11 Easy Hidden Achievement in Sumeru | Genshin Impact

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#Genshin #Impact #GenshinImpact #Hidden #achievements

0:00 1. "Han Always Shoots First..."
0:33 2. Summit of Wisdom
1:55 3. Opportunistic Gain
2:27 4. Swift as the Wind
4:07 5. The Random Circumstances of a Rose's
4:59 6. They Enter the Flow
6:06 7. Though to the Earth I May Return...
6:45 8. The Lengthy Reunion
8:44 9. "I've Got It ! I've Got It ! "
10:44 10. Three Strikes
11:52 11. When Autumn and Dew Meet

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Fun fact about the Indiana Jones sword fight scene!

Originally they were supposed to have a long drawn out sword fight, even saying “We were supposed to shoot this huge fight between the whip and the sword. It took the whole morning to shoot just three storyboards.”, but Harrison Ford (Indi's actor) was "not feeling well" so instead of having that whole sword fight in the movie he had to just shoot him.

They had to tell the guy with the sword (who had been training for 2-3 days just for this scene) that he was just going to die in one shot lmao


I think you need to mention that in order to complete the "They enter the Flow" achievement, the weather needs to be in circulate mode. That's one of the key points that I see many guides don't mention.


another easy achievement is going around the lost nursery stopping abyss mages from lighting fires! at the end you fight a herald and gain a luxurious chest and an achievement


bruh for the second achievement opportunist gain i stood there for 5 minutes and the fungi themselves caused bloom and hyperbloom reactions and killed themselves


on 4:59 remember to set the weather to "circulate"


I can't belive they made both a Star Wars reference and an Indiana Jones reference in one achievement


On The Lengthy Reunion, are they kidding us? We escort the boi all that way, back to his owner, and then kill them both?! We pick up meat from a guy we just walked like a kilometre with??!

Smh we are 100% the villain in this game


Wait a minute "Han always shoot the first" which is both an Star Wars and Indiana Jones reference, Aranakin the arana that doesn't like sand (because it's coarse and rough and gets everywhere) and Aranaga that speak like Yoda
After JoJo references mihoyo is now in Star Wars reference, and I like that


Searching the highest points on Sumeru and actually its right there 😅


10:21 I went to the spot but Drusus isn't there.
Edit. It was around 1am in the game so I had to make the time around 9am and then go indoors before returning to the spot to make him spawn.
Thankfully, for the three strikes one, they don't need to be in the same fight. I went to do the three strikes, got it supercharged once and it did one attack and collapsed and gave the achievement as I must've done the other two months ago.


For The Lengthy Reunion, I ended up following the sumpter beast all the way to the camp, but the owner never spawned. I hadn't cleared out the camp before I started, so I did a little digging, and one of the wikis says that you have to walk in front of the sumpter beast as it turns off the path just north of the Yasna Monument. If you stay on the hill or in the trees, the owner won't spawn, because there's a line of sight issue that'll prevent the owner from spawning if you can see the spawn point. If the owner doesn't spawn for you, this might be worth a shot. (I can't test it just yet because I killed the sumpter beast after getting bored. 😂)


The first one is the best achievement in the game


I was missing 3-4 of these! Awesome TY! BTW for #8 The lengthy reunion i had cleared the final camp before and still got it.


Funnily enough, I got the second one when I climbed up there to glide as part of my wanderer wishing ritual 😂


For "They enter the flow, " the weather switchy thing has to be on circulate


#8 the lengthy return, make sure it's early morning when you start. Once 1800 came around, the sumpter beast vanished. I may have been too far away clearing the path but who knows, time aligns when it despawned though. And someone else said, stay in front of the beast during the last corner too, incase you missed that bit and the achievement didn't unlock for ya...


surprised you didn't add "The Tale of the Forest" to this list as well, since you have to get all 5 blueprints from Aravinay.


For Number 6 you need the Weather change to circulate. Not sunny or rain! :D


Yes I got the first achievement..I didn't know what happened...I just saw these eremites and used Diluc burst... This achievement is hilarious wish I'd knew before ...


I know this video is about Genshin but that Indiana Jones clip just killed me
