Gary Player is Almost 90, How He Now Lives is Sad…

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Gary Player, the "Black Knight" of golf, a name etched in golfing lore, revered for his nine major championships and unyielding dedication to the sport. A beacon of fitness and discipline, he seemed an unassailable icon. But as his 88th year approaches, a series of disturbing revelations threatens to dismantle the carefully crafted image. Accusations of cheating, controversial statements, and a questionable relationship with a repressive regime paint a picture of a man far more complex than his public persona suggests. The golfing world is left questioning: is this the true legacy of Gary Player?

Attention! Videos on the channel are exclusively documentary, informational, and narrative in nature. All information about the case is taken from various sources on the Internet! The author is not engaged in his own investigation and does not try to hurt anyone's feelings, nor does he encourage you to take illegal actions!
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🟪What an unnecessary, alarmistic profusion of irrelevant social trivia about a famous celebrity, and that just to elicit advertisements and marketing opportunities on social media. Furthermore, there is nothing sad about the way he is living now. Despite being alone and sorely missing his dear wife, he is still having a great time when on his farm in Colesberg (South Africa) or while travelling. He has had a charmed and industrious life, admired by thousands the world over. To the remarkable talent behind this video: Never expect perfection from other people, including golfers, for the simple reason that you cannot offer it.


Player definitely improved his lie when taking a putter from the side of the clubhouse, it's recorded on film that on his practice takeaway he scooped loose soil from behind the ball.
He cheated.
Then there was the 'lost' ball episode when his caddie miraculously 'found' it just before time ran out, rather strangely he found it nowhere near where it was assumed to be lost.
Player did not initiate the health and exercise routines, that was to the credit of the great American amateur golfer Frank 'Muscles' Stranahan a major character in golf of the 1940's and '50's.

My favourite Player story concerns a period when he was struggling with a hook and with his customary arrogance phoned the mighty Ben Hogan for advice.
Mr Hogan "Whose equipment do you play?".
Player "Dunlop".
Mr Hogan "Then give Dunlop a call" and hung up.


If Tom Watson has made unfounded accusations he should apologise but if he can prove his claims he should j prove them for the sake of the public and players of the game that makes players responsible for their actions worldwide.


He definitely improved his lie at Lytham in 74 with his left handed putter use on the last


Remember when Tiger Woods won the PGA in a playoff against Bob May? On one hole, Tiger hooked his drive into some shrubs. After a pause of a couple of seconds his ball came flying out of the shrubs, followed by two spectators. No penalty. The people in charge didn't do a thing! I played the game for several decades. I cannot understand how a ball can wind up in the rough behind a green, but because of a sprinkler head it could be moved, no nearer to the pin, but still moved on to the green. Billy Horschel was allowed to do that in a tournament earlier this year. He made the putt for a birdie.


He wasn't a politician he was a golfer. One of the best to ever play the game. Look hard enough and you can dig up dirt on anyone.


Nicklaus and Trevino wont say that Player is a cheater, but they know that Watson believes it


If thats all the dirt you have on Gary player in almost 90 years, hes doing well in my book.


Whoever produced this and other videos like this is full of B.S. Only my opinion.


Gary Player is a great golfer that played and won against some of the legends in golf! I think he is a legend!


So does Tom Watson look like the kind of person who would make up his cheating allegation? He is a very measured and disciplined individual of the highest character as far as I can see…..


No man Player was an amazing talent why allege that he cheated when there is absolutely no evidence
Why don't you state the positive
If you have nothing good to say rather keep yr mouth shut


This the first time Iv ever heard anything negative about Gary player.I do know his accomplishments wer extraordinary a man of his size.moving a leaf can't take that away from him


He has done very well....but he is very phony and impressed by himself


I'm trying to see if there is a good person in your opinion?


I think he was a great player I’ve seen the documentaries, all I’m hearing here is opinions, everyone has them. He is not perfect, know one is. And was he bragging about his discipline in fitness, who ever complained there probably doesn’t have the discipline for it


If you want to continue the discussion simply watch and listen to Lee Trevino who used gamesmanship way over the top and he still has selective memory of his life and career because he wanted to win like all his peers none of them are perfect ! Read any of the older golfers versions of how they played to win . Everyone plays as close to the rules as they can it’s their livelihood not your friendly fourball for a pound coin!


Leave him alone lb for lb possibly the best golfer after Ben Hogan who player thought thought WAS the best golfer EVER .


What a waste to even read the trash that Ace Icons "publishes". They seem hell bent on discrediting every single person who played professional golf and are trying to trash what ever reputation a player may have had. This is sad to see such filth appear about every single accomplished professional golfer. I guess they'll go after Bobby Jones and even Old Tom Morris next.


been a gary fan for 50yrs never ever heard he was a cheat its click bait
