Debate | Dan Barker vs Paul Manata Atheism vs Christian Worldview

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Since hearing about the supposedly “new” atheism I have been trying to figure out what’s so new about it. Its proponents are not saying anything different than their atheist ancestors have said throughout history. In truth, they are simply using the same old spin on a new generation of skeptics. Take, for instance, new atheism proponent Richard Dawkins’ assertions. In his article “On Debating Religion,” he writes, “The hypothesis of God offers no worthwhile explanation for anything” and “faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence.” In his book The Selfish Gene, he writes, “Faith is powerful enough to immunize people against all appeals to pity, to forgiveness, to decent human feelings.” None of this seems all that different from the old atheism of Karl Marx, who in 1844 wrote in his introduction to A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”

The trouble with this new atheism is that it is not new at all but is the same old humanistic sermon that has been proclaimed on the soap box of cynicism throughout the ages. Nevertheless, perhaps what’s most troubling is that these new atheists employ popular-level arguments in order to give them the broadest appeal.

What is even more troubling is that many Christians have shut their mouths and closed their eyes, pretending that this humanistic, atheistic nonsense will all just go away without affecting our churches or our children. Make no mistake about it, the Lord God Almighty reigns, and because His kingdom shall overcome, we shall overcome by His grace and before His face, coram Deo. And although these new atheists might call us deluded Christians, they are most certainly not deluded in their mission to convert the undiscerning world to the god of atheism — they know full well for whom they’re working as they seek new ways to suppress the eternal truth of God in their unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18)

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I love how Dan Barker is able to call Paul Manata out, when he rambles on about questions that don't even make sense, instead of providing evidence for theism.


01:22:40 What cruel action couldn't you justify with this thinking?!


01:22:02 I am glad that Mr. Barker points this out, because I would have written a comment about it, otherwise.
Because of course, broccoli values broccoli! I don't get, why theists, and especially presuppositional theists, keep claiming that we could not value ourselves, if we were just material.


“First of all talking snakes are not illogical.” 🎤🐍 🤔🤣


Who here is watching this to prepare for an upcoming debate on the logical merits of Christianity? 🙋‍♂️


Paul Manata is trying to William Lane Craig his way to victory. Not arguing for the actual merits of theism, just trying to out philosophize Barker.


During Dan's rebuttal and statements against John Calvin, the audio was having interruptions. I believe the editor of this video deliberately caused the interruptions, as a means to stifle Dan's message. Perhaps the host can explain the reason for the distortions. This is suspect. Ty


Although Dan thanked Paul for caring about him when Paul threatened Dan with harm in this world and hell in the hereafter. I did not think that was funny at all. In my opinion, Paul declared Dan an enemy in this life. And I am on Dan's side in this case. From the brutality of the religious text, to the brutality of John Calvin, and then the current abusive threats of modern day presuppositionalists, the whole world of moderate believers and non believers are in for a nasty life threatening challenge with these bigots. Even more dangerous, is the fact that these theocrats carry a cross and the Bible in one hand, and a noose and a gun in the other. Their words aren't just harmful, their impending actions are lethal. Their dangerous rhetorics reflect their hearts and their absolutism reflects their continuous intent to cause harm.

I'm not convinced these are good people, like Dan gave Paul credit. They are scary. Check out the history of the American Southern Christian slave masters and their immediate descendants, and their justifications of superiority that lead them to lynchings and continued ill treatments of "other".

All good people should keep the ears and eyes wide open in every corner of the world to ensure we all know what the enemies of humanity are thinking and plotting against us all. They are not the only ones to be concerned about. There are bigots in other religions as well. We have to watchout for them all. All peoples with the desire for peace and happiness in this world will have to work together to keep bigots at bay, do they CANNOT fulfill their evil intents on the rest of us.

May God save us from his followers..., Àse!


Paul's win is the most devastatingly lopsided win of any debate in all of time.


Paul manatta wins by a good good shot.


wow the comment section is full of people that clearly don't understand any of Paul's arguments. Paul mopped the floor with barker, he never brought any defeaters, plus really struggled to understand Paul's case while Paul did attack every argument of barker to the root! Good job Paul 👏 the rest in the comment section I suggest do some homework before commenting
