Memory Training Books | Best Memory Improvement Books

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Ron White's - Memory Improvement book

Memory expert and USA Memory Champion, Ron White lists the memory training books that have impacted him.

Kevin Trudeau's Mega Memory
Harry Lorrayne's The Memory Book
Scott Flansburg's Math Magic
Dominic Obrien's Quantum Memory
Are some of the ones mentioned in this video.

I have taken all the memory courses mentioned in this video except Ramon's but I know he is very successful in speed memory.

Memory training has really changed me life and I hope you enjoy the memory books I recommended

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Here's the list:
• Kevin Trudeau's Mega Memory
• Harry Lorrayne's The Memory Book
• Remembering People Harry Lorayne
• Tansel Ali
• Quantum Memory Power
• Book by Dominic O'Brien
• Maximize Your Memory by Ramon Campayo
• Math Magic


Really appreciate you, Ronnie. Harry Lorayne is a legend, His vitality and showmanship are unmatchable.


To introduce others ppl rather than Ur self this shows How awesome Ur R.Thx


Just started to seriously look at learn about memory at nearly 50 wish had done it years ago, thanks Ronnie for all your great and enthusiastic teaching I am already seeing fruit from the teaching you guys are putting out there richest blessings, great book reviews too!


I definitely appreciate you sharing what inspired you, Ron. You're a champion in more ways than one for doing that.


A fantastic video Ron - once again, thank you for your superior content. The more I watch you, the more I admire not only your abilities, but also your generosity.

I've done other memory courses, but your is the best because of it's ease of use, outstanding delivery and the professional way it's been put together. I tried Pmemory first...

This video is particularly generous of you. As a bibliophile and someone who's determined to keep on track with memory studies, I'm compelled to buy your recommendations (and those listed by Anthony Metivier) and will continue to recommend you.

Thanks again Ron and keep up the good work.


Hey man, I just want to say that your videos are awesome and very useful! You definitely should make "Memory Books part2".Good work, keep it up!


I was impressed by your book (How to improve your memory in just 30 days)! Thank you for writing it!


The bevarage above the books is the secret!!!


Great recommendations, Ron! The first memory book I ever read was Scott Hagwood's "Memory Power", which I found to be a nice, gentle introduction to memory techniques, as well as a bit of a bio of how Scott got interested in memory after being diagnosed with a brain tumor and eventually became a 4-time USA Memory Champion.


A great list. It's sad that Trudeau's training gets a bad rap from a lot of people due to other aspects of his career that have nothing to do with the merits of this particular program.

In addition to your stuff (just read your names book the other day, actually), I love Mark Channon's How to Remember Anything, especially the supplementary workbook. It's got a lot of brilliant exercises.

I'm now reading Where Did Noah Park The Ark? by Eran Katz right now. It has some super-interesting angles and funny stories from his life and experiences as a memory trainer.

I also recently went through The Missing Memory Link: Reprogramming Verbal Memory by James Rowan. This book has some compelling ideas about improving memory in different ways that I'm playing around with now. It seems to be mostly applicable to people with dyslexia, but a really interesting read that will challenge how you think (or don't think) about the way your mouth uses words.

Finally, I'd mention The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci by Jonathan D. Spence. You have to interpret some principles out of it because it's a history book about a mnemonist rather than a guide, but what a fascinating story about an Italian Jesuit who took his techniques to China in the 16th Century. I was just in Beijing and thanks to having read this book, knew his grave was in the city and got to check it out. And since it's not a small little tombstone but a site of great prominence, the tomb of Matteo Ricci itself makes for a really great Memory Palace.

Thanks for the great video. Love this kind of stuff! :)


There's one memory book I really learned so much from, but I can't remember what it was called. Lame! I know. Seriously, I have used the books you mentioned for years in a variety of ways. The most entertaining and inspiring book on the subject is Moonwalking with Einstein. Joshua Foer goes from reporter to pretty good memory competitor at the national level in about a year. He gives a lot of information about memory and learning and competitions in a very entertaining way.


How about "The Ultimate Memory Book" by Robert Sandstrom? That is the best book on this topic that I have seen.


I can't express my gratitude in words, if i could Id take you to heaven, but I can only pray for you atm.... You are truly a good person, and in this world good is higher than money.


I'd like to mention Harry's Lorayne's "The Complete Guide to Memory Mastery", since it is really two books in one. It is a reprint of Lorayne's previous books "How to Develop a Super Memory", and "Secrets of Mind Power". This combined book does have some formatting errors and typos that were not in the original books. It's strange. But you'll figure it out and you are getting two books for $4 from eBay or Amazon.


I am very grateful to Ron
Thank you for all of your videos....


My friend and I used Stop Forgetting by Bruno Furst to prepare for comprehensive exams in our Ph.D. program. We breezed through the exams. Unlike Kevin Trudeau, Dr. Furst was never sentenced to ten years in federal prison.


Hi Ron. I see you are a prolific reader. Did you read all those books? Thank you for your efforts for teaching us and I look forward to watching more of your videos.


thanks Ron for the great videos. i just ordered your book 'how to remember names' looking forward to it. thks


Might it be possible to get the list of memory books you recommended in the video? Yes, yes, ... I need to work on my memory.
