How is child custody determined in Utah - Ogden Divorce Lawyer

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How is child custody determined in Utah? There is a guide put out by the state of Utah that we follow, we take the parties income, the number of children, and it gives us a monthly child support amount. We then take the parents income and figure out what percent of the total they each account for and assign that percentage to the child support amount, the parent who has custody is then paid child support by the parent who does not have child support.

There are 2 types of custody, Legal and Physical. Legal is the ability to participate meaningfully in the lives of your children, it's the ability to obtain medical and School records, meet with teachers, therapists, take the children out of state on vacation, in other words to be active in the child's life, in the State of Utah the presumption is for Joint Legal Custody. Physical custody is where the children sleep the majority of their nights, this custody could be sole/primary, joint or split custody. The courts are leaning toward more parent time for the non-custodial parent as it is in the best interests of the child to have lots of time with both parents, unless the parent presents a threat of harm to the child. It is important to remember that a person who is a bad spouse is not necessarily a bad parent.

Unless you know what you are doing and can understand exactly what is going on and have ten years of experience doing divorce, you need a lawyer, it is not as simple as words on a page, and let me tell you I make a lot more money fixing divorces people did themselves.

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I have not seen my children since September 28, 2008. South Jordan Utah. Daniel M. BREITMAYER and Amber Lee BREITMAYER. I was under a 2 year no contact order. I was falsely accused of horrible things. None of it true. Republic Senatorial seat bid filed March 27, 2012-14. Nancie Lee Davis.


Utah has weird statues.
I want joint custody, without going thru the support process. The way I financially support my Offsprings is not the Courts, Business, this is how These Admimstrative courts make money. We have a right to do what is best for our Offsprings, not the Courts, or Lawyers.or Judges, Family court has caused damages to families. Unless we wake and fight for our freedom then we will always get handed in these Kangaroo Courts. Foreign, laws and policies that are being passed on in America.


so my daughter is 13 and has been living with her dad for years coming to my house every weekend and two thirds out of the summer, lately she has been not talking to me and when i read her messages she wishes i would get murdered or just die. she is brain washed and needs therapy her father refused to let me see her telling me its her choice, now her father is going through a divorce and my daughter is living with her step mom and lying to me about it. ITs been a month and i just found out i want to get my girl back home now. HELP ME
