Will China’s economic woes spill over to the rest of Asia? | DW News

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China's property crisis could spill over to other Asian countries and hold back regional growth, according to the Asian Development Bank. It says Asia faces significant headwinds if the Chinese property market deteriorates. And growth will come from South Asia, largely thanks to strong public investment in India. DW anchor Chris Kober speaks with Albert Park, Chief Economist at the Asian Development Bank. And DW Taipei correspondent Tsou Tzung-Han explains why US firms are less optimistic about investing in China.

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It is not taipei china, it is Taiwan...

Now my social credit is -1000


Taipei China? +1000 Social Credits Mr. Sirrrr


It's so strange to hear ADB avoiding to call Taiwan as Taiwan but instead choose to call it Taipei.


Why say “Taipei China”? Just have the balls to say Taiwan. 😂


I've no idea why Albert Park kept saying Taipei China. Even if you live by the fantasy that Taiwan belongs to China, it's still OK to say Taiwan, or Taiwan island.


Hold back regional growth and push Germany into deeper crisis 😂


Saying "Taipei, China" is like saying "Berlin, Europe". Just say "Taiwan" and grow some balls.


❤❤India is also an Asia continent country so no change at all😂❤❤


The decline of China's economy will not affect Asia at all. China's currency is not an world key currency, and the collapse of China's real estate market has had no impact on Asia, with the exception of a few countries such as Malaysia. China starting to drop out of global supply chains is a blessing for most countries in Asia instead.


This economist Albert Park was referring Taiwan as "Taipei, China", really?


Get it right wizbang It's Taiwan not Chinese Taipei Another reason China is going down


For your information guys, China is not declining its growing 5.5% but Germany.


That coward keeps calling Taiwan “Taipei China”


China is looking for another way to develop not only real estate but also high tech and infrastructure which could bring conflict with western potentially.


I think Germany’s low, or lack of, growth will overspill into EU economy. Just an observation.
Also, you will underestimated the service sector momentum when National holiday (Oct 1st) comes.


People in Europe shall not discriminate China because China choose one party system instead of using two party system. One party system let China develop much faster. Nowadays China is much more developed than India, Brazil, Indonesia or other developing countries. Its streets are also cleaner and safer than most developed countries. Its life expectancy is already 2 years longer than US life expectancy and 9 years longer than India life expectancy .

Expressway length in China reach 177, 000 kms vs US 76, 000 kms and India 4, 900 kms. High speed railway length in China reach 42, 000 kms vs both 0 kms in US and India.

Take life expectancy of both China and US as example. In 1950 China life expectancy is about 38 vs US 68. After 71 years, in 2021 China life expectancy is 78.2 vs US 76.1( latest figure by CDC, US life expectancy dropped by 3 in 2020-2021 period from 79.1 originally). China expectancy increase by 40 years while US increase by 8 years only. China life expectancy increase 5 time faster than US.

Also Look at health care by comparing MMA rate( maternal mortality rate): in 1950 China maternal mortality is 1500 women death per 100, 000 birth vs US 100 women death per 100, 000 births. In 2021, China MMA is 16.1 vs US 23.8 per 100, 000 (the lower the number, the better health care service level) .

Infant mortality rate: in 1950 China infant mortality is 195 death per 1000 birth vs US 26.8 death per 1000 births. In 2021, China infant mortality rate drop to 5 per 1000 vs US 5.4 per 1000 birth.

And people in China retire at 55 years old on average to access pension. About 12 years earlier than US's 67 years requirement while some countries may not have pension at all. It means an American need work extra 40*52*12=25, 000 hrs in his life than an average person in China. It also means an American only has 9 years to enjoy retirement while an average person in China has 23 years to enjoy retirement. And it is not means or asset tested when access pension in China. It means you get your pension monthly even you stay overseas, are a multi-millionaire or have another job after retirement. Singapore is another example of one party system. Its gdp is highest among Asia.


😅Ironically, all western main media happily reported China exports decrease due to the U$, UK, EU slipped into a technical recession.


China's growth rate of 5% looks much better than the rest of the world. Regional nations will do much better than other regions relatively. Hope that the EU could grow as well as China to help boost the world economy.


can we trust a person who is scared to say the word Taiwan? 🤔


The Asian countries most vulnerable are the ones that invested heavily in China, especially in development and real estate. They will be crushed. Others will actually benefit because western investment has moved from China to other Asian low wage countries.
