NEW 2023 GMC Sierra 1500 Duramax Diesel vs Ike Gauntlet - The World's Toughest Towing Test!

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0:00 Intro
1:05 GMC trailer setup
3:10 Downhill
5:41 Trailer
6:18 Downhill pt2
12:51 Suspension / Squat
15:20 Uphill
22:45 Interior
24:19 Uphill pt2
26:06 Verdict / Rating

#gmc #duramax #ikegauntlet
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For whatever its worth, I currently own 4 of these engines from a 2020 SLE and AT4 and a 2001 yukon XL and now a 2023 AT4 with LZO. I have not had any (knock on wood) issues with any of them. My ranches use all cummins for the big towing and will continue to buy this engine whenever we need light duty work done. Really do like the engine and really hope GM doesnt make the same mistake and discontinue the light diesels like RAM and FORD made the mistake of doing.


I just ran the "Ike Gauntlet" a couple of weeks ago, hauling my 21ft, aprox. 4200lb bumper pull camper. I have the silverado LT crew cab with the LZ0 Duramax. Going down, I had the exhaust brake on and used the manual mode shifter. I kept RPMs around 3000 and it was so aggressive, it slowed me below the speed limit. On the way up, foot to the floor, I could maintain 65mph the entire climb. Amazing little diesel.


When you were using super cruise climbing the hill the reason it was slowing on you even though you were full throttle is the adaptive distance to the vehicle in front of you was keeping you at the set distance. It won't let you get close with the super cruise on.


Hey guys! I love that you did this video! The ROAMER 1 is an amazing Overland RV! It weights over a thousands LBs less than the PAUSE Ive been reviewing and I was told it tows much better with a 1/2 ton. I'm glad you confirmed this.


If you guys read the literature from the factory, the transmission is designed to grade shift with cruise enabled—set your cruise speed and it will grade shift more aggressively to maintain your set speed.

You basically did the test opposite of what you should have done—should have used cruise going downhill and manually driven uphill because cruise uses the set following distance for safety and vehicles in front of you slowed you down.

I usually enjoy watching the Ike’s but you both screwed the pooch on this one.


You have the adaptive cruise control on and set at 50 or 59, as shown at 20:46 on the video. It was sensing the truck in front of you, so it was slowing down!


What a gorgeous truck!! The AT4 with this powertrain is my dream vehicle! I honestly didn’t recognize Mr. Truck!! You look 20 years younger!!! Wow!!


Another great morning waking up to Andre and Mr. Truck!


I have a 21 crewcab Z71 RST standard bed 3.0 .... average 30mpg & 700 miles to a tank. [Highway miles) ... zero issues so far at 46, 000 miles. I paid 52k for it & love it. D.e.f usage is minimal & not burning oil. Low end torque is amazing and super quiet on the highway. Smooth 10spd trans & great throttle response. I plan on purchasing the yukon with this 3.0 for my wife. I would recommend the baby duramax to anyone in the market for a new truck/suv


"It doesn't care where your hands are at!" Love that line! 😂


I tow a 7000 lb travel trailer with my 3.0 a lot. I went over hogback hill in northern PA, down about a 6% grade or so. Didn't have to touch my brakes once. Smooth as silk and no crazy high redline reving either.


About the most comical part in this video was when Andre said "Hey Google?" and the video paused and Google on my phone was listening for a command because I haven't setup voice recognition yet. 😆😂🤣👌👍


I'd love to see a comparison of 1500's with the Duramax and the two different axle ratios. The fuel economy is the big question: How much of a hit does that 3.73 give you, with and without a load?


If the vehicle has a diesel engine, exhaust braking is automatically activated when Tow/Haul Mode is selected. The system will command downshifts and use the turbocharger on the engine to reduce vehicle speed when the brake is applied. The normal tow/haul shift pattern will return once the vehicle is on a low grade or when the accelerator pedal is pressed. This is straight out the manual. That might be why you didn't feel the exhaust breaking. Just tap the break on a grade.


You can tell Mr. Truck likes this truck because at almost 3 inches of squat with any other truck, he'd be having a heart attack


mr. truck's lost a lot of weight. Looks great


Picked my z71 3L LZO from the dealer last week. So far I love it


I bought a 2 wheel drive with the 3.0 was $53.935 before tax tag, I love it & getting good mileage per gallon


155k for that trailer and you have to manually crank it up off your truck ! 😂


You’ve acknowledged this on every gm diesel video, the exhaust brake is integrated with the cruise control. FREAKING USE THE CRUISE CONTROL! it will grade shift more aggressively and apply strong exhaust braking under cruise control. Don’t knock it for not working well when you’re not using it the way it was designed.
