soil. Looks nice tho.


I use differnt makes of tools with my kombi. Even the cheap ones from lowes and home depot work. They may not last like the stihl ones but they work. I love the stihl 4 mix kombi motor.


I have one it works good in certain situations. If the grounds semi soft it’s the ticket. You get it on some hard pack or clay and you might as well leave it in the trailer and grab a edging shovel. That’s just my personal opinion. Looks good though! Nice work


We do commercial and residential lawn care/landscaping and have the Echo redefiner and had to buy a new combo head and bought this attachment and I will say the Sthil performs better. We bought the KM 131 and I think that makes a big difference too with more power. The Echo does ok but the Sthil digs deeper and a wider path and doesn't clog as easy. We make two passes and on the second pass we turn the unit into the bed and it gives a nice wide deep cut where as the Echo would only get us about a 3" or so bevel.


Those work awesome ! Just don’t be like me and forget about the “invisible” dog fence 🤣🤦‍♂️


I've had both kombi system and the yard boss for years and I have been absolutley impressed with every attachment performance.


I have a acre of lawn with 4 islands. I got pretty good at edging with my 40 volt kobolt weed wacker turning it to edge..


ik this was a yr ago but u did right in my opinion goin with the stihl... i rented the echo from hd and didnt realise till I saw u.. I WAS GOIN FWD!.... lmao.. maybe thats why my results was 'ok'.. lol.. good video


Once an edge is made using a square shovel, I then use my Worx grass trimmer which can be rotated and used as an edge trimmer. It does a nice neat job without the expense of purchasing of having to purchase specific edging tool.


Edging cutter really nice and clean. I like friend watching from Philippines ..


Nice job we hand spade all our bed. The Stihl kombi is a awesome tool.


I love my redmax and echo landscaping maintenance tools and my bobcat, xmark mowers


Thank you for sharing your journey with us Silver!


Love my kombi system. Thought I had an issue with the motor recently, then a mate told me to take the spark arrestor off the exhaust, throw it in the bin and run the machine harder 😁


Looks good but still need to cut the slope back up into the bed and shave off some of it to clean it up. Hated how long this took me every year so I put down a stone paver edge. No more cutting beds.


Great job and the landscaping beds look great
