Breakthrough: NASA's Webb Discovers Gravitationally Lensed Supernova That Solves the Hubble Tension

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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured Supernova H0pe, a gravitationally lensed Type Ia supernova. This discovery helps refine measurements of the universe’s expansion rate and offers new insights into the ongoing debate about the Hubble tension. Watch to learn more about how this supernova could reshape our understanding of the cosmos!

00:00 Introduction
00:42 Discovery of Supernova H0pe
03:13 Importance of Type Ia Supernovae as Standard Candles
05:04 Implications for the Hubble Tension
08:37 Outro
08:46 Enjoy

MUSIC TITLE : Starlight Harmonies

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Рекомендации по теме

I just wanted to say thanks for adding chapters to your content which allows us dorks to skip the introduction section of the related science that we are already familiar with, in spite of it negatively impacting a key metric for the channel. Most comparable channels post “news” content where 80% of the video is the basic science we already know.


Amazing work. Thank you to all those that made it possible.


It is so incredible that gravity can bend light so much that we can see the same object multiple times in the same picture.


i can say that i didn't understand much of this video at all. thankfully I'm old and the younger generation will grasp this info and run with it.


With so many instances of lensing and light bending between and here and Out There, I would be surprised if anything we look at is in the actual direction we are looking in. This mocked up Grafik, if true, proves my point. I wonder if they know which reflection is the actual nova?😊


btw, nothing was solved when it comes to the hubble tension. Not yet anyway.


In my opinion...
Just out of curiosity, has the Webb been pointed between Leo and the Bull, looking for the planet that the Sumerians said came around every 3.6 K years or so? i think the calculations say it about 200 years out or so. It's supposed to be red.
Or is it supposed to come from another direction?
Good job on the video.


3:00 at 3 separate times? That's so fascinating 🤔 I would have assumed at the same time... ... so gravitational lensing has 3 dimensional properties I have never considered!

I'd like to learn more about that!

(Amusing that the 3min mark is where the 3 are mentioned, haha)


Why has 'Hubble' to be a constant? Many artistic explanations of the Big Bang show variable expansion rates over time.


Is it too much to ask, if there are before and after photos of the same patch of sky, even with different telescopes/cameras, that you show BOTH? i.e without and with the supernova? Maybe a little more rigor in your presentation might have prevented all the lunatics from chiming in. And PLEASE drop the computer generated narration, or at least proofread it.


When we look for expansion values ​​of the universe, we constantly come to different values. However, the entire cosmos cannot be categorized, as there are too many local (and also time-period) differences.
These regional differences are particularly noticeable in the different expansion rate of our infant universe and the current expansion rate obtained from nearby objects... 👀


OK, I don't want to come off as dumping sour grapes on this, but where's the breakthrough promised in the headline? The MOND theory is far from well established. For one thing, it doesn't fit all the data. For another, it hardly qualifies as a theory, since it goes back to Newton and then artificially tweaks is to fit observation. It does nothing to generalize General Relativity (GR).

Newtonian gravity is a local, special case encompassed by the more general theory, GR. In other words, GR implies Newtonian gravity as a local, special-case instance of GR, analogous to the world looking locally flat, while in the bigger picture it is spherical. (Don't try to tell this to the flat earthers.) A genuine breakthrough will happen when physics discovers a theory still more general than GR, but which implies it as a special case.

MOND is far from that. I think Claudia de Rham's theory may be the best bet so far, which gives the graviton an infinitesimally small mass and also eliminates the need for dark matter.


I thought the JWST was an international creation with components built in many countries and not a Nasa´s telescope as it mentioned in this video.


Please, it's pronounced re-ionization, not reeonization.


Nova & novae aren’t English but Latin.


It's sounding more and more like they are finding new ways to make the evidence fit the theories. Let's just blame it all on "dark everything".


It means those Galaxy are moving with their some properties like size, weight and initial velocity.
Space get filled as they move ?


I really think gravitational waves influence our perception of time. I've been posting this for years, now....
Time is fascinating. I worked the subway stations for nearly 10 years. From one end of the city to the other. Every so often I would notice the city would be saying that, "Today just flew by" or "The day was just dragging along."  How can an entire city, with no interaction with each other until they used the subway, complain about the same time paradox? Unless they were all effected by the same outside, "interference." MAYBE a time distorted bubble the earth passes through in its revolution around the sun. MAYBE they're the effects of gravitational waves. Either side of the wave effecting time just enough for we humans to notice. Making time seem to drag on the upside and fly by on the downslope. Or, vice versa. MAYBE they're given off by the sun. MAYBE they're from outside our Solar system and reach us in intervals. ???? 🎶Ti-i-i-ime, is on my side. Yes, it is!🎶
If you can think of a better way to do a blind survey of an entire city, in the small window of opportunity, I'm all in.  Until then, I invite you to spend a couple years in the subways during rush hour and you'll see for yourself.  Just listen as an entire city gets off of work and gets out of school.  You'll see it's more than a, "coincidence of circumstances."


" This discovery helps refine measurements of the universe’s expansion rate "
Amazing ! Refining the measurements of the expansion rate of a non expanding universe.


Was that before or after Brenda destroyed the Red Keep?🤔