My Corgi’s Farts Went Away After Feeding Him a Raw Diet

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For the longest time we were feeding Brady and Graffiti kibble with homemade topper (fresh veggies & cooked meat), and I thought things were going well. However Brady starting getting THE WORST farts I’ve honestly ever smelled in my life and that’s when I began looking into alternatives. A raw dirt kept coming up, and after talking to people and doing some research I came to the conclusion raw really is the best diet you could ever feed your dog for a longer, healthier life.

Does anyone else feed raw? What is your experience so far?

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PLEASE THO, for everyone who think that it's that easy to make a raw meal pleaaase do proper research. Eating unbalanced raw diet WILL BE REALLY UNHEALTHY in the long run, there are many nutrient deficiencies in poorly made raw meal that it will make dog's health worse. With DIY and premade raw food you are taking the responsibility of balancing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, it's a serious dedication

For everyone that didn't feel like atleast googling what dogs should eat but still felt the need to throw their made up ideas at me like I don't know what I'm talking about, but they somehow do:
1)I never said dogs need either fruits or vegetables to be healthy, dogs are carnivores, and even tho dogs are capable of digesting plant matter, all they need is already present in a fully carnivorous diet
2) NO, just meat isn't enough. Dogs were made to eat whole animals, which include meat, bones, organs, fur and many other parts. Ideally dogs should eat around 50% of meat, and the rest is made of bones, organs etc.
Dogs will NEVER thrive on something that makes up only 50% of what they actually need


Please consult a vet on what is best for your dog though. Just cause some random on the internet did it doesn't mean it's what's right for your pet.


This is for anyone who thinks that you need to feed raw in order to get rid of dog farts. Sometimes the farts could be a sign of your dog's intolerance to a specific ingredient in your kibble brand. My cane Corso also used to have this farting problem (same situation, it was impossible to be in the same room with him) and it went away completely after we switched the kibble brand. We did go for a premium hypoallergenic brand that costs quite a lot but it's worth it because our dog can't eat raw food due to his age and extremely sensitive stomach. Also if anyone can afford it, insect protein kibble is amazing (it's super expensive though).


brady is just such a vibe i cant even-


We make out dogs food as well. Except 1 of our girls farts still smell like something crawled up her farted then died. It's so bad her sister will literally fly across the room off our bed.


Sponsored content without a disclaimer. YT really needs to update their policies to account for shorts advertising.


I lost my puppers awhile ago and I miss his stinky farts so badly— never ever though I’d say _that, _ but you never know what you miss until it’s completely _gone_ .. 😢❤


He's eating healthier then I am 😂


Btw many many vets are against raw diets and you have to be really careful in getting good quality meat and making sure you give enough nutrients. I know in some clinics if your dog is on a raw diet workers have to wear gloves and what not because of the potential bacteria


You definitely need the correct amount of calcium phosphorus for Young dogs... So the precise amounts of bone offal and meat need to be calculated by a professional either a vet or an animal nutritionist. And the risk of salmonella or Campylobacteriosis is higher... Not only for your pet but for the owners too


Way to go! All my two Dobermans and five Maine Coons get raw diet and they’re the healthiest (according to the vet).


Kids, lemme tell you a rule of thumb for the internet: if there's a discount code in the description, discount the opinion.


You can tell he loves it
Chomping the greens too
Lovely dog❤


Please ask your vet about your dog’s diet. Some complications with raw diet could be bacterial infection (Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes) and unbalanced meals (too much fat and protein can cause liver failure, obesity, anemia, diarrhea, where on the other hand not enough vitamins and minerals can cause avitaminosis which has many of its own risks)


Oh wow, Brady eats his veggies! What a good boy! Our Corgi is a super picky eater and would leave anything he doesn't like left in the bowl.


Guys, PLEASE talk to a vet about what they recommend for your dog’s diet. Raw diets can be great BUT you need to make sure you’re giving your dog the things they need to be healthy!


👌That looks super healthy! Love the added sardine, fruits, and veggies because dogs are omnivores too.


I'm glad he's feeling better.


That is a ton of food for that size dog!


I have an almost 4 year old white male boxer nicknamed Sir farts alot 😂 there's no stopping the farting. Digestive vitamins have made a huge difference.
