Why the Book of Job is One of My Favorites | A Hard But Helpful Truth

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This right here is a short breakdown that shows why the book of Job is one of my favorites. If ever you have asked, "Why God?", you might find this very thought-provoking.




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Book of Job is an end sample to every man that everything in life is temporary. Only thing that is permanent in the most high. Humble yourself unto him.


My Heavenly Father always says read Job. I have read it many times. One day I drove to the library and as I parked my car I heard my Lord say read job. OK, I knew God meant Right NOW, right here.. I sat in my car and read it all. People try to analyze and criticize someone's situation, but things aren't always what we see with our eyes. God says they think they know something but they don't. God is doing a new thing at this time. Look at how the story of Job's trials and tribulations has stood the test of time. That book humbled me to the core. I feel sad for people who think we will not face tribulation, tests and trials. That's how we are refined. It's God's wrath.that we won't have to face, and that works for me.👍😊


It is my opinion only that God said, did you ever consider my servant Job? For the purpose to let Satan test Job and take everything from him to prove to Satan that any person that is fully committed to God will not falter and turn away from God because their heart cannot be shaken once there is a complete surrender unto God; giving God everything he has and trusting Him even unto death. A person like this is few and far between anyone else. They have a love for God that is chosen by God and inseparable. It cannot be broken, it's ordained.


"It was because of his righteousness that trials came"


This is the book of the bible that has challenged my life to a point i asked myself if what happened to Job would happen to me, would i still love God?
Then i realise i had some if Job s experiences and i am still standing.God is faithful.


I feel like what I am going through right now is related to Job...I trust in you Lord and love you...Amen all glory be to our lord Jesus Christ


I heard that it was a mistranslation and what God actually said to Satan was "I see you've been considering my servant, Job" or something like that in the original Hebrew. Satan already had his eyes on Job. I also heard that Job's fear opened the door to Satan and we see this when Job said the thing that I have feared has come upon me (I forget the reference). We attract what we fear.


Encounter TV is not only on the road for 400k subscribers and other exponential growths, but there love for Jesus is being magnified and going from Glory to Glory🔥🔥


I am reading this accidentally and recently, I've been questioning God about it too I cried to tears when I've read Job, It's like I can't explain it but I know God must have a reason He is Sovereign of anything and everything, It's like God is speaking to me, it's becoming one of my favorite Bible Passage.


this is crazy, , , i literally wrote an essay on this the other day.


Idk but Robin Bullock explains that Job sewed a seed for loss by living in fear. He kept offering sacrifices for his children “just in case” they had sinned.


this is the day that the Lord has made 🙏


Job is definitely one of my faves...thank you for this wonderful teaching Brother David! 💜🕊️🫒


Wow 🔥🔥 I’ve been learning so much listening to your teachings over the last few weeks. Thank you 🙏


Are you that shepherd boy who won the great victory by killing Goliath....God bless you and your family in Jesus name....amen, amen, amen...🙋🧕🙋🧕🔥🔥🔥📿📿📿✋🖐️👏😔😔


I just Love the Book of Job. It changed my life back in 2005, when I read Charles R. Swindoll's book on Job. I fell in love with the book of Job, thereafter.


I needed this. It's been very difficult book for me to understand.


For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me…(Job 3:25).

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18


I been in the Job session for 8 + months. Please pray for me. ❤️🤍


There are so many lessons to be learned from Job, a man of Yahweh! I've been longing for death of this flesh of late because of my impaired mental state due to stroke, heart disease, and neuro problems. I pray the following is discernable! Through our heavenly Father's WORD and SPIRIT, I hope to impart some spiritual gift to the reader. What did  Satan mean by "skin for skin, " in reference to Job while speaking to Yahweh? Skin is the largest organ of the human body. When Adam and Eve fell due to sin they exposed the sin shame hidden beneath that innocence. Yahweh's gave mankind garments of innocence and the physical covering of skin to protect the mind and heart which are the soul's strength. After the fall, Humanity added another layer of covering (fig leaf) which in itself reveals very much the condition of mind and heart. Adam and Eve made garments for themselves but Yahweh didn't approve: He made them garments of animal skins that pointed towards our Lord and Savior, Yeshua Messiah's sacrifice for sin! I think of John the Baptist, whose clothing revealed so much about the condition of his mind and heart! Satan, attacked Job's character and ours, also. Yahweh doesn't chasten man without reason! Although Yahweh already knew the mind and heart of Job, Yahweh chastened Job for his personal condition: as revealed in chapter 3:25-26. So many are born into this world malformed, in families filled with hatred, having nothing financially to help move themselves forward, or cope with daily needs! Satan said that Yahweh had furnished Job with all his needs and had put a hedge of protection around him from the evil one's attempts to draw him away from Yahweh. Again, Father Yahweh knows our minds and hearts along with all our needs better than we do...that's why he has put each of us in our position and condition for such a time as this! Job, with all his substance, health, and moral character was still LIVING IN FEAR: saying, "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. I was not in safety,  neither had I rest,  neither was I quiet; yet trouble came." We know Job loved his children and gave daily sacrifices for their sins, which were the first things taken of his substance (sustenance) by Satan. The offerings for sin and loss of children is the thing which Job "greatly feared". Finally Satan took His health which Job said "I was afraid of has come unto me". Fear (reverence) of Father Yahweh brings blessing and keeps us: working out our salvation with trembling and fear as we daily search the scriptures and study to show ourselves approved, which will increase our faith by revealing our spiritual status with Yahweh, along with proof of salvation. Yahweh has not given us the spirit of fear; but the Spirit of power,  of love,  of a sound mind and pure heart: when we dwell on heavenly Father's Commandments (using the mind) and keep the Commandments (using the heart), we know we have the Testimony of Yeshua Messiah! As it is written, "Herein is our love made perfect,  that we may have boldness in the day of our redemption: because as he is, so are we
in this world. There is no fear in love; but
perfect love casts out fear: because 
fear has torment. He that fears is not 
made perfect in love." (1Jhn 4:17-18) Let's not forfeit the promise of our salvation due to temptations and tribulations in our lives and ministry nor trade "skin or skin"! Don't try and cover your sins...yes you may fool others temporarily but Yahweh nows everything and His heart is breaking with grief over what we think is the smallest of sins! I am praying for you a sound mind and pure heart! Hallelujah Amen
