Watchtower Is Spending Millions On What?!

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Watchtower's new movie studio is crazy! And Jehovah's Witnesses are going to pay for it!

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Ex Jehovah's Witness, Governing Body, pomo, watchtower, former Jehovah's Witness, elder, ministerial servant, ex-pioneer, ex-bethelite, pimo, EXJW, JW
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Love your energy in your videos
As a former JW I love the good and insightful points you make regarding this fake so called religion!!!


My old presiding overseer lived in a caravan with his wife out the front of their mega mansion while it took five years to build. He would say things like “we’ve never stopped pioneering once” meanwhile never saw him or her and at any groups, or if they did show up they’d leave to go do their “bible studies” … they had all these bible studies year after year, yet not one ever turned up at the memorial or the meetings. He’s still congregational overseer and he’s a real nasty piece of work. He personally disfellowshipped me and took great pleasure in doing it and when I was trying to come back unsuccessfully, he would tell brothers to get up and move if they sat next to me in the back row. After the meeting he would get into his brand new VW Toureg and go home. If God is in this religion, he’s in every religion.


For years the org has told people the end is near so don't make future plans then they embark on a project that will take years a critical look they don't believe their own words


Watchtower: * casually spends 16k for 2 minutes of propaganda *


Now I get it. Jehovah was really busy in his role of Project Manager for this building that he didn't have time to save the 20 thousand JW's who died of Covid.
It´s undersandable, he is just a God, he can´t do more than one thing at a time.


I wonder if watchtower also had the number of “partakers” “anointed” in addition to the 21, 367, 303 “record attendees”? Maybe at the 2022 “memorial” they’ll have over 144, 000 partakers!😳


Politics. My parents built their dream home. When most of the elders are your friends and family you can do what you like.


Love your energy and insightful points. I grew up as a JW too (i'm 34 now lol), and hearing about the written review, and such, is childhood memory lane! hahaaa... your energy and comedy just makes me remember it and laugh (and not get mad and cry about so much wasted time lol). Thanks for your awesome videos!


Omg, I had entirely forgotten about the written review until you mentioned it!


Very glad to be a new subscribers bro, i was raised in that cult and got out as soon as i was old enough to make my own decisions, it just saddens me that so many of my family are still being manipulated and brainwashed by this organization and will not listen to ANYTHING that I've attempted to share with them, that is actually proof that they're being lied to and deceived so I've just given up on trying because they'll hear none of it


Ramapo is going to be their new idol, televangelist-style. They ought to invite Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson, Paula White & Joyce Meyer (oh, I forgot, no women allowed!) Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker to their ribbon-cutting to party with the “governing body”. Yep, the “end” is “really close” building more “Armageddon surviving” complexes!


What is Jesus doing through all this? I guess he’s on vacation because the governing body has it covered 😊


So hilarious how they talk about food relief for the congregations in need. In most cases those food needs were provided by the governments and Watchtower just coordinated the distribution based on who they felt had the need. Meanwhile, rank and file JW think it's provision from the governing body.

Oh and by the way, I work in corporate America and they carry on business the same way. We've been using ZOOM for almost a decade for conferencing but JW streaming is from Jehovahs one true religion. So glad I am waking up after 40 years. Love your videos Wally.


When I heard about this new project I was still a believing JW and I was nonetheless shocked that they feel the need to do this. What they do not mention is that they are investors in the complex that will house the volunteers, and that's long before this project was made public. They will be collecting leases/rents from residents in that elite complex. So, it's all about real estate investing. Oh, and making it convenient for them to travel to their video indoctrination centre. Has nothing to do with building a NEEDED media house for resurrected ones to learn about Jehovah 🙄. That statement was just so ludicrous.


"We're using worldly contractors Jehovah has blessed us with to make our dream come true. After they're done steamrolling the construction area, we're going to see another example of Jehovah's blessings as He steamrolls them with Armageddon."


When they announced the new project last year I was really confused. Did not understand why they needed to spend all of that money to build new stuff that they already had. Now I'm fully aware it's just investment.


I wonder if they invested in ZOOM stock.


Dude so much has changed from when I was a kid


They need to hurry up as the end is almost here AGAIN. LOL


Oh my gosh, I completely forgot the 'written review'. I marked my own, and changed my answers, so my husband couldn't see that I obviously hadn't listened or studied. (I left him for many reason, but one reason was he was a controller).
