S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Серце Чорнобиля — Developer Deep Dive

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Час детально роздивитися S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Серце Чорнобиля! Разом з командою розробки пориньте в подорож ігровим світом та локаціями Зони, процесом кінематографічної режисури та вперше пройдіть сюжетний квест на Болотах.

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I'll admit to being worried recently with how many delays we've seen and how so much of the trailers have seemed scripted but the gameplay here is SUPER encouraging. The game feels both very new but very old-school in the best way. Hats off, GSC, I'm back on the hype train to The Zone.


Hello my Ukrainian friends, I'm from the Czech Republic and I'm proud that part of your development team works in our country, the game looks absolutely amazing and I can't wait to play it.


I'm so immersed in this I almost tried to quicksave.


The game of my childhood is back! This gameplay looks so familiar—it's the same game but prettier. I remember the old days playing COP on minimum settings because my mom couldn't afford a better graphics card for me. She took me to the store one afternoon and bought the 9400GT. I would turn on HDR and all the fancy effects for a few seconds, just to see them, then go back to playing with static lighting haha. I was so happy anyway. Now, my RTX 4080 is ready for this beauty. My mom beat her cancer this March, and she's more alive and gorgeous than ever. I guess I'm really, really lucky. Thanks for the game, guys!


Ех, коли був на фронті і сталкер появився в передзамовлені купив максимальну версію і весь час боявся не дожити до релізу, слава Богу тепер все обійшлось і тепер без проблем можу чекати на реліз, але нагадаю всім ЧЕСТЬ ВСІМ ХТО ЧЕКАВ ТА НЕ ЗМОЖЕ БІЛЬШЕ ПОГРАТИ В ГРУ🫡🫡🫡
Успішного старту, та довгого життя цій грі🫡
Слава Україні!
Слава її Героям!
Слава тим хто чекав, тане не дожив🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡


Шикарно, ребята, просто шикарно! Я смотрю на эти пейзажи, на эти руины и вспоминаю сразу как я, будучи мелким смотрел как батя играл в первый сталкер, а я смотрел просто рядом. Теперь буду собирать для него комп, чтобы он смог поиграть в продолжение спустя более десяти лет. Спасибо!


As a Stalker fan who played the first game day one in 2007 after six years of waiting, waiting a few more months isn't an issue. I'm glad the game exists at all in our modern troubled world and what they've shown today looks incredible and definitely seems to have the soul of Stalker, as they said. 15 years older, the same hype!


Я в одночасно радий що ГСК в безпеці і скоро випустять цей шедевр, і засмучений, адже мій батько так і не дочекався довгоочікуваного продовження. Тато, я знаю що ти не помер, а загубився в зоні. Буду проходити за двох нас. ❤


Delays? I dont care. the Stalker community's been waiting for Stalker 2 since ~2013 and by gods : this Latvian urges for a well done game. Take delays.. take all the time you need! We can wait!

o7 to all yall!


То є саме те слово котре визначає моє ставлення до цієї гри 😊
Я з дитинства граю в цю гру і обожнюю всю серію)
Передзамовив з самого дорогого регіону XBOX Європи, з польського 😅
Чекаю з нетерпінням, кохаю вас безмежно!


I don’t care how many delays it takes as long as the game is good and the developers are safe it’s a win


Честь і шана Сталкерам які не дочикались цього Шедевра !!!!


Replaying the trilogy atm... This looks so like A WORTHY SEQUEL. Thank You for being You, GSC, especially in these troubling times!


Прыемна бачыць ў складзе GSC нашага земляка, у хлопца нават патчы дзьвюх маіх любімых фракцыі з трылогіі і патч сапраўдных беларускіх ваяроў, дзякуй вам за працу! Вельмі чакаю Сталкер 2, Слава Ўкраіне!


Wygląda to świetnie. Powrót to tego pięknego świata już blisko...


"Unavailable" is maybe not the best label for the doors that are blocked. "Blocked" would entice a player to figure out how to unblock the door. "Unavailable" makes me think I need to purchase a DLC to open the door.


Now I can't wait for the 40+ hours video from Anomalous Dogout explaining every detail on this presentation.


I can't wait to get back to The Zone, it was totally worth the wait you guys did great, good hunting S.T.A.L.K.E.R


In 35 years of gaming, no other series has caught my imagination like STALKER.
The atmosphere, the world, the intrigue. The need to explore and unravel the Zone's mysteries and live the fantasy of just another nobody trying to survive and profit from it.
I've never been so immersed.
This project looks truly special and I am one of many gamers who is so grateful to you guys at GSC for bringing it to us.
This STALKER thanks you, I can't wait for November!


God it just looks like a proper sequel. It's the same, familiar game but with the refinement and development needed to go "it's literally that same game you loved, but more". Seriously looking forward to the release.
