Why Doesn't NASA Develop Reusable Rockets

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Why Doesn't NASA Develop Reusable Rockets?

Views on environmental conservation in the United States have only grown since the 1990s. Eliminating consumer waste is an everyday topic. With irreversal climate change looming, debates rage about running out of resources and the best use of what we have left - but not everyone agrees on how urgent this is. Space exploration is focused on the resources we might find offworld, but reusing machinery for space travel is a big concern for some space projects - but not others. Why has NASA continuously refused to develop reusable rockets? The answer boils down to a few simple realities: priorities and money.


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I wish we could develop a rocket (like in The Sims 4) that would be an entirely self sustaining (not needing boosters), single unit. Everything it needs would be attached to it (instead of components falling away to the sea).

We'd simply give it enough fuel/oxidizer to do it's mission in space. There'd be a tank for that, like the fuel tank of a plane.

After launch, when it re-entered, it would simply land back on its launch pad. Simple as that. Just like landing a plane or parking a car.

Like why? Why haven't we done this? 😫
