Here's How Weight Gain Affects Your Body

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Maintaining a healthy weight can seem difficult at times, but it's worth the effort. Here's how gaining weight changes your body and brain, and not necessarily for the better.
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Following is the transcript of the video:
You'll experience some changes, even where you don't expect. The weight you can see is only half the story. You also gain weight inside your body, around your organs. This fat, called visceral fat, gets in the way of metabolism hormones. The result is a terrible cycle where you, end up digesting food slower, which makes gain weight faster.
Fat also makes the body more resistant to insulin. This can increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes. The larger your body is, the higher your blood pressure will be, since your heart needs to pump harder to circulate blood. This also increases the risk of stroke. Even visible fat can be dangerous. If you have fat stored around your neck, it can compress your airway. This makes breathing difficult and may lead to sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a disorder that can lead to a greater risk of, high blood pressure, heart problems, Type 2 diabetes, and even death.
Carrying extra weight also compresses joints, increasing the risk of osteoarthritis. Losing just 5% of your body weight can lower risks like heart disease. You can get there by making fruits and vegetables half your diet, and limiting yourself to lean proteins. Tip the scales on obesity now, before the damage is done.
Tech Insider tells you all you need to know about tech: gadgets, how-to's, gaming, science, digital culture, and more.
Following is the transcript of the video:
You'll experience some changes, even where you don't expect. The weight you can see is only half the story. You also gain weight inside your body, around your organs. This fat, called visceral fat, gets in the way of metabolism hormones. The result is a terrible cycle where you, end up digesting food slower, which makes gain weight faster.
Fat also makes the body more resistant to insulin. This can increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes. The larger your body is, the higher your blood pressure will be, since your heart needs to pump harder to circulate blood. This also increases the risk of stroke. Even visible fat can be dangerous. If you have fat stored around your neck, it can compress your airway. This makes breathing difficult and may lead to sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a disorder that can lead to a greater risk of, high blood pressure, heart problems, Type 2 diabetes, and even death.
Carrying extra weight also compresses joints, increasing the risk of osteoarthritis. Losing just 5% of your body weight can lower risks like heart disease. You can get there by making fruits and vegetables half your diet, and limiting yourself to lean proteins. Tip the scales on obesity now, before the damage is done.