VELVET DIVORCE after 30 years—a mistake? (Bye bye Czechoslovakia)

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It’s been 30 years since Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Was it a hasty mistake or did it save the country from violence? A foreigner’s perspective…

00:00 Intro
01:05 The basics
01:53 An arranged marriage
04:16 Reasons for the split
05:57 A vote
07:16 He resigns!
07:57 A meeting
09:25 A tangent
10:43 Goodbye Czechoslovakia
11:15 Division of assets
11:37 A mistake?

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Hodně dobrý video. Chybí tam jen jedna drobná informace o tom, kdy se se Slovákama cca na dvě hodiny naprosto nesnášíme a plánujeme si vzájemně vyhlásit válku, a to když proti sobě máme hrát hokej. 😀Ale zase na druhou stranu, když jeden z národů na mistrovství vypadne, jde vesele fandit tomu druhýmu.


Slovak here. I certainly do not expect any person from Czechia/Moravia/Sileisa (referred as "Czechia"/"Czech"/"Czechs" from this point) to learn to speak Slovak, as I can understand them perfectly good and I think understanding each other is a benefit (and I fully support Czech books, movie dubbing, etc. in Slovakia, because it keeps us in touch with the language). Jen, your video is good. You managed to get all the basics right and I commend you for doing that. Czechoslovakia was a Marriage of convenience. Mostly because Czechs and Slovaks had very similar issues to tackle after the first world war, especially in the case of ethnic minorities. Germans in Czechia and Hungarians in Slovakia. The Czech lands were way more industrialized and developed than rural Slovakia. At the same time, as a result of decades of Magyarizatization (from 1868), there was no Slovak "intelligentsia". It was the Czechs who came to Slovakia. They were our teachers, lawyers, experts in all sorts of things. They really uplifted the Slovak nation and if it were not for the (first) Czechoslovak republic, Slovakia would not exist today at all. I think that some Slovaks forget how much Czechs did for us. As for me, I am grateful and humbly happy, that we managed to get over all our disputes in a peaceful manner. The other side of the story is, that many Czechs settled in Slovakia and young Slovak intelligentsia had to compete with them for jobs. The timing could not have been worse, because it sparked nationalist ideas in Slovakia, which Hitler used to his advantage in the 1930s. We all know the sad truth. What was left of Czechia became a protectorate "Böhmen und Mähren", and what was left of Slovakia was nothing more than a puppet state. This is a period of history I cannot be proud of, but it was forced, as over many centuries, by stronger players. Slovaks were used to keep their head down and accept their fate for centuries. The second Czechoslovak republic, with Subcarpathian Rus being "annexted" by the Soviet Union, looked good until 1948. In the Slovak part, the Communists did not win the elections. However, we were dragged along with the ideology. But that is history. The second Czechoslovak republic further helped to develop and industrialize Slovakia. This is a fact nobody can dispute. The Czech lands have historically always been better developed and industrialized. But at the same time, it created a feeling that one side is being benefited at the cost of the other. And this, sadly, was felt in Czechia and Slovakia. I find such "arguments" to be silly, as it is the duty of the state to care for all of its regions and people and it is expected, that the richer, more developed regions of a state subsidize the development of the poorer regions. And this has nothing to do with nationality, etc. It is the basic function of a state. It is also not true, that Slovaks were building the metro in Prague, as well as other stupid remarks I heard in my life. The divorce of Czechoslovakia turned out better than anyone expected. Slovaks are being treated really equally now (even though I was being viewed as "Tscheche" by some Austrians, which is insulting after I corrected them that I am Slovak, they repeated that to them I am just "Czech") and the biggest benefit is, that neither side can accuse the other for anything. No side can now point the finger to the other and say "it is because of them". This is the biggest benefit! No wonder that the relations between Czechs and Slovaks today are better than ever. I am truly happy about this and many mixed families still exist and new ones are being made. We are close to each other, respect each other and get along very good. Czechs are my favorite "foreigners". Czechoslovakia fulfilled its purpose and is being regarded as a necessary step for modern Slovakia to exist. Each nation can chose their path on their own and as we say "We split so we can reunite once again in the EU". And reunite we did, with other nations around us, for the benefit of all. Truly a happy ending. Unless it comes to Ice Hockey. But that is another story. ;-)


Jako Slovák žíjící 14 let v Čechách můžu říct že toto bylo velice dobře vyvážené a pravdivé video z tehdejší doby. Toho napětí bylo na Slovensku troch víc než by se mohlo zdát z videa ale skutečně toto video je velice blízko tomu jak si to já pamatuju že to tenkrát bylo :) Vcelku informativně hodnotní, téměř dokumentární video.


