The OceanGate Transcript Is Fake

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The OceanGate Transcript Is Fake

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If someone was going to invent a transcript does anyone believe they would come up with something so boring?


And the simpliest reason against the text: there were 2 versions immediately one after another.


Ok so we don't know if transcript is real or fake. For me, on the *_real side_*, is the fact that at 2nd and 4th 15 min report intervals the text messaging did not contain (from Titan) any depth report. Question: WHY would anyone faking this transcript purposely leave out depth reporting at these two times, while reporting it at others?? On the *_fake side_* (from this, I'd really like to know more about the acoustic Sonardyne text messaging system), at 3000+ meters depth Titan sends a 36 character (letters plus spaces) msg which is responded to in *_31_* seconds. That's pretty quick when it takes sound 4 sec to travel up & back from that depth.


I was sceptical when this transcript was released. However, I would rather wait for the official release after the investigation is completed.


The person who falsified this somehow knew there was an electrical engineer named Carlos on the Polar Prince.


According to James Cameron and at least 1 other guy in the sub community, they knew they had a problem, they dropped the ballast trying to accend. The transscript fits like a glove.


It is a fake. All crew is currently under a serious investigation by a team of people from different organizations working in tandem to solve this mess. The seal on that jar is quite tight right now (unlike a certain submersible)...


Well presented and explained. I had interpreted the often wordy and sometimes brief phrases in the 'transcript' as that they had an inexperienced topside crew of interns and a prearranged weight-shedding sequence on the dive plan, so "dropping the frame" was the signal of last resort. But as you present here, the transcript could very well be fake to begin with, and you take the time to present your facts rather than issue a knee-jerk.

Mr. Pogue and Mr. Stephenson's arguments refuting the transcript are very valid and obviously both from legitimate and experienced sources (themselves). At first I wondered if Mr. Rush's behavior was changed to suit the experience of his passengers? Was Mr. Pogue's dive with Mr. Rush also made at -40 metres/minute (ie a peak descent rate that Mr. Rush always used?), or for this fateful dive was Mr. Rush 'pushing the speed limit' in order to impress Mssr. PH Nargeolet with the extra hour of bottom time they could have with Titan's new design? But then watching Mr. Stephenson's comments and in which he makes no mention of any 'industry-standard' descent rates means he is indeed a wise man not to fuel the fire of wild conjecture.

So I'll take their advice, throw out my suppositions, ignore any more comments on the 'transcript', and wait to find out how history unfolds...


This is ex associates presuming how someone would text, not an official statement from Oceangate


Why not just release the transmission?


When ocean gate engineers search for a job do they list their previous employment history? Lol.


Should be easy to figure out fake or real. Ask the people who were in the ship on the surface.


It's always been obvious it was incredibly fake and was created by a youtuber to try to get views. smh. the people who think it was real are the same kind of people who would be just as easily duped into going down in that shitty submarine.


transcript uses metric, metres, 100's of metres
oceangate was american, imperial, used feet, 1000's of feet
americans would rather die than using metric :-)


The transcript is fake.
It feels wrong.


Thought they bring up some good points, the question I have is if it is fake, why hasn't the company just come out at some point in the last week or so to say so, or to be more exact the same day it came out ?.

They will be sued despite the wavers and so would not want to make a comment that could incriminate them, but this transcript is leaving the impressions to millions that these people knew they were going to die and Oceangate is responsible for possible suffering.


I'm an idiot. I know nothing about this subject so from an idiot's POV why does it matter? Are we all sitting on the jury? Are we all going to give money to the families that lost loved ones? Is this information going to bring them back? No, no, no. The CEO was a reckless megalomaniac, he killed himself and 4 innocent people. The details of the transcript make for a great SCI-FI movie. End of story.


This was the first time they did this with that ship in control..they usually do it with another he would no nothing about how the trip went just because he had bin on one ..totally different system going on the polar to the was no where near as big or professional or well setup as the horizon


It looks fake to me too for the same reasons. But we won't know for sure until the civil suits get going in earnest. I give it 99% chance of being fake.

Since when did having an opinion on the authenticity of a document released by a guy on YouTube become such a crime?

Don't apologize for having an opinion, ever.


I’m not trusting snopes on this one. One of the problems is that I’ve seen THREE transcripts, and not enough coverage of the various differences.
