Gary Lineker & Jürgen Klinsmann React to Diego Maradona's 'The Goal of the Century'

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A goal that will leave you speechless to this day 🤩

📺 Gary Lineker & Jürgen Klinsmann react to Diego Maradona's 'The Goal of the Century' from the 1986 #fifaworldcup

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Take away the distance, the composure, the speed of the run etc. Just look at each and every touch he has on the ball. He's in COMPLETE control. It's pure genius, a gift from the heavens above.


An englishman and a german admiring an argentinian.


There is absolutely no way any living human could foresee exactly where the ball would bubble on the uneven pitch. The technical skills Maradona had was simply beyond what ever had been seen before or since. Nobody could run that fluintly with that pace on uneven surface like that and yet having the ball stuck on his feet. Simply impossible. The initial dribble combination when slips past 3 players in one fluint movement is something you can’t train specifically for. The exact same situation probably never appeared before or since. To string those movements together without hesitation, with no pause or indesiveness is pure magic. Doing a la croqueta or any other specific dribble is on the other hand something you can train and train and train over and over againto perfection. Michael Laudrup did that to perfection. But what Maradona constantly did was to string dribbles, even never heard of before dribbles into fluint combos only working in specific situations. Going on from there, he ‘passes’/chips the ball to himself to alude any imperfections on the pitch and the balls lies dead flat on pitch with millimeters precision right in the center between the next 2-3 defenders he is taking on. That allows him to pick up speed and accelerate into the final run against the goal. To dribble it the rest of the way the english goal is pure routine for Maradona despite the before mentioned pitch uneveness and random bubbling of the ball. The goal is not only the best WC goal ever scored. It is in fact the best ever scored in any match throughout history by the best player troughout history.


Maradona, the player who came the closest to reducing a team sport into an individual one


Watched it live when i was 9, still gives me shivers.


Seeing you Diego, I can't stop for cry and cry...


The beauty of this goal was that in 86 you didn't have but few opportunities to see games on TV. There was no YouTube replay, cable had just started out. This was amazing to watch and see unhuman things being done with the ball. Pure magic to see live in tv.


Gary nailed it: "I think this is the greatest goal that has ever been scored!" I am having hard time believing someone should out do that. EVER! THAT goal is going to stand next to the pyramids some 5000 years from now. Well, It is unmatched for sure.


This is why Gary is the truth.. regardless of anything he is telling his truth. Best goal ever scored by the best player.
Its not even an argument to consider another player if you do research.


I was a little boy when i watched this goal and now im a middle aged man it still gives me the same emotions, it was the first time i felt Football crossed over to Art


He was extra-terrestrial in that tournament


Respect to Gary Lineker from Argentina... He realy is a differente one... eventhou he got elimanted of that world cup, he always recognized the magic of that game... and that intelectual honesty is very dificult to find...


Cuando yo era chico y jugaba en las calles, imitaba a Maradona. Era mi súper héroe, más que Superman, Batman, Spiderman. Y lo más grandioso, es que era real, era un ser humano que nació en la pobreza y llegó a lo máximo. Cuando murió Maradona, murió mi infancia. Aún hoy sigo llorando. No habrá otro igual de heroico. Maestría y coraje, todo en la misma persona. Diego eterno.


Maradona denied the claim from his teammates but it was true - he really did win that WC singlehandedly. Masterful.


The greatest of them all!!!
Diego Armando 🎉


Greatest goal in the history of football


Look @ the state of the pitch and Maradona skill, speed, dribbling and technique was amazing.


This is not just football. This is a monument to art.


Superb love to see that moment, the great countries England and Argentina played the game all out


Wathced it as a 8 year old boy on a 18" black and white TV set in a remote village. My love story for football began from that moment. How lucky was I to be inspired by the greatest goal ever scored!