V době rozdělení jsem byla dítě a bylo mi to líto, jako by mi někdo sebral vzdálené příbuzné. Ale snad proto, že to proběhlo tak hladce a kdo s tím rozdělením nesouhlasil, mohl si zanadávat na politiky - tedy společné nepřátele, není mezi lidmi, a nikdy nebyla, zlá krev. Jen, kdykoli slyším hymnu, stále čekám na :, , Nad Tatrou sa blýska..." Co ale těžce nesu je, když slovenský film či seriál vtrhne na naše obrazovky s českým dabingem. To je taková hrůza. A přitom to pro nás bylo vždycky tak přirozené poslouchat oba jazyky spolu.


Moc hezky zpracováno. A podle mě je dobře, že se to tak stalo a nemusí se dál táhnout nějaké výčitky a "co kdyby".


Děkuji. Pěkné video. Bylo to o fous složitější. A až za sto let se to může hodnotit. Je mi 35let a pořád tak nějak jsem Čechoslovák. I díky dokumentu kdy jsem se narodil.


Toto téma jste zpracovala opravdu bezchybně Jen, super.


Czechia and Slovakia are like friends with benefits. We don't need to argue about our everyday live problems, we just share with each other the good stuff.


Whenever I return to the US from the Czech Republic I am frequently asked, “How was Czechoslovakia?” My normal reply is, “I don’t know. I can’t time travel.” I haven’t even tried to tell them about Czechia!


As a Slovak living in Czechia for over a decade, I must say, that I'm glad that there was a split. I haven't always felt that way, but especially recently, I firmly believe, that it was a good move, because of fundamental differences in thinking of this two nations, where they belong. And as much it pains me to admit it, Slovaks for some unknown reasons are still gravitating to East, while Czechs are firmly going to the West. I can't explain it (other then much bigger foothold of Russian disinformation in Slovakia), but nowadays, I can't imagine for Czechia and Slovakia to be a one nation and have a same opinion on Russia's invasion to Ukraine, LGBT, Catholic Church and so on and so on.


Sám bych tohle neřekl lépe, všechno krásně vysvětlené a možná lépe, než od nějakého čecha, nebo slováka. Palec nahoru a respekt k tomuhle videu :) Jsi vážně dobrá :)


Veľmi dobre spracovaná téma Česko-Slovenska. Jedna jediná vec, že nikdy sme neboli sestry ale bratia ::))) Môj manžel je čech, rodený pražák :) a už 15 rokov žije na Slovensku... A posledná vec, oba národy sme veľmi prepojené. Veľa čechov má rodinu na Slovensku a naopak. (Minimálne na Morave 😉)


Very good video. Even though I was born and raised in Czechoslovakia, I didn't even know some of this... Thank you!


Your video is so understandable (and funny- "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia") Thank you for simplifying everything and giving me a basic understanding of this topic. Now I understand why my Czech hockey player billet son was cheering for Slovakia at the World Juniors the other day lol :)


Thank you so much for this informative video.
I am going to Czech next month and I am here for some history.
It helps me a lot.


Neznám mnoho žen, které se zabývají geopolitikou. Vlastně žádnou. Navíc geopolitikou země, která na glóbusu není ani vidět. Oceňuji tvoji práci.Je opravdu vidět jaký máš přehled a tvoje snaha o korektnost je přímo příkladná. Tohle video muselo být pro tebe hodně náročné, neboť šlápnout na kuří oko je velice snadné. Vůbec nechápu jak jsi to jako expatka dokázala. Moje největší poklona.


Pěkné, trefné video. Jinak díky Bohu, že nebylo referendum. V kampani před referendem by vyhřezlo tolik zášti, výčitek a předsudků, že bychom po sobě stříleli možná ještě dnes. Nebo bychom v zachovaném společném státě ještě dnes řešili pomlčku. Takže rozchod byl skoro jistě tím nejlepším řešením. Jediné, čeho lituji, je jednak to, že jeden stát s 15M lidí má přece jen větší váhu a sílu než dva státy 10+5M. A pak lituji toho, že zmizela zavedená značka Československo. Byl to tak dobrý "brand", že přetrval všechny otřesy 20.století.


Such an amazing Video Jen. Thanks and keep it up. May 2023 be a great year for you, Honza and Tobik.


Opět výborně zpracované téma. Osobně se mi rozdělení příčilo, ale při pohledu zpět to bylo dobře. Je lepší být dobrým sousedem než rozhádanou rodinou. I když mám polovinu rodiny slovenskou tak vidím mnoho rozdílů.


Moje rodina je ze třetiny ze Slovenska a tak vím, že na Slovensku, jak už to bývá, byla ta krev trochu vřelejší, než v Čechách. A tak si myslím, že je dobře, že jsme se rozdělili. Nakonec tím, že jsme oba státy v EU, tak máme všechny výhody tehdejší federace bez většiny nevýhod a křivd.
Pokud se Česku někdy podaří přijmout Euro (🙄), budeme si ještě blíž.
