Exploring Free vs $200 Dead Games

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Today Rye Games explores 7 dead games at 7 different price points, to see what kind of different a price tag makes & what people we can find along the way. Turns out, dead games harbour a bunch of legends and we bumped into a lot in this video. These games are largely different from the usual survival games and realistic sims, apart from one of course. If you have any survival games, open world games, or any dead games you want to see in these videos, send them to @ryegamess on twitter.

Content & Extras:
Combat Mission Basics: Firefight 1
Altitude Game : Team Sammich vs Bongs Bitches
This Game is $1,000,000 on Steam
Battlefield Hardline: Official Launch Gameplay Trailer
Murder Miners - 10 Year Anniversary
tremors - murder miners map by the largest dog
xQc Plays TOWER UNITE with Jesse, Poke & Dizzy
Condo Surfing: Smooth Dirt by R41N
Why Did Beyond The Wire Die?

Production music contributed by Epidemic Sounds, C418 & various game OST's.

If you read this all you're a legend :)
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Sorry for the wait! Expect 10-14 days between videos from here on forwards (possibly). Have a great weekend :)

War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2, 000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.


One of the things I love most about Rye and his videos is that you can see that people playing dead games are almost waiting for him to cover their game, once he comes around there are events and mods and admins get involved but he doesn't turn into a celebrity, they receive him with open arms just like they would any newcomer and do their thing, never putting him in a pedestal and teaching him about their legacy. Man its like Rye is an archeologist but for games


The Largest Dog was one of my best memories on any xbox indie game... met him and only went into a conversation expecting a few questions to be answered about his maps but what I got was a friend who always remembered me when I would join his server and would check up on me.. this video was not only a good refresh of my memory but honestly forced me to look back onto memories I was refusing to accept... thank you for making this video because yes I did cry but I think I feel so much better now knowing why he disappeared.


i cant belive altitude still exists!!! legit made me cry seeing you play this game, THIS was my childhood haha


I genuinely cannot understand how Beyond the Wire died. It was so wonderful.


17:25 Yoooo I'm in that match! I saw you in Tower and recognized your name. I actually tried speaking a couple times during the Accelerate match, but I guess my microphone was not going though. Was fun though!


Thanks for covering Beyond The Wire. We need more people to join the play sessions! (Saturdays at 1pm EST)


Murder miners is an absolute classic. I hardly understood what was going on half the time but I absolutely loved the costume maps and zombie mode. RIP to the largest dog, probably played on some of their maps <3


i looked at the altitude player data and ur video actually boosted it by 10 people.


I remember hardline had this Florida mansion map where a hurricane would spawn and our entire team camped the mansion and defended it. Good times


I loved Battlefield Hardline. I spent so much time on that game. It's just so unfortunate that it's considered dead.


Those weirdly expensive games are priced that way for scams regarding 'random key boxes' on scummy key-reselling sites. (Those that promise 'at least one 60$ game!'.)

A few days ago some devs even re-priced and re-named their games to fool people into thinking they're purchasing Helldivers 2, BG3 or Counter Strike. Because apparently you can not just re-name your game once released but also the name of the publisher and dev studio, which is insane...)


Randoomly came across this channel few months ago and love the dead game series. Really enjoy the editing and format and how wholesome you are. For some reason despite not having played 99% of the games shown on this channel, they have some kind of nostalgic feel to it


So when are you and Pancake Lover getting married?


bro keep doing these. This brought back some suppressed memories of online friends in games. Especially the pancake guy encounter, it was so easy back then, those friends you chatted with with a couple of times on the game and some still managed to feel like best friends. What amazing memories you uncovered, thank you.


There was this one World War 2 RTS I played on a CD as a kid and mostly forgot about. I remember it being quite fun, yet difficult, and quit playing after a while, probably because I couldn't beat a mission or something. Eventually ended up losing the CD too somewhere along the way, and the PC it was installed on. However, it lived rent free in my head for all those years. I never forgot about playing the game, nor what it looked like, just all the details such as the name, franchise, and developer. It was always "That One WW2 RTS I Played as a Kid but Don't Remember." I never attempted to seek out the game, since there's a mountain of WW2 strategy games to climb through and I assumed it would be forgotten shovelware.

It was Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord. I have never known the title of this game yet always remembered it this whole time. I immediately recognized it when the footage popped up, even though you played a different game in the series.

Thank you, Rye, for finally solving the mystery of this game after so long. I'm definitely going to play it again now.


I hated that BF Hardline died. It was my favorite BF game and was so fun to snipe on the big maps, as well as drive the vehicles and just play for fun. It was my favorite large map war games. My favorite thing that I did in that game would have to be driving the hidden couch car on one of the maps (some desert map) and finding it was huge fun.


You need to do BRINK. It was the last game I got at a midnight release for the 360. It's FTP on steam now, averages 8 players or so. I have every achievement for it


I absolutely love the concept of these games only really being functional at certain times and everybody coming together to play them.


Beyond the Wire really looks amazing. You can tell a lot of love went into it.
