My CORGI DISGUSTED By FART SOUNDS! || Life After College: Ep. 741

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My Corgi Does not like the sound of farts. He has some cute and funny reactions when offended. ALSO: What happened to my stomach, new coral, College friends visit with a puppy, Hui Lau Shan mango dessert, Opening Birthday Mail, Pan Fried Dumpling Restaurant and More!

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P.O. Box 111124
Campbell, CA 95011-1124

- Morning walk to charging Tesla with dog
- My Stomach Ache Problem (why I haven't been vlogging)
- Corgi loves cheek rubs
- Opening Birthday Fan Mail Presents
- Corgi eating Greenie
- My College Classmates from Cornell visit with their 1 year old Puppy Kaya (Gatsby's Reaction)
- Taking my friend to Hui Lau Shan (Mango desserts) getting Mango Crisp and D3 Drink
- Shipping out Merch orders from Fans (new summer merch T-shirts, mugs, and bags)
- Gatsby still looks like a puppy
- Dog Exercise at the Park & Drying off on the carpet
- Trying Pan Fried Dumplings in Newark CA with my friends
- Secret Word & Good Night!
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If you haven’t seen Ryen’s recent Instagram post or you don’t have Instagram, or your on iPad and don’t have access to the YouTube Community Tab, Gatsby hasn’t been doing well. Gatsby’s had trouble breathing for a while, which was thought to be allergies, but recently it got worse. Gatsby had to be taken to urgent care vets who scoped Gatsby’s nose and found a mass (not a polyp). The vets said this is serious. Ryen’s been very sad about this. Seeing that post was so saddening. I pray for Ryen and Gatsby during these tough times 🥺😢❤️🙏🏻. Stay strong, and may you both heal.

Update: Gatsby’s getting checked by UC Davis on Monday! Ryen feels super relieved now. We pray all goes well ❤️🙏🏻

Update: Gatsby has been even more uncomfortable, and Ryen’s having an extremely difficult time emotionally. Ryen’s parents are flying over from Hawaii to support him and Gatsby. Ryen and Gatsby have been spending time at the park mentally preparing for the obstacles ahead. Ryen’s going to be staying at a hotel at UC Davis for a few nights, so he can get to the hospital quickly and prepare for the appointment. A GoFundMe has been set up that’ll cover the medical bills. You can find it on the CorgiOnFleek site. You can see it right when you visit the site. The goal has almost been reached at the time I’m writing this. I feel so bad for Ryen and Gatsby. They’re amazing and their videos always make us smile. The appointments getting closer. Stay strong. We love you. We support you. We continue to keep you two in our prayers 🥺😢❤️🙏🏻

Update: Another CT scan was done today, and since the CT scan before that, the mass has grown faster than normal. That’s concerning… they’ll soon figure out what kind of cancer it is and they’ll begin treatment plans. Radiation therapy is scheduled for early next week. The night before the appointment is so sad to hear about, as Gatsby was gasping for air all night. A chunk of the biopsy was taken so Gatsby can breathe a little better. Gatsby is spending the night at the hospital so he doesn’t bleed from the biopsy. Let’s hope for a good biopsy result on Thursday 🙏🏻. Good news is, most dogs react well to radiation therapy, but sadly, it’ll most likely return. The survival rate for a treated dog with nasal cancer is 1 year. Seeing that part saddens me a lot… The GoFundMe goal has been updated based on what the vets said, but the goal may change once the type of cancer is revealed from the biopsy. At least Gatsby is in good hands now, as he now has help. I hope Ryen and Gatsby continue to be together and spend more time with each other. Much love to you two ❤️🙏🏻

Some good news, the test results came in from Gatsby’s lymph node cytology and it turned out negative, which means no cancer there! The cancer is contained for now, but the vets still consider it stage 1 cancer. It hasn’t reached Gatsby’s eyes or brain. Since the last CT scan a week ago, the cancer has now blocked both nostrils, and only the left one was blocked last week. It’s growing so fast 😢. Radiation treatment is scheduled for Monday, but the sad thing is, now that the cancer has began to eat his bone, and treatment type is limited. The biopsy results are to come on Thursday. While we wait, the oncologist will map out and create a mold of Gatsby’s skull and to a computer to get Gatsby ready for radiation treatment. The machine is so accurate that it can easily locate the tumor and and be careful to avoid his eyes or mouth. Gatsby’s fur will not have to be shaved, but his fur might get slightly discolored where the radiation treatment will apply. Gatsby is now on anti-inflammatory medicine so Gatsby is more comfortable and can breathe better. The GoFundMe has passed the current goal of $22, 000 by over $5, 000. Gatsby is in such good hands and I hope you both heal. Continuous prayers for Ryen and Gatsby 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️

