The Difference Between Broke And Poor | The Financial Diet

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Poverty rates around the US

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Friends who judge you for being poor are not "friends" and you'd be better off without them. This is missing in this video. That's America.


This channel is so underrated, I have no idea why.


This was extremely well said. Hugely critical - I go to Drake (a wildly overpriced private university) and some classmates drive their dad-bought Mercedes, but complain constantly about being cut off from their 'allowance.' Others are on full-rides and have to take the bus and eat whatever they can for free while working two jobs as a full time student. It's hard to see those contrasts as someone from a solidly middle class background.


Wow, this is such an important video. Really eye-opening. I know I've often found myself getting annoyed with friends who seem reluctant to do things and haven't spent the time to really consider the why behind their hesitation. Especially the idea of people being ashamed of their financial status and trying to hide it to appear normal. Will definitely be sharing this video and try to readjust my own thinking.


ok whoever 4:49 is i just wanna tell you that one of my friends are struggling with money but he opened up to me about his condition, he never asked me anything but since i figured it out now i'm helping him how to save money and go to cheaper alternative to hangout and sometimes i pay for the drinks even he never asked me to, and if you're too scared that they wont hangout with you anymore than they definately not your real friends, real friends help and accept each other, find other friends and being honest first!


When professors, advisors, colleges shame actual poor people for working and not doing "extracurricular activities" because we need to work to survive.


Im glad you're looking at the emotional side of financial struggles, it really rounds out this idea of "understanding money", which is what this channel strives for. Thankyou. Was there a specific thing recently that brought this video about?


You're so eloquent! I strive to speak like that


Arbitrarily calling yourself poor is like the overuse of "I'm so depressed". One person who suffered from depression described in a book how she was really hurt and offended by this. Ever since then I've stopped using that word to describe a generic, bad day.
Awesome, awesome video!!!


One of the best channels on Youtube. Thank you for being so genuine and open while remaining educational.


This is such a big deal, in college a lot of friends have a ton of spending money whilst still making it to pay the rent every month, where as other barely make it with rent. I hate hiding why i don't always go out with them and it makes friends think that you don't really like to hang out with them


This is the problem with people not acknowledging their priviledge. As a native New Yorker who grew up poor it is insulting to hear people that can afford to move to this city by choice and move every year from gentrifying neighborhood to gentrifying neighborhood call themselves poor. Meanwhile those hanging by a thread due to increasing rent and stagnant wages face eviction at any point without safety net or choice.


Thank you so much for this video. I'm not poor, but I'm not financially stable, so I often say "I don't have enough for X-activity, " which is code for 1. I'm broke until next check, or 2. I'm trying not to spend money.

I appreciate the few friends who understand hanging out sometimes means choosing between gas to visit them and watching movies at home or going to the movie and skipping the dinner date.

I used to verbally say I was broke, until a few family members did not invite me to several activities on the basis of "We thought you couldn't afford it, " when I could have gone to at least some of them. It hurt me in such a way that I felt defeated and small. It caused a divide for nearly a year and only healed after a long discussion and me saying to let ME decide if I can afford an activity or not. But to this day, I cannot say "I can't afford it." Granted, I'm not struggling as much paycheck to paycheck. There is some wiggle room, but It still hurts.


This is such an important topic and I just love the entire message of this video. Uhg I love this channel so much!!!


I come from a low income single-mother family. We struggled. A lot. We had the basic things we needed, but my mother would constantly be freaking out about how she might not be able to buy food or that we'd be kicked out for missing rent. We'd lose electricity every now and then and sometimes we didn't have heat (which is a big deal since we lived in New England). That being said, I never once felt awkward to express how poor my family was. It never changed the treatment I got from friends and none of them were bothered when I couldn't do things due to money. In fact, they were always very supportive. I was never bullied for being poor either (but of course most people were poor where I lived so it didn't matter). However, although I wasn't afraid to say I struggled financially... I rarely spoke about it. I would say it once and that was enough. People are more understanding than you give them credit for.

As a university student now, I still struggle somewhat (I have to pay tuition each year and I refuse to do loans so I always struggle a bit when it's time to pay). I do get a reduction in the fee though and it's quite cheap to start with so...). Thankfully I also get a monthly stipend from my scholarship, though and I do work so I'm ok with money these days but I can't spend as freely as my friends can. I almost always turn down events with friends - many of whom are pretty well off financially. Anyway, no one cares. The wonderful thing is that, even though I almost ALWAYS turn them down, they still always offer. It means a lot to me. People are kind and I understand everyone has their own worries but I've never met a single person who treated me poorly or as a lesser being due to my status. Just wanted to put that out there.


This was so thought provoking. The transparent narrative about your own struggles were like a mirror for me. I'm left with so much to think about and so much to be considerate about when it comes to others and their silent struggles.


I really love this video because it is an important part of life that people don't realize they take for granted. When I first moved out of my parent's house and had a low paying job, I wouldn't let any new people visit my apartment and was always "too busy" to go out to eat with people. I didn't want to seem like a downer or for people to think less of me because I couldn't afford it. Even when looking for a better job, I was nervous letting my now bf see my apartment and futon for a bed. Thankfully he ended up being an awesome guy and didn't judge me on it and now I'm not in the same position. I'm more understanding of others when they tell me they are in a tough financial position now. I just wish we could be more open about it without fearing judgement when it happens. It does show you who your true friends are because the fake friends will disappear when you cannot go out to bars or fancy dinners with them anymore.


Broke - I don't have money I would like to have right now.
Poor - I struggle to make ends meet regularly


Thank you for talking about this. It is such a great reminder to be sensitive to those around us and to also be grateful for what we have. I am definitely not "poor" but jokingly refer to myself as that sometimes. I didn't think about how that might make others who are truly experiencing poverty might feel. Thanks again.


This was such a great video. I feel like this topic isn't talked about enough, especially among millennials, but it is so important. I'd love to see more videos like this around the social issues and effects of money/finances.
