Speeding up wordpress blog - How to build website with Hugo and AMP

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Today we will talk about speeding up wordpress blog and how to build website with hugo and AMP.

Last days we noticed our blog is growing a lot in size, and performance is going down.

As max on slow 3g, we had even 7s to LCP that punished our SEO, and visits decreased three times.

We had to find out the way how to improve our performance and speed up wordpress blog to make it blazing fast.

And we've got some ideas on the static pages generator and AMP framework.

Now the hugo and amp blog is loading below 1s, and we have the lighting icon.

As a hosting, we've decided to go into the AWS S3 and Cloudflare as CDN.

I will share a separate article with a tutorial on how to set up AWS S3 and Cloudflare to use it as a very fast, secure, and cheap website hosting.

In the next sections of today's article, I will show you step by step how we scored 100 in Google Pagespeed insights, and how to do it.

Let's start!

The written version of the video:


#performace #pagespeed #seo #golang #hugo #insights
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