Meet the Textile Indie Team and Learn How I Got Started in Fiber Arts

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We started out with a blog sharing posts about the skills I have been learning over the past twenty years. From there we began our YouTube channel and built a basketry program for folks who have a passion for making things and want to relax, learn something new, get into their bodies, and create something beautiful and functional.

I wanna share a bit about TI and the team- the roles we play and how we as sisters work with Mom to create this business.

Join me in today's vlog episode to meet Cheri and Bailey and hear a little bit about our roles at Textile Indie and how I got started in fiber arts.

Do you want more textile and fiber arts resources, tutorials, and inspiration? Sign up for my bi-monthly email update and you will receive my lists of ten resources for each fiber art category as well as news on new tutorials, courses, fiber artists to get inspired by, and more.
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Recommended Playlists:

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Learn basket weaving with my online video courses for a variety of basket designs:
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Thank you. Watching Textile Indie makes my heart happy.


I love that you are working together. My daughter and I just finished our first craft fair together. It was gratifying that we were able to blend her art work and comics in with my handwoven pillows into one booth. We came up with a new name for the collab, Brush & Shuttle.
