Elvis’s last performance #elvis #elvispresley #singer #shorts #shortvideo

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I was 10 years old when Elvis died. I was born in Memphis, and I still live in Memphis today. I'll never forget the day Elvis passed. The city was shocked when the news broke that Elvis had died around 3:00 o'clock on that very very hot day in the city, people were all gathering at Graceland by the thousands. It got so crowded by night fall that people were passing out and Elvis Presley Boulevard was shut down. The day Elvis was buried there were thousands among thousands of people from all over the world and Hollywood that descended on Memphis. During the funeral procession the streets were packed with people from the front gates at Gracland, and all the way to the cemetery where Elvis was first buried until his body was moved back to Graceland. To this day thousands of people from all over the world travel to Memphis to pay tribute to the King of Rock and Roll. RIP Elvis.


I remember this... I was 13 years old when Elvis died. I can remember talking to my dad about this who was the same age as Elvis. My father a few years later..


I was 13 years old when Elvis passed away. I cried a lot. I grew up listening to Elvis. He was really amazing person. I wish I could of seen him in person. R.I.P. You are not for gotten. Here it is 2025. And you are still amazing. 👍❤️🫂👏🇺🇸


Elvis was the best!!!! Talk about that not how he died or bad things. Talk about all the good things he did and achieved!!!❤❤❤❤ RIP love you forever and always ❤❤❤🙏🏻😇


Elvis, 42 years old, so sad! He was such a wonderful man! We will never forget him!❤❤❤


Thank you Elvis for sharing your beautiful voice and kind heart with the world.❤


How on gods earth...HOW, after his comeback special, where he was back to his very VERY best, looking super fit and healthy, sounding incredible... in in 9 short years ..allowed to deteriorate to the point of him looking very UNhealthy in the early 70s....then pass away ????!!...it truly was a tragedy, not only was he a truly magical and extremely talented performer...he was, as a person totally genuine and humane, he treated all he met the same, a truly honest and decent man....its such a shame...he was without a shadow of doubt the KING 👑


Shush your mush and just let the king sing. only wanted to hear that sweet voice sing unchained melody here


Qui in Italia abbiamo due grandi cantanti Mina e Celentano due dei migliori al mondo, che si somo ritirati da fare spettacoli che erano ancora giovani, fanno solo canzoni credo 1 o 2 all'anno, e vivonoda grandi miliardari senza uccidersi dal lavoro, poteva farlo meglio anche Elvis Presley, e doveva fregarsene di dover mantenere tutta quellagentalia che la fatto morire di lavoro per mantenerli tutti


He could have lived so much longer, at least to the mid-2000s. R.I.P Elvis Presley / The King of Rock & Roll.


I saw this on TV alone one night right after he died. My wife was at a class. When he sang the Sinatra song "My Way" I almost cried. He was in such bad shape that he couldn't even remember the words but his singing was pure gold.
I though, with that voice and those looks, he could have done anything jazz, country, opera, anything, but he really had done it his own way. And it was really special.


I love Elvis, probably my most favorite artist of all time but it wasn’t mysterious at all, he lived a hard life and he used hard methods to cope with that hard life, no mystery there. God bless his soul.


Everyone goes on about elvis death what about his contribution to music and achievements


BLESS HIS HEART.. ♥️ Breaks Ours💔🥲MISS YOU SIR …🙏🏼


Rock on Elvis into Eternity forever. ❤❤️. 🥺 Go with Almighty GOD. 💖


Why did he let himself go like this? He was such a good looking dude. Even overweight he still had it. Rip the king


Elvis was and is the best entertainer ever. He was stunning, beautiful and absolutely talented. Live❤


Unchained Melody, Indianapolis 1977. The clips of him with the Lei are Honolulu 1973.


350 please! Elvis was 230-240 tops and he was 6 ft tall I saw him 4-21-77. He was just very sick mega colon weighed 30 lbs at autopsy, this was not his last concert but next to it, he was and is the GOAT! I met him in 76 he was so handsome and beyond kind and loving, we love him Always and Forever, the King


Love you Elvis keep rocking and rollen pull out your classics and give them a show if your feeling it