Update after biopsy: Ryen has received a call from the head oncologist at Davis who gave the biopsy results. Gatsby has a sarcoma… that’s cancer of the connective tissue. The type of tumor is still unknown. Lab tests will be done, but the answer won’t change the treatment plan. They mentioned that the cells are splitting smaller quickly so it’s good that they’re moving forward quickly. Radiation treatment begins Monday, and it’ll be for 3 continuous days. It’s a newer form of treatment instead of going in for 17 days. Sad thing is… (it hurts typing this), nasal cancer currently doesn’t have a cure, and is only treatable. It will come back and maybe the next treatment won’t be as effective. (Praying it doesn’t worsen overtime 🙏🏻) It’s really only about how much time it can buy for Gatsby. Thinking of this, Ryen still breaks down… I feel SO bad… Gatsby’s still breathing heavily, but isn’t struggling or gasping for air like before. During the biopsy, they removed a little piece of the tumor to open up Gatsby’s blocked airway. Gatsby’s sneezing, which the vets said it’s to be expected. The anti-inflammatory pills seem to be helping which is good. The last part of the update also hurts to type… it’s just so saddening… Ryen’s still very devastated. Ryen’s grateful for his family’s company. Ryen feels very uncertain about things which cause him to stress. Ryen said “I guess I’m just going to have to get used to living with that.” I pray that Ryen and Gatsby get better and at least have Gatsby live longer and make more positive memories 🥺😭🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

Update after radiation: Gatsby’s got this treatment done, and he’ll continue the treatment tomorrow and Wednesday. Before treatment, there’s been some breathing struggles and bleeding 😢. It takes a while for the cancer to be affected by the radiation. Ryen hopes the cancer is defeated, and doesn’t return for a long, long time. Continuous prayers for Gatsby to live a long life and get better, and Ryen to get better and spend more time with his good boi Gatsby🙏🏻❤️

Update: Gatsby made it through radiation! It’ll take 2-3 weeks for the treatment to effect the cancer. It’ll attack the cancer cells but they won’t die until they try to multiply. Gatsby still has trouble breathing, and Ryen’s dad noticed that Gatsby has a lower energy level. It’s hard to sleep when you can’t breathe. We hope Gatsby will get quality sleep soon. Gatsby is still acting like himself, and the vet said if other symptoms occur, it’ll be within a week. Ryen said he needs to be super careful with Gatsby. Due to the cancers location, Gatsby will be prone to nasal infection and easily catching colds. The cancer ate away Gatsby’s nasal filtering system. The bone near his teeth is also super fragile. The vets explained to Ryen that radiation kills cancer cells but microscopic, meaning super small cells always live. The survivors are the ones resistente to radiation. Those resistant cells will be the ones multiplying and growing. Treatment in the future may not be as effective 😢. The type of cancer still hasn’t been determined. Tests have been coming negative. This is concerning as the doctors say the cancer could’ve evovled many times. More tests will be ran and Ryen should hear back in another week. There will be an upcoming appointment in a little over a week. Ryen received a certificate that the UC Davis Radiation Team signed and they wrote pawsitive messages which was so cute and heart warming ❤️ Ryen has just posted a video about Gatsby a few hours ago as of when I’m typing this. It’s very sad and hard to watch, though. Continuous prayers for you two 🙏🏻❤️

Update: It’s been a few days after radiation and Gatsby is doing a lot better. The vets said it would take 2-3 weeks for radiation results. Gatsby has already stopped bleeding and seems to be able to breathe through his nose again. Not fully, but at least it’s not fully clogged like before. His nose still makes sounds but not like before. The amount of times Gatsby sneezes and choked has been noticeably less. Ryen’s dad noticed Gatsby’s energy levels and alertness are way better over the last week. Ryen thinks Gatsby is able to get some sleep. These signs have been very promising. Ryen thanks us for overwhelming support from us in the latest video. Ryen says the Corgi Community is so special. We really went hard on the CorgiOnFleek merch website and the GoFundMe. Ryen says to be patient with orders right now. Ryen’s so grateful to have been able to treat Gatsby so soon because of us. Ryen believes it may have made all the difference. Ryen and Gatsby been sitting and staring at each other, trying to appreciate the time they have together as much as Gatsby’s does ❤️. I’m so glad they’re doing way better and I hope it stays that way. We don’t want Gatsby to go so soon… we’re still praying for you two 🙏🏻❤️

