Did Elvis Really Go to the Playboy Mansion? And, MORE of Your Questions!

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Welcome back! Glad to have you with us on this beautiful Sunday afternoon! We have hit over 13,000 subscribers! Thank You and keep on sharing with your friends! Today, we have more of your questions! Enjoy!!!
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Ok. Did anyone see that ORB that crossed the screen early in the video. Elvis is definitely with you guys!! He will always love and cherish his family.... God Bless you all!


I love it when Billy says something funny & Jo laughs; love hearing Jo and Danielle laugh!❤


Billy and Jo, you two are just absolutely adorable ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I love hearing them talking about the things with Elvis.


Billy and Jo you are the Elvis experts! Thank you for sharing your memories! Be well!


Yes!! I saw the orb!! 😮 Wow!! It must be Elvis’ spirit.


I love Ann-Margret 😊Beautiful inside and out😊


Jo, you are a very attractive older lady but I saw several of your pictures during the Elvis years but dang you were a LOOKER! You had to fight the boys off I’m sure😘. Very beautiful…..I’m sure Billy was so proud of you❣️


My momma was a patient of Dr. David Meyer. She had a tumor behind her eye. He placed a radioactive plate in there which killed that tumor. He saved her eye. After that she never had very good sight in that eye however was just grateful to still have her eye. She loved Dr. Meyer. He really cared for his patients.


Great Session guys. Just wanted to Wish Billy all the Very Best for his Operation & hoping its a great success for his knee pain! Thoughts & prayers 🙏will be with you this week. Jo too, its hard on those loved ones waiting it out.🌈🌻

In the Book" Destined to Die Young" by Sally Hoedal (very well researched Book, Billy is quoted in it a lot) Danielle, it mentions about Elvis's "Glaucoma "problem could have been Hereditary as it often is if you get it @ younger age, Elvis in his 30s, Starting at page 203 & 204 onwards it explains that Dodger"(Grandma Presley) had trouble with her eyes, had to wear dark sunglasses, sensitive to light.
In most family photos shes wearing tinted sunglasses night & day. Lamar Fike noted it too. Nancy Rooks the Cook noted similarity in grandma & grandson Elvis's eye problems, she spent many hrs putting eye drops in grandmas eyes. Tish Henley Kirk Elvis's Nurse also noted Dodgers Eye problems.
Also overuse of steroids can contribute it says & Elvis was prescribed a lot of steriods in the 1970s for treating ongoing infections & bowel issues. So combination of genetic predisposition & enviromental factors made an issue for Elvis getting Glaucoma in early life! That Needle Elvis had in his Eye would have been very painful to relieve the pressure, they didnt have "Lasers" like they have now(Im glad because I've had the laser, cant even imagine having a needle in it, like Danielle makes me squirm) would have been horrible for Elvis! That explains why the Bright lights of the Stage affected him in later days. Bodyguards had to guide him off stage. He was sensitive to the bright lights.
I recommend ALL Elvis Fans to read that Book, it is so well written & researched. You will have even more Empathy & greater understanding for what Elvis went thru with his Health(Lifelong issues) & why he needed the pain meds & sleep meds for life long insomnia. Explains a lot, the poor guy!😢🥺.
💖Aussie🐨🦘 EFM Follower


I believe Elvis probably loved making the movies in Hawaii best!!! 😊


Billy Smith is a national treasure because he is just about the last person to know the true elvis


I would love to know if Billy ever saw Elvis PRACTICE any of his iconic dance moves or were they improvised.. I can picture him working on some moves in a mirror. Billy, I know you were young of course in the beginning but did you ever see any thing like that? Bob Brady in Michigan just wondering. Fascinating videos.


Billy i wish you the best of luck for your surgery! Jo, I know you'll take great care of him!❤❤❤


thanks for lifting my Day, from people who actually knew the man. You are very honest and kind. Thanks, Be Blessed. 💓💗Mary


Like always, I hate when your video is over. I can't wait for the Sunday videos. I'm amazed at Billy's and Jo's memory for the smallest details. Such wonderful people! Danielle, I'm like you if someone mentions eyes, mine start watering. Wishing the best for Billy with his surgery and Jo with caring for him while he recuperates.


This was a really good one.. I remember around 2000 at Gold Strike casino I asked Jo if she thought Elvis would have liked Bill Clinton she said No although they has a lot in common. Refering to women Im sure. Lol. Anyway I was talking to Billy first and im pretty sure Danny, maybe joey maybe there freind there too. They were all really so nice and Patient with my questions. Jo couldn't believe I knew who they were. She asked me how did you know who we were. This was long before all these videos. Jo will remember this cause she has great memorie. Love yall ! Paul.


Thanks EFM for this video! Like the questions and answers
Very interesting when you were talking about the movie sets and how they filmed! What an experience for Elvis and all those involved with making theses movies!🎥 How exciting to meet all the stars filming with Elvis! Always liked Ann Margaret, she seemed down to earth! Thanks again for all your input on these videos! Prayer 🙏 always for Smith Family and this Elvis community!💕👍🎥


Billy, Jo and Danielle OMG, I just saw an ORB go across the screen from top left
To right when Jo was talking at around 2:33 wow! It was SO clear!!! This is the 2nd video I have seen that happen!😮😮
We all know who that was.
❤️😉🙏🏻Beautiful -


I really liked "Wild In The Country" great movie!
