Exploring The Best Dead Games You've Never Heard Of

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Rye Games explores both old and newer dead games today, including a popular FPS game made by BlueDrake called Operation Harsh Doorstop. That's a Realistic Mil Sim, but the other games are different. Miscreated is a popular survival game that is a shell of its former self & MinecraftOnline is the oldest minecraft server in the world, with the longest running minecraft world without resets in existence. Recommend games to me over on twitter or in my discord.

Games in this video:

Production music contributed by Epidemic Sounds, C418, Undertale & Various other game OSTs.

If you read this all you're a legend :)
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I hope you all had a lovely new years & holidays. thank you all. For everyone that wants longer videos, next video will be much longer hopefully. ENJOY


Battlefield Heroes is one of the games that is way ahead of it's time. Oh, the memories...


Hey - Queensroar from the RisingHub team here! Thanks for the video, it was a pleasure to watch.
I hope you enjoyed playing and respect for that kill! It would be great to see you and many others here from time to time around on the battlefield!
Best Regards!


Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 is one of my favorite games. Winning a Japanese campain and seeing the vicotry cutscene is the most satisfying thing.


I had no clue Battle field heroes had "another " developers. Heard the servers got shut down and it would never be back. I actually own a t-shirt that i won in an official EA competition (making a picture of sorts regarding the game). Man, i grew up with it, these 2mins of gameplay brought a smile to my face. This game forever will be in my memory.


Red Orchestra 2 :(
I wish to go back to 2014 and relive the glorious days of this game again. Especially the Heroes of the West mode.
Remember also playing a game clled Ace of Spades which was a really cool little game before the devs got greedy, completely changed the entire game and monetized it. Was very sad to watch this happen.


These are some of my favorite gaming videos, and I don't think they will ever get old. It's like exploring uncharted territory, and wholesome encounters with strangers in these dead games feels like you're the last 2 people on earth. I've experienced it myself a few times, and it's always a very memorable moment


battlefield heroes was on of my favorite childhood games and i had no idea rising hub was a thing, so happy to be able to play it again


Boundary could've been something great. Just like hyperscape it's unfortunate how they were treated :(


I'm a Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 player.
It's a really fun game. Not that hard to get into, but a lot to do.
German vs Russian, and American vs Japanese battles.
The servers are usually pretty active on the weekends at least. And you can also play training games against bots.
The maps are accurate for a number of historical locations. So you can try to inch up the hill at Iwo Jima if you're brave.
Many games on The Bridges of Druzhina, and The Myshkova river.
We'd be happy to have more players.


I actually spent a good amount of time on Minecraftonline. Everyone there is really nice, and it’s awesome to just explore. Random houses that are 10 years old or more scattered all over the place even hundreds of thousands of blocks out.


I'm dreading the day I see the dead game that really broke my heart, Beyond the Wire, on this series.

It was one of the best WW1 games i ever played, and the only one besides BF1 that wasnt just a cycle of dying to a guy i couldnt see over and over again.

But for some reason, it just died in a few months.


Sad finally seeing RO2 on here. So many good memories of that game, but Rising Storm 2 split the player base quite a bit. I loved doing the campaign maps for RO2 where you had to take territory by winning each maps in a long back and forth until one team ultimately won the campaign hours in. Squad Leader was my position of choice, providing a solid spawn point and assisting the Team Leader with high value target marks for artillery. That or grabbing a sniper and getting a flank position overlooking common defense points, pelting the enemy high value targets to stop them from getting a foothold.


Thank you for visiting risinghub :) I still play it on a daily basis and its still a ton of fun. Glad i could be your first ingame kill lmao


Battlefield Heroes was a game I was so sad for when it went away. It was ahead of its time, mixing in hero based gameplay and battlefield's conquest mode. Years ago, RisingHub was still new, and wasnt really ready for play. But seeing that its in a much better state, Im going to have to check it out.


0:37 - Operation Harsh Drop
5:04 - Red orchestra
7:54 - Minecraft online
14:07 - Boundry
16:39 - Miscreated
19:54 - Battlefield Heros

Support your local timestamp guy


I also got Red Orchestra 2 official recently. Incredibly cheap and a great experience, doing Banzai charges in Saipan and clearing tight rooms in Stalingrad is an amazing experience, incomparable.

Plus, you get 2 free hats in TF2. 10/10.


Man you unlocked some childhood memories with battlefield hero’s, i used to play that shit on the daily when i was younger, together with my cousin.

Thank you for reminding me of those days and putting a smile on my face. :)


Boundary was extremely fun during the beta, I just didn’t have the money at the time for it and it’s sad to see how it fell. It was such a unique shooter for a newer game


I never played Minecraft but I do love the history side of it. Growing up before the internet I like the old side of the internet. Netscape, Neoplanet, Geocities, Excite, all that stuff. It's great to see old stuff still around somewhere online.