Update: I’ve removed older updates and I’m replacing it. Gatsby’s doing better but he’s losing some fur around this nose and eyes. In a recent UC Davis follow up Gatsby is officially diagnosed with fibrosarcoma. It’s concerning to the oncologists since it took so long to discover the type of cancer. It seems like 2023 calendar production is going well. Kohki, a photographer who helped make the 2022 calendar came back to visit. Ryen and Gatsby also went on another family trip trying to make the best memories. Keeping going and making memories and recover, we pray ❤🙏🏻


I’d never imagine that Gatsby’s recently diagnosed cancer would affect me so much, so I can’t even imagine how you must feel… You have everyone’s love and support and I sincerely hope that you find a specialist who can help Gatsby recover! Both you and Gatsby can pull through!! ❤️❤️❤️


Hey Ryen regarding a veterinary oncologist, Dr Katharine Andres seems to have the best reputation in your area. She's at the VCA animal Hospital in San Leandro. I tried to post the link here, but YouTube deleted my comment because of that. So look up the Dr/hospital info. The hospital is on Washington Ave and open 24hrs.


Out of the billions of things in the world there are 2 things Gatsby dislikes the most; “Fart” sounds, and Selena Gomez! Haha! Hearing Ryen’s experience with his stomach problem cause by the ibuprofen sounds horrible, so glad that he’s feeling much better now! The aquarium is coming along pretty nicely! Can’t wait to see the aquarium grow even more in the future! It’s so awesome to see Ryen keeping in touch with his college/high school friends! I remember seeing Raina in the older vlogs! Rest In Peace Arnie. I think back to the older vlogs seeing Gatsby and him running around in the park and the “Corgi vs Great Dane” video. As usual, whatever Ryen showcases for dinner tends to look so good! Happy Birthday Ryen! Are you turning “26” again? Haha! Hope you have an awesome Birthday!


Cancer 😢 I'm praying Gatsby and you get through this, stay strong you both!


Gatsby and Ryan, we are keeping you in our prayers, we love you so much.


I am so happy you got an appt! I have been praying and trying to help here in MI. Take care of yourself and just relax knowing things are happening and you're a great Dad.
I cry a lot over this as well, you're not alone. Now there's some relief.


Been thinking about Gatsby so much. I see in the comments how much joy he has brought to so many. He is maybe the most loved pup!! I hope he will get well soon, and I hope you're taking care of yourself too, Ryen!


Prayers for Gatsby and that the doctors can heal him. 🙏🐾🙏


We are pulling for him.. our family are praying we need you Gatsby.


Lmao the way gatsby just stops smiling after hearing the fart 😂


Gatsby is so cute when he reacts to “Fart”, my type of corgi. Glad your feeling better


My frenchie and I have been watching your videos for years. I've learned so much from Ryen on how to become a better fur mom. Stay strong Ryen! There's a lot of us around the world that is praying for Gatsby and you.


I hope Gatsby gets better and everything turns out well for you both. Sending lots of love your way


Gatsby looks so great! It must be from losing all that weight due to running away from Ryen"s farts! Hope you have the happiest of birthdays, Ryen! Thanks for always making me smile! Love, Margie from Kansas City.


This one had me laughing. Our Corgi, Cosmo, gets seriously offended by farts too. Cosmo isn’t quite as nice about it though. He barks like a crazy dog and then runs away. Thanks for the good laugh today!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Hey Gatsby and Ryen, I just wanted to say you guys bring me so much joy whenever you upload. I’ve been watching you guys for a long time. Keep up the amazing quality, and I hope you have a great day :)


Your channel has been helping me more than zoloft


You and Gatsby stole my heart even before I got my own Corgi. From here in Va Jamison and I send love and prayers for Gatsby 💜♥️


Please hang in there Ryen 🍀 all my prayers are for Gatsby and u!✨ do not worry about vlogging just spend your time with your best friend 🥺💓
