Living with PNFA: A short film

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Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a term that refers to a group of dementias that affect a person’s speech and language.

Progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA), also known as the nonfluent variant of PPA (nfvPPA) is a form of PPA. PNFA can affect a person’s ability to use speech, form sentences that make sense, or use grammar appropriately. Difficulties with word order and sentences can be present in writing as well as speech.

Bill, who lives with PNFA, and his wife Joan tell us their story and share advice for others who may be affected by a PNFA diagnosis. They are joined by Dr Chris Hardy from the UCL Dementia Research Centre who shares clinical insights including causes, symptoms and available support.

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Huge thank you to the group for the video, to the doctor for a very clear description, and first and foremost to Mr. Bill for willing to spread information and awareness about this condition! Gigantic respect for everything you all do!


thank you Bill! for teaching us so much


This video was very useful for upcoming exam! thank you so much! I hope you are doing well :)


Seems similar to Broca's aphasia. Thanks for the video
